Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hypnosis Reframing Technique and Script - The Story

Here's a great technique to use with your clients when they are having a difficult time being objective about a situation, or when you are working on forgiveness with them. Make sure the client is in somnambulism, then use the following script. Afterwards, you can have them relate what happened to them, separating the story from the factswhat really happened. This technique produces fast, lasting change, even for resistant clients. The Story Imagine that you've just received a traffic ticket. You were driving down your street, stopped at a stop sign, then turned down another road. There you go, the lights in the rear view window - they had you. The officer comes up, looking like he's had a really bad day. He's got a scowl on his face, circles under his eyes and as you roll your window down, he says in a gruff voice " Ma'am, (or sir), do you know why I stopped you?" Your mind is racing trying to figure out what you did wrong, trying to figure out why this guy pulled you over instead of the stinking criminals that we have abducting children and robbing banks. Doesn't he have anything better to do??? He says "well, you rolled right through that stop sign back there without coming to a complete stop." Your stomach sinks, as you realize you might have done just that, and you begin to get angry - you gotta be kidding, you say to yourself. This jerk of a cop should be out doing his job instead of pulling me over for not quite stopping! OK, Stop Right There. Let's step back objectively and look at the facts. You were driving down the street. You got to the stop sign. You are unsure if you stopped all the way or not. You turned. You pulled over for the policeman. He told you that you rolled through the stop sign without stopping completely. He wrote you a ticket. That's it. That's what happened. Those are the facts. What about all the other stuff? You made it up. That's right - invented it out of your wonderful imagination. Let me prove it to you. Let's try it again. Imagine that you just received a traffic ticket, you were driving down your street, stopped at a stop sign, then turned down another road. You looked in the rear view mirror and saw police lights so you pulled over. You wondered what you could have done to be pulled over. The officer came up to the window, looking disheveled and sad, like he hadn't slept in a couple of days. You wondered if he had been on a stakeout or night shift somewhere, protecting society, maybe putting his life in danger. He asks "ma'am (or sir), do you know why I stopped you?" You say "I sure don't officer, please tell me what I've done, so I can be more careful in the future." He says "well, you rolled right through that stop sign back there without coming to a complete stop." You realize that you did just that and say "Oh, man. Officer, I apologize - I guess I wasn't paying attention like I should have been." And you think about how good it is that the officer brought this to your attention, so that you will pay more attention - you realize that you're driving right through a school zone, and that if there were children present, you might not have seen one. Now - the facts here are the same. The same thing happens, but we end up with a completely different story, don't we? You see, things happen, and then we make up elaborate stories based on our feelings, thoughts, past events and belief systems. Your story will be different from someone else's because they have different feelings, thoughts, past events and belief systems. What that means is that we can change our stories. You have many stories in your past, stories of how people hurt you, stories of how things didn't work out for you, stories of success, stories of failureyou name it - we have a story for it. But if you made that story up, if you invented the meaning of what happened based on your past events, your history, doesn't that mean that you can change it? Doesn't that mean that you have a different meaning for everything in your life than your friend, spouse, boss and your children? Take a moment and consider what meaning you attribute to the happenings in your life, and how other people make those happenings mean completely different things. You might be amazed to find that you can be more objective, and more compassionate towards others, for just as you are a product of your environment and belief system, they are a product of theirs. Does that make them right or wrong? It just makes it different - they feel differently than you, they do things differently than you, and they might make up a completely different story about what happens than you do. If you create the stories you make up about what happens, then why not make them great stories? Why play the victim when you can play the victor? Why not find the strongest position you can in any event and give yourself the advantage of making that story? How many stories do you have from the past that you would like to change? Remember, you get to choose the meaning, you get to create the story - you just didn't know that before. Let's go back and let your SC change those stories. Your SC wants you to be powerful, compassionate and understanding. Imagine that right now, it's changing all those stories to be stories that you would choose. You get to choose - notice how powerful that makes you.

