Saturday, January 30, 2010

Western Herbal Medicine

What is Herbal Medicine? Herbal Medicine is the use of plant remedies in the treatment of disease and is the oldest form of medicine known. Our ancestors, by trial and error, found the most effective local plants to heal their illnesses. Now, with the advancement of science enabling us to identify the chemical constituents within these plants, we can better understand their healing powers. Herbalism, while classified as complementary here in western countries, is still the most widely practiced form of medicine worldwide with over 80% of the world's population relying on herbs for health. How do Herbs Work? People have always relied on plants for food to nourish and sustain the body. Herbal medicine can be seen in the same way. Plants with a particular affinity for certain organs or systems of the body are used to feed and restore health to those parts which have become weakened. As the body is strengthened so is it's power and ability to fight off disease and when balance and harmony are restored, health will be regained. What are the Differences between Pharmaceutical and Herbal Medicines? Many of the pharmaceutical drugs used today are based on plant constituents and when scientists seek new cures for disease they first look to the plant world. They find, extract and then synthesize in the laboratory a single active constituent from the plant (the active constituent is the part of the plant that has a therapeutic value). This can then be manufactured on a large scale. Herbal medicines, however, are extracts from a part of the whole plant (eg. leaves, roots, flowers, berries, etc.) and contain hundreds, perhaps thousands of plant constituents. Herbalists believe that the active constituents are synergistically balanced within the plant and are made more or less powerful by the numerous other substances present. For example, synthetic diuretics (drugs that increase the flow of urine) seriously reduce the potassium level in the body, this has to be restored using potassium supplements. The Herbalist uses Dandelion leaves which are a potent diuretic but contain potassium to naturally replace that which is lost. What can Herbal Medicine Treat? Herbal Medicine can treat almost any condition that patients, from the very young to the very old, might take to their doctor. Common complaints seen by herbalists include: * Skin problems such as psoriasis, acne and eczema. * Digestive disorders such as peptic ulcers, colitis, IBS, heartburn and indigestion. * Cardiovascular problems like angina, high blood pressure, varicose veins and varicose ulcers. * Gynaecological disorders like premenstrual syndrome and menopausal problems. * Joint conditions such as arthritis, gout and inflammation. * Sleep disorders such as insomnia. * Mood disorders including anxiety, panic attacks, stress and depression. * Allergic conditions including seasonal allergies, asthma, wheezing and shortness of breath. * Migraines and headaches. * Colds and Flus and general immune boosting, including acute infections such as Urinary Tract Infections. Custom Approach to Treatment Because no two individuals are the same and the same disease can present differently in different people, it only makes sense that the herbal medicine given to each client is custom formulated solely for them. The Herbalist will determine the best herbs to use for the holistic approach of the illness and then determine the best method of administering the herbs, either through tinctures, teas, creams, etc. Each client that comes to see a Medical Herbalist will be given their very own customized herbal formulation to ensure that they get the best results.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

How I quit smoking

If your a smoker I have no doubt that at one time or another you will have thought about trying to quit smoking. In fact most if you will have gone a ste further and actually tried to quit smoking but statistics show over ninety percent will have failed in their bid to quit smoking. The question is then why do so many fail in their bid to quit smoking with so many products on the market to help you. I was a smoker from the age of fourteen like most people who start when they are teenagers I started mainly because of peer pressure. Although I never particularly liked the taste of smoking I never really thought of giving up my habit. However this all changed three years ago . My partner and I found out we were expecting our first child so I decided to finally try and quit smoking. Not just for my own health but for that of my unborn children (we were expecting twins). I started my quest to quit smoking with the most popular product on the market nicotine patches. For the first fortnight they seemed to be doing the job and helping me quit smoking but once the strength of the patches decreased so my urge to have a cigarette increased. By week three I was sneaking the odd cigarette here and there and by the forth week I was back where I started . Nicotine patches had failed and so had my first attempt to quit smoking. A few weeks passed and I decided I was ready to give it another go. This time I thought I would use nicotine gum to aid me in my bid to quit smoking. I don't think I have ever tasted anything as disgusting as nicotine gum in all my life. Despite the awful taste I tried to proceed but early into the second week I just could not handle the taste of the nicotine gum anymore. At no point during the nine or ten days did I go a full day without a cigarette so not only was nicotine gum awful in the taste but it was also a useless product to me. My second effort to quit smoking had also ended in miserable failure. I decided to try my GP for help in my mission to quit smoking. After discussing the methods I had used to try and quit smoking and fabricating the truth a little about my general health my GP prescribed me to a product called zyban. I was amazed at the almost instant results with zyban it seemed to kill my urges straight away. However this was another false dawn. A couple of weeks into using zyban I woke one morning feeling hot and flustered I then came out in an awful boil like rash. To cut a long story short I found out these where the effects caused by zyban. I later did a little research on zyban using the internet and found it to be a product that worryingly had many side effects, dangerous side effects, which on occasions had even caused death. I now thought my attempt to quit smoking was over. In a last ditch effort I trawled the internet for ideas on how to quit smoking and I came across a site that claimed they could show you how to use many techniques to help you to quit smoking just by using your own will power. I was skeptical but felt I had nothing to loose. I couldn't believe it when the methods actually worked. I kept thinking it would pass and my urges would over power me but sticking to the techniques actually worked. It's now just over two years since I quit smoking and I still can't believe that having tried the so called smoking aids nicotine patches, nicotine gum and even tablets in the form of zyban it was actually down to my own will power that finally helped me to quit smoking.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Stop Smoking Now

