Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ways To Prevent Dry Skin

Usually the fall and winter months are the months most people experience dry skin. You can plan ahead for the dry skin but most people do not. There are several good ways for prevention of dry skin. These are ways to prevent you from having dry skin. Or for treating it once it occurs. 1. Wear protective clothing - Exposed skin to cold water will cause dry skin. Wear protective clothing to protect your skin. Especially on your hands and face. 2. Avoid hot water showers - Consider taking warm baths instead of hot water showers. Hot water showers actually strip the natural oils from your skin that prevent dryness. 3. Use mild soap - Use soaps that are mild. Soaps with harsh chemicals and abrasives can rip away the nature oils in your skin. 4. Use lotions and moisturizers - Using lotions and moisturizers on a regular basic can help you prevent dry skin. 5. Use bath oils - Adding bath oils to your baths is another way of maintaining oil in your body. Using these methods ongoing will help you to prevent dry skin before it occurs.

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