Friday, April 23, 2010

5 Ways to Burn Fat & Boost Your Metabolism

I'm going to show you five ways to burn off excess pounds and increase your metabolism. This means that you'll be burning extra fat while you sleep and all throughout the day. Here are the five techniques to boost your metabolism 1.Put on more muscle 2.Eat more often 3.Interval Training 4.Run sprints 5.Eat a low-fat, 100% Raw Food Diet -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Put on more muscle: This is quite simple. A pound of muscle burns an average of 75 calories per day. A pound of fat burns only 2 calories per day. If you add more muscle, it increases your metabolism. That means that even if you aren't very active that particular day, you'll be burning more fat, now that you have more muscle. The Lightning Speed Exercise quickly builds up the largest muscles in your body, your legs. By spending just five minutes a day doing this exercise, you can dramatically lower your body fat levels, while building more muscular legs. I can tell you from personal experience that the more muscle I put on, the less fat I have. It just burns up the fat. For more information on the Lightning Speed Fitness Program, please visit: 2. Eat More Often I bet you'll like this method. That's right - eating more often, makes you burn more fat. The key is to eat the right kinds of foods more often. If you really want to burn the calories, then add two extra salad or vegetable meals during your day. These should be raw and with no overtly fatty foods like oil, avocado, coconut or nuts and seeds. You can even add oranges or other citrus fruit or berries to your salad. Or you can add a couple of extra melon meals of melon, to your day. These low calorie and raw food meals will boost your metabolism and actually help you to burn fat instead of putting it on. Do you want to know how Sumo Wrestlers get so fat? They fast throughout the day and then late at night they eat a huge meal. By fasting during the day, it tricks their bodies into thinking there is a shortage and so their metabolism slows down greatly. That is how they get so fat. So if you want to lose weight, eat low calorie and high water content, raw meals, throughout the day. To succeed at an Optimal Raw Food Diet, please visit: 3. Interval Training There have been a couple of studies done testing the effectiveness of different kinds of exercise programs on fitness levels and how much fat these exercises help you burn. It turns out that moderate intensity aerobics was much less effective at burning fat than interval training. What was found that for every calorie burned during the workout, that interval training actually burned, 9 times more fat, per calorie burned. The interval training actually burned less calories (during the exercise) and was a much shorter workout. But for each calorie burned, somehow the interval training produced an increased fat burning effect, by 9 times that over the aerobics. I have more detailed information about this technique at my Lighting Speed Member's Only Forum. To join please visit: 4. Run Sprints Running sprints is another great technique to build up your leg muscles and therefore burn fat. It has also been shown that running sprints in 30-second intervals, actually increases human growth hormone production by 500%. Over twenty years of testing and research in clinics and universities all over the world have proven the effectiveness of human growth hormone. It literally de-ages the body. Increase metabolism, Decrease body fat & increase lean body mass Restore lost hair and hair color Restore collagen levels to erase lines and wrinkles Improve mood, sleep, and organ functioning Increase energy and endurance Increase mental energy and clarity Increase in sense of well-being and emotional stability Increase in bone and joint flexibility 5. Eat a Low-Fat, 100% Raw Food Diet There's nothing like eating a 100% raw food diet, for getting that ripped look. Unfortunately, many people complain that they look too skinny. The reason for this is that most people eating a Standard American Diet are over-fat and under-muscled. I know when I first went raw I hated how skinny I was getting. Little did I know at the time of the health benefits of being very thin. Then I learned that if I didn't want to look skinny I had to make sure I had good muscular development. Here are some quotes on the benefits of being thin, from Dr. Joel Fuhrman's book "Eat to Live," page 21: "After limiting the analysis to nonsmokers, it was very clear that the ** longest-lived women were the leanest." "Dr. I-Min Lee, of the Harvard School of Public Health, said her 27 year study of 19,297 men found there was no such thing as being to thin. (Obviously, it i s p ossible to be too thin, however, it is uncommon and usually called anorexia, but that is not the subject of this book.)" "Among the men who never smoked the ** lowest mortality occurred in the lightest fifth." "We observed a direct relationship between body weight and mortality. By that I mean that the thinnest fifth of men experienced the lowest mortality, and mortality increased progressively with heavier and heavier weight." "If you have gained even as little as ten pounds since the age of 18 or 20, then you could be at significant increased risk for health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. The truth is that most people who think they are the right weight still have too much fat on their body." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *~* 3 Reasons Why You Lose Fat on a Raw Food Diet *~* 1. Excess toxins are stored in your fat cells. A raw food diet is the lowest in toxins out of any diet. On a raw diet, you have much less of a daily toxic load; your body will then start removing the excess stored toxins in your fat cells. This results in a dramatic fat burning effect. Excess fat is due mostly to toxicity and not calories. 2. On a raw diet it is hard to get fat because you will feel stuffed before you can possibly overeat. That is due to the extra fiber, nutrients and water contained in raw Vegan foods. You have to eat much more by weight and volume than you are used to on a raw diet. So you will be full and still consume less calories. This is especially true if you follow an Optimal Raw Food Diet. All cooked food is dehydrated. That is why doctors recommend the extra 8 to 12 glasses of water per day. On a good raw diet, you will usually need to drink little to no water at all. The extra water and fiber will make you full with fewer calories. 3. You'll also feel more nourished and therefore won't want to eat as much. With cooked and processed foods, the nutrient content of the food is dramatically depleted and you'll tend to overeat because your body is desperately looking for more nutrients. Therefore, you end up overeating in your body's search for nutrients.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Work Less! Reduce Stress!