Do you want t6o stop smoking? I mean, do you really want to stop smoking? This is obviously the first question that has to be answered. I smoked a pack of heaters a day for the better part of 15 years and walked away from them forever. But for many of those years, I didn't want to quit. I wanted to smoke, or at least that's what I convinced myself that I wanted to do. The bottom line is that you can stop smoking now, if that's what you really want to do, and my guess would be that if you're reading this article, you want to stop smoking now. The first thing that must be done is for you top stop believing all of the hype surrounding quitting smoking, and there's a TON of it. You see, what I discovered is that most everyone wants you to believe that quitting is going to be difficult. That way you will be more apt to buy whatever their selling to "help" you. The truth is that quitting is as hard as you make it, remember I know because I quit after 15 years. So stop believing all the hype about how hard quitting is going to be. Begin by telling yourself that quitting is going to be simple and easy. Tell yourself how simple and easy quitting is going to be, even while you're still smoking. You see, everything starts with a thought, and you're thought about quitting needs to be on how simple and easy it's going to be. Then if the people around you want to talk about how difficult quitting is, simply remove yourself from these types of conversations. If you do this for a couple of months, as your thoughts about quitting begin to change, you'll find that the act of smoking will begin to change as well. You won't want to smoke as much. You'll begin to realize how truly disgusting smoking is. Smoking will begin to seem like something that you no longer want to be a part of. Before you know it, the day will come when you'll say to yourself, "that's it, I don't want to smoke anymore, I'm out!" And you'll stop smoking forever. This is exactly what happened to me. I changed the way I thought about smoking and soon the act of smoking changed. I didn't use gum, patches, drugs, or hypnosis, I simply walked away. It's all in how you think about it. Remember what Albert Einstein told us about this subject: " We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Trevor Kugler is co-founder of and an avid angler. He has more than 20 years experience fishing for all types of fish, and 15 years of business and internet experience. He currently raises his three year old daughter in the heart of trout fishing country..Montana!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Risk factors that can lead to obesity

