Thursday, December 17, 2009

How to Start Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding can be intimidating to a beginner. You don't have to look on the internet for long to realise that everyone is preaching something different. So it's common to see people umming and ahhing before actually hitting the gym. After all, no one wants to waste their time in there. While bodybuilding is a very satisfying experience, it does require hard work. And even if the newbie does decide to enter the gym, it's still pretty intimidating. The sight of massive guys strolling around can be a bit hard to deal with for many insecure, young guys. So it doesn't really surprise me when I get the question "How to start bodybuilding?". It's pretty simple really, read on to find out the exact steps you should take when wanting to start your own bodybuilding journey. The first thing you need to decide is what you want out of it. Are you a skinny guy who just wants to beef up a little? Are you already pretty solid, but you want to maybe lean up a little? This is important because it determines your diet, which is a very important part of bodybuilding. Some would say even more important than training! The second is to truthfully acknowledge your level of committment. It's ok if you are not 100% serious about it. As long as you realise this and know that you won't have a body like a pro if you don't train like one. The third step is to educate yourself a little. This can normally be a pretty tricky exercise, but since you're already at this site, you're on the right track. You can be sure that I'm telling you the truth, because I'm not affiliated with any supplement companies or bodybuilding magazines. I have nothing to gain out of telling you lies, so why would I? Once you're educated, it's time to come up with a plan. You first need to get your diet in order. You can find lots of information on how to do this in other articles here. I'm not going to go into a good diet plan in this article. Next, you need to come up with a workout plan. Once again, if you've gone to the trouble of educating yourself, this should be a piece of cake. Once you understand the actual principles behind designing a workout program, you can make them all day long. The next and final step is obviously the most crucial. If you don't actually complete this step, then you'll never reach your goals. Can you guess what it is? Actually go to the gym and workout! If you can head into the gym knowing that what you're about to do is the best thing for you, then you will never feel intimidated at all. In fact, you'll be so pumped and full of confidence, you'll be unstoppable!

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