Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Greatest Stop Smoking Aide

I smoked for more than fifteen years and finally quit about a year ago. How did I do it? How did I finally break free of the hold that nicotine had on me? I'm going to tell you what helped me stop smoking once and for all, that's right I'm going to give you the greatest stop smoking aide that you've ever heard of. And I'm going to give it to you for FREE, that's right this stop smoking aide isn't going to cost you a penny. I told myself for many years that I liked smoking. That I liked the way it tasted. That having a cigarette relaxed me. I told myself all of these things and then I woke up one morning and realized that I'd been a smoker for more than 10 years! I couldn't believe it. I had been a smoker for more than a freakin' decade, how did this happen? I used to be an athlete for God's sake, now I couldn't run a half a mile without feeling as if I were going to die. So I began to think about this dilemma. I bought the nicotine gum and began to chew it in a mild attempt to quit smoking. It worked for awhile, but then I fell right back into the old habit. Then I tried "cutting down". I even went so far as to smoke ½ cigarettes at a time. Then I realized thyis didn't accomplish much. I always heard from everyone around me how difficult quitting smoking was and I tended to agree, seeing as how I sure couldn't seem to quit myself. Then something dawned on me. Why was I listening to what everyone else said about quitting smoking? Then I started to pay attention and almost immediately noticed something. Every advertisement that I saw or heard about quitting smoking told me how difficult quitting was going to be. And of course, whatever product was being advertised was supposedly going to make quitting easier for me. I began putting two and two together and BAM, figured it out! It was a conspiracy of sorts. Everyone and I mean everyone, had been conditioned to believe that quitting smoking was going to be difficult. What I did, and became the greatest stop smoking aide, was to change the way I thought about smoking. I realize that this sounds too simple, but it's exactly what I did. I simply stopped telling myself quitting smoking was going to be difficult. In fact, when I was smoking by myself, I would look at the cigarette I was smoking and say, "This is going to be easy to stop." I reminded myself of how easy it was going to be as much as I could. Then something amazing happened. I began to notice how much I stank after smoking. I also began to notice other people, and how they smelled after smoking. The way I felt about smoking was starting to change. Then one day I opened my pack for a cigarette and there was only 1 left. I took that cigarette out, said to myself, "This is it", and smoked that cigarette. That was it. I've never smoked again. I had successfully changed the way I thought about smoking and soon thereafter, the act of smoking changed for me. It's just like the old saying (which you should carry with you by the way) "Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change."

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