Obesity is itself a risk factor for many diseases and can lead to complications like high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attacks, stroke, gallstones etc. But there are many factors, which can increase your risk of weight gain & obesity. You can not change or modify some of the risk factors like genetics, but there are some risk factors that you can change. Risk factors for obesity are: High calorie diet: Consumption of too many calories or high calorie foods and not getting enough physical activity to burn those calories results in weight gain & obesity. 1 gm of carbohydrate provides 4 calories, 1 gm of protein - 4 calories and 1 gm of fat - 9 calories. So, foods with high fat content are rich in calories. Also, foods & beverages like soft drink, desserts, which are high in sugar can also lead to weight gain. Physical inactivity: Your body weight is mainly determined by the balance between your calorie intakes from food with the calories you burn in daily activities. Inactivity or sedentary lifestyle is a major risk factor for obesity because extra calories, which are not used in physical activities, are deposited in body as fat. Psychological & emotional factors: Psychological factors can change eating habits. Some people overeat to deal with emotions like stress, boredom, anger & sadness. Genetics factors: Sometimes, obesity runs in families & if your parents are obese, your chances of being overweight are also high. Age: Incidence of obesity increases with increase in age. As physical activity level decreases with age, if caloric intake is not adjusted then extra calories will be deposited as fat. Cigarette smoking: Nicotine from cigarette increases metabolic rate of your body. High metabolic rate means more burning of calories by the body. When you quit smoking, you may gain weight temporarily. However, cigarette smoking is associated with lot of health problems and benefits of stopping cigarettes exceed the risk of temporary gain in weight. You can avoid this weight gain by increasing physical activity & reducing calorie intake. Drugs: Certain medications like corticosteroids, tricyclic antidepressants, antipsychotic medications can increase your risk of being obese Diseases or medical conditions: Obesity is associated with certain medical conditions like hypothyroidism (low thyroid function), Cushing's syndrome (excess hormone production by adrenal gland), arthritis (due to decrease physical activity). Alcohol: Alcohol contains calories & it also increases appetite. So, drinking alcohol can lead to weight gain due to the caloric content of the alcohol as well as its appetite-enhancing effects. So, you can control your weight by changing modifiable risk factors like high calorie diet, physical inactivity, and sedentary lifestyle & avoid complications of obesity.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What Long Beach Alcohol Treatment Can Do For You?

Has it been suggested to you that you consider checking yourself into a Long Beach alcohol treatment center? If so, have you given that suggestion some thought? If you have yet to do so, it is advised that you further examine Long Beach alcohol treatment centers. If Long Beach alcohol treatment was suggested to you, there is a good chance that someone that you know or loves suspects that you may have an alcohol problem. When it comes to checking yourself into a Long Beach alcohol treatment center, if you are like many other alcoholics, there is a good chance that you can come up with just about every excuse in the book as to why a Long Beach alcohol treatment center isn't right for you. This isn't necessarily because you don't want to seek treatment for your addiction, it likely just means that you are honestly unsure as to whether or not checking yourself into a Long Beach alcohol treatment center can do you any good. If you are curious as to exactly what checking yourself into a Long Beach alcohol treatment center can do for you, you will want to continue reading on. Perhaps, the most obvious thing that a Long Beach alcohol treatment center can do for you is help you get rid of your dependency on alcohol. When one becomes addicted to alcohol, the body begins to think that alcohol is needed to function and survive. That is why it is difficult, if not completely impossible, for many to get over their own alcohol addictions, without any assistance. Long Beach alcohol treatment centers are staffed with well trained and well educated staff; staff that knows exactly the perfect way to help you overcome your alcohol addition. In addition to helping you rid yourself of your dependency on alcohol, the goal of Long Beach alcohol treatment centers is to also help their patients get their lives back on track. Often times, many alcoholics do not seek professional assistance until they have hit rock bottom or until they have lost many of things that they hold near and dear in life, like their job, their friends, or their family. That is why it is advised that you seek treatment for your alcohol addiction immediately if your addiction is brought to your attention, even if you don't see it right away. Even if you do not seek treatment right away, a Long Beach alcohol treatment center can still help you repair your life, but it is important to remember that it won't happen overnight. The previously mentioned ways are just a few of the many ways that checking yourself into a Long Beach alcohol treatment center may be able to help you. For additional information, you are advised to contact one of your local Long Beach alcohol treatment centers and speak to a representative over the phone or schedule a consultation appoint, which should also get you a tour of the facility in question.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