Sometimes you need to relax to Reduce Stress. And you have to also Meditate, but you can't do that until you get to a Relaxing Point. Calming the mind and body might even slow the spread of some Cancers. The Stress hormone norepinephrine can spur lab-grown Cancer Cells to release two compounds that help them move through the body and then metastasize, according to a study in the November issue of Cancer Research by virologist Ronald Glaser, PhD, of Ohio State University Medical Center. A third compound that's released helps supply growing tumors with nutrients. So reducing Stress may prove a Cancer fighter.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Hey! Do You Really Want To Quit Smoking?

I smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for the better part if 15 years and walked away from them without the aide of any gum, patches, hypnosis, pills, or anything else and I want to share how I did it with you in order to help you do exactly the same thing. And here's the beautiful thing about my story: I'm not going to try to sell you anything that will supposedly "help" you stop smoking. I'm just going to give you my story and that's not going to cost you a penny. The first thing to realize about all of this smoking business is that there is a lot of money in it. Not only for the tobacco companies, but for all of the companies that have "quit smoking" products. The industry is HUGE, on both sides of the transaction. What you've probably found, as I did, is that all of the articles that you read and news stories that you hear, drill into your head how difficult quitting smoking is. Therefore, we've all begun to believe exactly that, that quitting is going to be hard. You see, it's in all of the interested parties' best interest that you believe this fact. That way you're much more prone to spending your money in order to get their help. The biggest part of me quitting smoking was to change what I believed about smoking and quitting smoking. This is what Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said of belief, "Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is." This is a very important quote to remember as we move forward towards a smoke free life. I had to change my belief about smoking. What was it that I believed? I believed that it was going to be difficult to stop smoking. I believed that a cigarette was a stress reliever. I believed that I liked smoking, after all that's what I told myself all the time. I believed that it wasn't going to kill me, otherwise why would I play Russian roulette with cancer sticks? I believed that I was powerless or close to it over the addiction to nicotine. Those are all of the things that I believed while I smoked. I came to the conclusion that I had to change all of that. Because, after all a belief is simply a thought that we repeat over and over to ourselves. So I figured if I changed my thoughts about smoking, I could change the act of smoking, and do you know what? I was right, because as Wayne Dyer says, "You become what you think about, all day long" So I decided to change the way I thought about smoking, figuring that if I did that, the beliefs that I had would change. When I heard people around me talk about quitting smoking, I just refrained from the conversation. I began to tell myself how easy quitting was going to be. How I had these cigarettes on the run, and they didn't control me. When I was smoking alone, I would actually hold the cigarette up, look at it, and say out loud, "I've got this. It won't be long". This sounds corny, I know, but it's what I did while I continued to smoke. About six months passed and one day I reached into my pack to grab a cigarette, only to realize that it was my last one. I took out that cigarette, looked at it and knew that it was my last one. I smoked it and haven't had one since. I had successfully changed my thinking about cigarettes and smoking and now I'm a non-smoker. It was literally as simple as that. You see quitting smoking doesn't have to be difficult, it's simply as difficult as you think or believe it will be. Trevor Kugler is co-founder of and an avid angler. He has more than 20 years experience fishing for all types of fish, and 15 years of business and internet experience. He currently raises his three year old daughter in the heart of trout fishing country..Montana!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Are We Being Unrealistic?

