Saturday, June 20, 2009

Career Help: How To Complete Jobs Applications

The majority of the employers will give you a job application that you have to fill in although you have already submitted a resume. This application is as important as the resume. Usually jobs applications request the same standard information. So it's better if you can gather this information in advance. You can type it on a page and when you are at the employer's office you can copy the info avoiding mistakes that can appear because of the emotions and panic. You should list your past positions, salaries and any other compensations you had. Do not forget to ad the list of schools you have attended and military services. You will also be asked about the duties and responsibilities for each position. This answers you should also prepare from home. Instead of trying to remember and hesitate it's better to have four or five phrases prepared. It's also useful to include any volunteer activities like working at the school newspaper or fundraisings. Most important is to be honest. All the information about you can be verified. So if an employer finds out you lied he can disqualify or fire you. Try to write as clear as you can and have a correct grammar and punctuation. You should fallow the instructions exactly, and don't forget to fill any field that is required. If you don't understand a question you can always ask for clarifications. Review the application before turning it in and don't forget to sign and date the job application where you should. Review the application carefully before turning it in. Proofread it twice - once from top to bottom and once from bottom to top. When you complete an application that is before an interview try to arrive 15-20 minutes early so you can be sure that you have enough time to fill the form correctly. If you can, deliver the application yourself, if sending by mail make sure there is enough postage. If the application you are submitting is for a job interview try to return it within 24 hours with a brief cover letter and a resume. Follow these guidelines and your application will make a good impression.

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