12 Step Alternative Programs: Do They Really Work?

Do you feel that you have an alcohol dependency problem? If you do, are you interested in seeking treatment for your dependency? If you are, you likely already know all about outpatient rehab centers, as well as inpatient rehab centers, and programs like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), but did you know that there are other approaches that you can take to rid yourself of your alcohol dependency. You can do this with programs that are often referred to as 12 step alternative programs. When it comes to 12 step alternative programs, there are many who wonder exactly what they are. In all honesty, there are a number of different approaches used to describe 12 step alternative programs. In most cases, you will find that 12 step alternative programs are used to describe programs that are unconventional in nature. For instance, many Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) programs involve specific recovery steps, which are often referred to as twelve step programs. 12 step alternative programs give participants support to rid themselves of their alcohol dependences, but they also do so with a little bit more freedom. One of the most popular types of 12 step alternative programs are those that are focused on religion. Many of these 12 step alternative programs are run by churches and priests. Religious 12 step alternative programs focus more on the power of healing, prayer, and support than recovery steps that are set in stone. Even if you are currently not affiliated with a religion, you will likely find numerous churches in your area that would be willing to open up their doors to you and offer you assistance and support. Another popular type of 12 step alternative program involves the use of alternative medicine. This unconventional approach has been recommended by many as a nice, easy way to rid yourself of an alcohol dependency. Different types of alternative medicine have been used to reduce or completely eliminate alcohol dependency. Some of these approaches tend to include acupuncture, massage, and aromatherapy. If you are interested in giving alterative medicine a try, you will want to examine local alternative medicine health centers. As alternative medicine increases in popularity, they are easier to find; therefore, you should have a number of alternative medicine health centers to choose from. Although it is important to know what 12 step alternative programs are and what they include, you may be wondering whether or not they really work. If so, you are definitely not alone. The only problem is that there are differing opinions concerning 12 step alternative programs. For example, it would be more than possible to find a handful of recovering alcoholics who claim that the power of prayer helped them, but you are also likely to find others who claim that the same approach didn't offer them assistance. This is what makes many alcoholics, possibly just like you, unsure about what to do. Yes, undergoing a 12 step alterative program is taking a gamble, but most feel that it is a gamble worth taking. It is also important to mention the costs. In many cases you will find that 12 step alternative programs are not only flexible, but affordable as well.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

What a Los Angeles Alcohol Treatment Center Can Do For You?

Do you have a dependency on alcohol? If you do, have you ever thought about seeking treatment for your dependency? If you notice that alcohol is consuming your life, you may want to think about seeking help. If you live in or around the Los Angeles area, that help could come from a Los Angeles alcohol treatment center. When it comes to Los Angeles alcohol treatment centers, there are many individuals who wonder what one can do for them or one of their loved ones. In all honesty, there are a number of different ways that a Los Angles alcohol treatment center can help you or the person entering themselves into a center. If you are thinking about checking yourself into a Los Angles alcohol treatment center, but are not sure if you actually should, you will want to read on. One of the many things that checking into a Los Angeles alcohol treatment center can do for you is help you get rid of your alcohol dependency. If alcohol is consumed enough, the body begins to believe that it needs it to survive. The only problem is that not everyone knows this. This is what often leads to dependency problems. If you have an alcohol dependency problem, it is hard, if not impossible, to free yourself of your addiction on your own. There are many alcoholics who wonder why they should even bother or others who give up after they start seeing and feeling the signs of withdrawal, which can be very difficult and painful. By checking yourself into a Los Angeles alcohol treatment center, you are more likely to get the help that you need; help that will work. Although many just associate checking into a Los Angeles alcohol treatment center with getting rid of an alcohol problem, there is actually more that a Los Angeles alcohol treatment center can do for you and others who check in to them. Alcohol treatment centers can actually help you get your life back. Many alcoholics, possibly even you, have had alcohol take over their lives. It is not uncommon for an alcohol dependency to negatively impact your marriage or other romantic relationships and the relationship with your children or your friends. In fact, you may have even noticed work problems develop due to alcohol. When alcohol is omitted from your life, you may start to see the pieces of your life coming back together. It is also important to mention your family. By checking yourself into a Los Angeles alcohol treatment center, if you have an alcohol problem, you will not only be the only one benefiting from seeking treatment, your family can as well. When you think about it that way, the benefits of checking yourself into a Los Angeles rehab center are actually immeasurable.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Redondo Beach Alcohol Treatment: Why Professional Recommendations are the Best