When it comes to our body image that is. Do we set our sites on unattainable goals that can't be reached? Do we see the super models and the magnificent bodybuilders and make their bodies our goal? I believe that many people do this, then never achieve that exact goal and give up, thinking what's the point? It's not unrealistic to want to be fit, healthy, and in shape but each one of us has to achieve that in our own way, men and women alike. Each one of us is different and we need to see ourselves for who we really are: smart, strong, handsome, beautiful and free. The key here is to aim for our own personal best, not the way someone else sees you or how you may think someone else sees you. Your personal fitness and health goals should be just that - yours and should not be influenced by a tiny part of our society, the "super slim" or the "totally buff". When it comes to body image, the focus should be on how you feel and not on what the society says. There a many numbers and weights that are healthy and if you are eating right and exercising, basically you are at your health weight. It is about wellness, really. Our own wellness and what's right for our own bodies. Wellness means the quality or state of being in good health especially as an actively sought goal. You can't choose the quick fix. We have all seen these ads, "Get the Body You Want in One Week" or "Drop 10 inches in Two Days" and many people rush in and choose this quick fix, only to be disappointed when it doesn't turn out like that. Stop searching outside yourself for these quick fixes and focus within yourself and how you feel. Regular exercise can reduce your stress, improve your mood, lower blood pressure, boost your energy and improve your sleep. Eating the right foods can also improve your energy levels, boost your metabolism and help to burn calories. It has to be a continuous routine and not just a minute obsession over the latest fad diet. One of the best programs I have found that promotes fitness and wellness as the core is Champion Bodybuilder Tom Venuto's Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle. It doesn't promote that "lose weight fast" or "look like a supermodel in 5 days" image. It is all about choosing a healthy lifestyle - exercise, toning, eating right - and putting it all together as your daily routine. It promotes wellness. Wellness is a gift that you give yourself. But, wellness takes work. You need to ask yourself this question, can I see myself sticking to this routine for life? Make that your goal - Wellness for Life! Take time and ask yourself what you are willing to do to achieve your goal and improve your lifestyle because you are worth it.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Who Else Wants to Protect Their Eyes from UV Rays?

In the cloudy winter months, it's difficult to imagine the sun's rays as anything but a welcomed change. But did you know the sun's rays can also be harmful to your eyes? Ultraviolet light produced by sunlight is responsible for several vision problems, including snow-blindness, cataracts, and numerous degenerative eye conditions. The best way to protect yourself from these harmful effects is to always wear eye protection. Ultraviolet light is light beyond the spectrum of light that is visible to the human eye, similar to x-rays or infrared light. It comes in three forms: UVA, UVB, and UVC. Earth's atmosphere filters out almost all UVC and much of the UVB light, meaning the majority of UV rays we encounter are UVA. Indeed, UVA is in part beneficial to human beings, as it is required source for vitamin-D production in the skin. However, overexposure to any or all UV rays can lead to advanced aging, skin cancer, or just good old sunburn. When it comes to your eyes, however, UV rays are very damaging. Most eye care professionals recommend wearing sunglasses whenever you are going to see a prolonged exposure to UV rays. And, since UV rays penetrate our atmosphere even on the cloudiest days, having proper eye protection is always a must. It's difficult to believe that light we can't see can be damaging to our eyes, but UV rays, whether directly from the sun, or even by reflection, pose a significant risk to our vision. The peak hours for UV ray penetration are between 10 AM and 3 PM, when the sun is at its apex. Other factors increase risk, as well. Due to their unique atmospheric qualities, higher altitudes and locations closer to the equator see higher UV levels. You should consider all these factors when you know you have to be out in the sun for an extended period. But, since most of us don't really have a choice regarding sun exposure - after all, most of us don't live and work in caves - having proper eye protection is vital. When choosing sunglasses, make sure they guarantee UV protection up to 98% (or to 400nm). Glass is largely transparent to UV rays, so plastic or composite lenses tend to be a better choice. If your glasses have been coated in a UV filter material, they are even safer. No matter what time of year, UV rays are always present. Although they tend to penetrate the atmosphere more during the warm summer months, they are also a risk during winter. Snow reflects UV rays, essentially letting them do twice the damage. Being aware of the risks of UV exposure is the first and most important step to protecting your eyes. But, with quality protective eyewear year-round, you can enjoy the warm, healthy sunshine carefree.