Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hypnosis Reframing Technique and Script - The Story

Here's a great technique to use with your clients when they are having a difficult time being objective about a situation, or when you are working on forgiveness with them. Make sure the client is in somnambulism, then use the following script. Afterwards, you can have them relate what happened to them, separating the story from the factswhat really happened. This technique produces fast, lasting change, even for resistant clients. The Story Imagine that you've just received a traffic ticket. You were driving down your street, stopped at a stop sign, then turned down another road. There you go, the lights in the rear view window - they had you. The officer comes up, looking like he's had a really bad day. He's got a scowl on his face, circles under his eyes and as you roll your window down, he says in a gruff voice " Ma'am, (or sir), do you know why I stopped you?" Your mind is racing trying to figure out what you did wrong, trying to figure out why this guy pulled you over instead of the stinking criminals that we have abducting children and robbing banks. Doesn't he have anything better to do??? He says "well, you rolled right through that stop sign back there without coming to a complete stop." Your stomach sinks, as you realize you might have done just that, and you begin to get angry - you gotta be kidding, you say to yourself. This jerk of a cop should be out doing his job instead of pulling me over for not quite stopping! OK, Stop Right There. Let's step back objectively and look at the facts. You were driving down the street. You got to the stop sign. You are unsure if you stopped all the way or not. You turned. You pulled over for the policeman. He told you that you rolled through the stop sign without stopping completely. He wrote you a ticket. That's it. That's what happened. Those are the facts. What about all the other stuff? You made it up. That's right - invented it out of your wonderful imagination. Let me prove it to you. Let's try it again. Imagine that you just received a traffic ticket, you were driving down your street, stopped at a stop sign, then turned down another road. You looked in the rear view mirror and saw police lights so you pulled over. You wondered what you could have done to be pulled over. The officer came up to the window, looking disheveled and sad, like he hadn't slept in a couple of days. You wondered if he had been on a stakeout or night shift somewhere, protecting society, maybe putting his life in danger. He asks "ma'am (or sir), do you know why I stopped you?" You say "I sure don't officer, please tell me what I've done, so I can be more careful in the future." He says "well, you rolled right through that stop sign back there without coming to a complete stop." You realize that you did just that and say "Oh, man. Officer, I apologize - I guess I wasn't paying attention like I should have been." And you think about how good it is that the officer brought this to your attention, so that you will pay more attention - you realize that you're driving right through a school zone, and that if there were children present, you might not have seen one. Now - the facts here are the same. The same thing happens, but we end up with a completely different story, don't we? You see, things happen, and then we make up elaborate stories based on our feelings, thoughts, past events and belief systems. Your story will be different from someone else's because they have different feelings, thoughts, past events and belief systems. What that means is that we can change our stories. You have many stories in your past, stories of how people hurt you, stories of how things didn't work out for you, stories of success, stories of failureyou name it - we have a story for it. But if you made that story up, if you invented the meaning of what happened based on your past events, your history, doesn't that mean that you can change it? Doesn't that mean that you have a different meaning for everything in your life than your friend, spouse, boss and your children? Take a moment and consider what meaning you attribute to the happenings in your life, and how other people make those happenings mean completely different things. You might be amazed to find that you can be more objective, and more compassionate towards others, for just as you are a product of your environment and belief system, they are a product of theirs. Does that make them right or wrong? It just makes it different - they feel differently than you, they do things differently than you, and they might make up a completely different story about what happens than you do. If you create the stories you make up about what happens, then why not make them great stories? Why play the victim when you can play the victor? Why not find the strongest position you can in any event and give yourself the advantage of making that story? How many stories do you have from the past that you would like to change? Remember, you get to choose the meaning, you get to create the story - you just didn't know that before. Let's go back and let your SC change those stories. Your SC wants you to be powerful, compassionate and understanding. Imagine that right now, it's changing all those stories to be stories that you would choose. You get to choose - notice how powerful that makes you.

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