Are you slowing noticing that you have an alcohol problem? If so, you are not alone. Many of those with alcohol dependencies expect that they would notice a problem right away, but many do not realize that they are often the last to know. That is why it is not uncommon for you, if you have an alcohol problem, to reach rock bottom before you realize that you need assistance. Whether you do end up hitting rock bottom or are lucky enough to realize that you may need assistance early on, it is advised that you seek Redondo Beach alcohol treatment. When it comes to seeking Redondo Beach alcohol treatment, there are many Redondo Beach residents, just like you, who wonder what the best approach to take is. As you likely already know, there are a number of different ways that you can go about getting treatment for your alcohol dependency problem. For instance, you could check yourself into a rehab treatment center, start seeing an addiction counselor, or start attending AA meetings. With a number of different choices, you may be unsure as to which Redondo Beach alcohol treatment option is best for you. If that is the case, you are advised to get professional assistance. That assistance could come from your primary care physician. Once you realize that you have an alcohol problem, it is advised that you schedule a visit with your primary care physician, which is also commonly referred to as a family doctor. Depending on the length of your alcohol abuse, your health may have suffered from your actions. That is why it is advised that you schedule a visit with your primary care physician, to undergo a physical examination. After that examination has ended, you may want to speak to your physician and ask them about all available Redondo Beach alcohol treatment options. In most cases, you will find that most primary care physicians want you to get help for your alcohol dependency problem; therefore, many are more than willing to offer suggestions. One of the many benefits to speaking to your primary care physician about Redondo Beach alcohol treatment approaches is that many have inside information. This information may include generalized estimates or information on success rates. Since primacy care physicians regularly see alcoholics, many are aware as to which Redondo Beach alcohol treatment approaches have the best results; results that may be able to offer you assistance. Also, sometimes you just need to hear information from a healthcare professional for it to really sink in. Another one of the many benefits to speaking to your primary care physician about Redondo Beach alcohol treatment is that it is easy to do. As previously mentioned, you are advised to schedule a psychical examination with your primary care physician, just to see if alcohol did any damage to your body or your health; however, it isn't necessarily required. You may even just be able to contact your primary care physician or their offices and ask for Redondo Beach alcohol treatment options, particularly those that they would recommend. You may be able to get the contact information for local treatment centers, AA meetings, or addiction counselors without having to spend more than five minutes on the phone. With it being relatively quick and easy to get professional recommendations, concerning Redondo Beach alcohol treatment options, you are advised to ask for them. As previously mentioned, we often take the word of a professional more seriously; therefore, recommendations from a physician may be the extra push that you need to seek treatment for your alcohol addiction.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Do You Need to Check Yourself into a Long Beach Alcohol Rehab Center?

Each year, a countless number of Long Beach residents realize that they have a problem with alcohol. When that point in time arrives, a number of individuals choose to seek treatment from a Long Beach alcohol rehab center. Do you know if you need to do the same? When it comes to determining whether or not you need to check yourself into a Long Beach alcohol rehab center, there are a number of important factors that need to be taken into consideration. First, alcohol use needs to be examined. Do you regularly find yourself turning to alcohol whenever you have a bad day, an argument with your friends or family, or do you rely on alcohol for you to have a good time? If you answered yes to any of the previous situations, you may have an alcohol dependency problem; a problem that can be treated at a Long Beach alcohol rehab center. Although it is ideal if you can notice the signs of alcohol dependency and seek treatment on your own, there are many individuals who are unable to do so. It has been said that those with the problem are sometimes the last to even realize that there is a problem. For that reason, you will want to take any suggestions from those that you know, like your friends, family members, or even your coworkers. If more than one person expresses their views that you may have an alcohol dependency problem, you may want to take a step back and examine the situation and your life. It may also be a good idea to start examining Long Beach alcohol rehab centers. Perhaps, the biggest sign that you should seek treatment for an alcohol dependency problem is if you are starting to experience health problems. Large, regular alcohol consumption is dangerous to one's body. Whether you notice your health to start deteriorating on your own or your physician mentions your condition in passing, you are urged to take action. With liver problems and many more serious health complications, alcohol dependency can also bring on early death. That is why it is advised that you check yourself into a Long Beach alcohol rehab center immediately if you notice any health complications or if your doctor does. In addition to a traditional doctor, like a physician, you may also receive suggestions or advice from those who are known as psychologists or counselors. Although many alcoholics use alcohol to deal with their problems alone, there are others who not only use alcohol, but seek professional assistance for their other problems. If a counselor or a psychologist suggests that you may have an alcohol dependency problem, you are advised to heed their warnings, as well as their suggestions which may include a Long Beach alcohol rehab center. Trained professionals are often the quickest to spot an alcohol dependency problem; that is why you will want to take what they have to say seriously. Even if the above mentioned points or factors do not apply to you, but you still suspect that you may have an alcohol dependency problem, you may still want to take the time to examine Long Beach alcohol rehab centers. In fact, it may even be a good idea to schedule a visit with your primary care physician, who can assist you with developing a plan of action. This plan of action may include checking yourself into a Long Beach alcohol rehab center.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Naltrexone as a Cure for Alcoholism?

