Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Quit Smoking.You Know You've Been Thinking About It

Quitting smoking doesn't have to be a horrible thing. Most people condition themselves to believe that quitting smoking is going to be more difficult than trying to swim upstream in a set of class four rapids with their hands tied. Quitting smoking only seems like it will be that difficult because that's what they've conditioned themselves to believe. Basically, they've bought into the hype. Kevin Eubanks said, "The belief that we are what the media says we are, what people perceive we are, is soon to be what we think we are. We are treated based on this warped perception. It is hard to get away from it.". That quote is exactly what happens in the battle to stop smoking. You see, most everyone that you hear from about the subject of quitting smoking are either smokers themselves or companies trying to sell you something to help you quit. You must realize this truth. The people that smoke themselves don't really want you to quit, so ant information that they provide is bogus and the companies simply want your money. They don't really want you to quit either. It's better for them if they're help kind of helps you and you keep purchasing their product time and time again. At this point you may be asking yourself how in the hell I know all of this? Well, because I smoked for more than 15 years and walked away from smoking forever without the aid of drugs, patches, gum, or anything. Once I realized the things I'm sharing in this article, it was simply walked away. I realized that smoking was all in my head! It is completely, 100%, mental! Change the way you think about smoking, and the act of smoking will change. It's exactly what I did. There was no magic. No pills to take. No gum to chew. Everything that I needed for quitting smoking was right inside of me the entire time. In some ways, I think that's why I started smoking. To come to that realization, and maybe that's the reason that you started smoking as well. To come to exactly that realization for yourself?

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