Saturday, March 20, 2010

Dealing With Clients With A Medical Billing Service

You must at all times run your business in a professional manner. You have a responsibility to your clients which must be maintained. Although they understand you may get sick or have family sickness, this cannot become a habit whereby it constantly keeps you from performing your services for your clients. You could lose them and your business. Remember just because you are working from home and can set your own hours your clients are depending on timely billing in order for their clientsto pay own time. If you start to do billing when it is convenient for you patients are not billed on time and therefore your clients are not paid in a timely manner. More than likely your clients are not going to pay you until they are paid. So the sooner you process the billing the sooner you get paid. If you have a project that is going to be delayed because of sickness or some other unexpected situation, let your clients know immediately. Give them an estimated completion date on their projects. If you are sick just keep in touch on a daily basis. I highly recommend having a backup person. This could be a family member or a close friend. This way your deadlines are always met even while sick or on vacation. Make sure you understand all instructions given from new clients. Having good communication is very important for your business. If you prefer working in the evenings, look over your projects during the day to see if there are any questions you need to ask. This way you can contact your client during the day to avoid any delay in completing their projects on time. Communicate your questions via email or telephone which ever way allows them to response in a timely manner.

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