Are you concerned with one of your loved one and their current dependency on alcohol? If that individual is a close friend or relative, like a longtime friend or a family member, are they uneasy about checking themselves into an alcohol rehab center or even just attending AA meetings? If so, you may feel as if there is nothing left that you can do to help your loved one, but there is actually more than you can do. You can examine Naltrexone. Alcoholism is a potentially deadly disease, especially if it is left untreated, but Naltrexone has been known to offer assistance to those with alcohol dependencies. Naltrexone is a drug that is being used to treat severe cases of alcoholism. In most cases, those who are given Naltrexone were unsuccessfully able to overcome their alcoholism with traditional treatment approaches. Naltrexone, since it is a drug, must be prescribed by a healthcare professional. What is nice about Naltrexone is that is can be obtain by a primary care physician; therefore, it is relatively easy for those who need it to obtain it. As previously mentioned, the drug used to help treat alcoholism is Naltrexone. Alcoholism is difficult to overcome, as it is an addiction, but Naltrexone can do the job, in most cases. Naltrexone works by targeting a specific part of the brain; the part that controls addictions and toxins, like drugs and alcohol. By taking Naltrexone for around seven to ten days, your body begins to realize that it doesn't need alcohol to survive. This is the beauty of Naltrexone; alcoholism can no longer be an issue in as little as week or two. Of course, Naltrexone can help to treat alcoholism, but it is important to remember that once you stop taking Naltrexone, alcoholism will also be like a cloud hovering over you. Although you may not necessarily feel the need to take a drink, you may still want to, as drinking alcohol may have become a habit that you don't even think about anymore. For Naltrexone to be successful, you not only need to take the drug for seven to ten days, but you also need to take steps to change your lifestyle. That is why those who take Naltrexone for alcoholism are often also encouraged to stay under the care of a physician or an addiction counselor until the danger has officially passed. As previously mentioned, Naltrexone can be prescribed by most healthcare professional, including some primary care physicians. For Naltrexone, your friend or relative will need to contact their primary care physician. If their primary care physician is unable to provide them with a prescription, they are advised to ask them for a referral, for a doctor that does prescribe Naltrexone. Alcoholism is a disease, although many assume that it isn't. As with all diseases and medications, all given instructions must be followed. Doing so may make alcoholic dependency a thing of the past.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Does Someone You Know Need Palmdale Alcohol Treatment?

Are you a Palmdale resident who knows of someone who you feel may have an alcohol dependency problem; a problem that may require Palmdale alcohol treatment? If so, you are definitely not alone, although you may sometimes feel like it, as it is often hard to get advice with what to do. One of the most commonly asked questions is "should I say something or not?" To get the answer to that question, there are a number of factors that need to be taken into consideration. Perhaps, the most important factor to be examined is the severity of the problem. Is the person that you know about to hit rock bottom? Signs that they may be hitting rock bottom include losing their family, through divorce or separation, or the loss of their job. It is also important to examine the behavior of the person in question when they are on alcohol. Are they disruptive or do they make potentially deadly mistakes, like driving while intoxicated? If so, it may be time to speak up and say your mind. Although you may be worried about doing so, imagine how you could end up feeling if something undoable happened as a result of you staying silent? Another factor that needs to be taken into consideration, when determining whether or not you should mention Palmdale alcohol treatment to someone that you know is your relationship with them. Do you see the person in question on a regular basis or just on occasion? With occasionally meetings, it is sometimes difficult to determine whether someone actually has an alcohol dependency problem or is just enjoying themselves. However, if you are around the person in question on a regular basis, like if you are their spouse, child, parent, sibling, close friend, or other close family member, it is best that you go with your gut feeling and speak your mind. When it comes to discussing Palmdale alcohol treatment with a friend or relative, there are many individuals, possibly just like you, who are worried about the relationship with the individual in question. Yes, discussing alcohol dependency and Palmdale alcohol treatment with someone that you know may have an impact on your relationship; however, that turmoil may actually only last a short period of time. If the person in question realizes that they need Palmdale alcohol treatment, they are more likely to the treatment that they need. When this point and time comes, many alcoholics look back and see past situations for what they really were, not just how they interpreted them at the time. The decision as to whether or not you want to speak with someone that you know about their dependency on alcohol and Palmdale alcohol treatment is yours to make, but is something that should be closely examined. Yes, you are taking a risk by voicing your views, concerning alcoholism and Palmdale alcohol treatment, but you need to remember that you are also taking a risk by staying silent.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Simple Exercise For A Bad Day

Some mornings I wake up, or just get up out of bed because I never slept that night. What I did was spend the whole night tossing, just trying to sleep. Motivation leaves a bit to be desired due to the fact that my eyes are half closed and drooping towards the floor. So the question of a workout comes to bear. Do I even want to exercise? I tell you, I don't want to get out of bed. Sleep is desired, but it isn't happening anyway. Well since I still have an extra 15 pounds of 'winter fat' that I want removed from my abdominal areaguess I should do something. What does one do in this kind of situation? Keep it simple and move your body.Get out of bed, kill a couple double espressos, and go do something. Obviously I probably am not going to hit it like I would with the elusive full nights' rest, but something here is better than nothingcalorie intake will probably be the same for the day, if not more. So burning extra calories is the way to go. Being one of the top Fitness Professionals in the South Bay Area, I know that I need to burn an extra 3500 calories per week just to drop ONE pound of body fat. Based on that information, I should do something, anything!Here is some good news in this case: an easy cardiovascular workout will burn a greater percentage of fat calories than a hard cardio session will. Wait, did I say that? Oh yes, that is rightand that is why we use target heart rate during aerobic exercise! Notice on the charts that your target is not 80-100% of your max, but 60-80%? That is because it has been shown that a higher percentage of the calories burned from fat during exercise can be obtained at the lower heart rate levels, and more carbohydrates (and even muscle) can be burned at higher heart rate levels! Now about the length time to exerciseyea, you got it, have to go longer. We need to go a bit longer time length because we will be burning fewer calories at the lower level heart rate, but higher percentage of fat. BUT on this day the goal is just to do it! Just getting the lower intensity level session will burn a higher percentage of fat versus carbohydrates, as well as just burning something! Remember that burning something on a bad day is better than burning nothing due to the bad start. PLUS you will feel better from the endorphins released during exercise! So what to do? How about a walk? Take the dog out for a walk, or hit the park, par course, track, or neighborhood streets. Raining? Get an umbrella. Bored? Get an iPod. Cold? Wear a jacket or sweatshirt. Don't make the excuse, after all, you already are getting past the 'I'm tired' excuse!The bottom line is that just getting out an doing some form of exercise on a bad day is better than doing nothing when it comes to health, fitness, and sustained weight loss.Good luck in your program and go exercise!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Causes of Indoor Pollution and How Flowers Can Help

Indoor air pollution is one of the more serious problems currently being faced by people in both offices and homes. There are several major causes for this indoor pollution and most of them aren't usually something that you'd expect to have an effect on the air. This article will outline the three main causes, their effects, and how they can be prevented by introducing plants into your environment. Chemicals are to blame for most of the problems encountered with indoor air pollution. Items that may usually seem harmless can actually produce irritants, the causes of breathing problems, headaches nausea and more. Formaldehyde, a powerful preserving agent used in the funeral industry that causes bodies to delay decomposition, has a surprising presence in our homes and offices. It can be found in carpet, particle board, fire retardant materials and even tobacco smoke. When present in the air it causes headaches and irritation of the eyes and nasal membranes and can result in allergic reactions in some cases. When you spend a great deal of time in one indoor location and notice yourself suffering from the above, formaldehyde pollution is likely one of the possible causes. Plant types suited to cleansing indoor environments from formaldehyde include aloe, philodendrons, and spider plants. Benzene, used in the manufacture of toxic chemicals and solvents, is the second major source of indoor air pollution. Benzene can be found in ink, paint, oil, plastic and rubber, all of which are present in both workplace and residential indoor environments. Benzene acts as a skin irritant when touched, and causes several maladies including headaches, drowsiness and a general loss of appetite. Chrysanthemums and English ivy are known to help cleanse the air from benzene-related pollution and are ideal for an indoor environment. Trichloroethylene is the final major source of indoor air pollution. It can be found in printer ink, paint, varnishes and even dry-clean fluid. It causes many of the same mild symptoms as above, but is also known as a carcinogen (something that causes cancer). Peace lilies and gerbera daisies are good ways to cleanse the air of this type of pollution. You only need one or two large plants to clean a 10' by 10' room of most harmful air pollution. Short of eradicating the causes of this pollution, plants are the best way to maintain clean air. Consult with a florist today about the best choices for your home or office to help keep your indoor areas clear of pollutants. They'll be happy to help!