Saturday, July 31, 2010

Skin Care This Holi!

Make your own natural colours: To make your own colours, all you need are a few plants. For green, take plants like henna and dry and powder them. Use separately or mix the powder with suitable flour to make a green colour. Ultimately, you could use the paste of green leafy vegetables to turn others green. Turmeric mixed with gram flour gives a good colour too. Marigold flowers can also be dried and ground and paste used instead of artificial colours. Red sandalwood powder can be used to colour the cheeks crimson. Rose petals or gulal is also a good option and so is vermilion. Red hibiscus flowers soaked in water overnight, also give a red colour. Use palaash or tesu: These flowers, available with any general merchant, can be boiled and soaked overnight to get a rich yellow colour. In the Vedas, it is written, "If clothes soaked in this colour are worn, then that colour will have its effect on our bodies by entering through the pores of the skin, and will save us from contagious diseases." It has miraculous medicinal effects on the body. The increased heat in the body may result in gloominess and an increase in anger. Palash prevents all such symptoms as it regulates the body temperature. This colour destroys kapha, pitta, leprosy, heat and urinary disorders, vayu and blood impurities and increase blood circulation. It also increases willpower and mental and physical strength. And now... Get set and go: - Wear clothes that cover most of your body. - Liberally coat your entire body with oil, rubbing it into fingernails and body folds. Oiive oil is the best. Even coconut oil will do. This prevents permanent staining and forms a barrier to protect your skin from potential allergen. - Oil your hair similarly. Colour will wash away more easily and not leave your hair feeling like a bundle of rope later on. - Use nail paint and transfer resistant lipsticks (any Colourstay range), which stays put on your fingers and lips, besides protecting your fingernails, nailfolds and delicate skin of your lips. - Colours and sunlight combined may cause a "photo toxic" reaction, so sunscreens are a must. Use waterproof sunscreens because liquid colours can wash off ordinary sunscreens. Try Banana Boat SPF-30 or Spectabran SPF-28. When the hulla of Holi is over... - Cleaning the skin of all the colours after the fun and games are over is the most important aspect. Wash immediately as these chemicals can harm your skin on prolonged contact. So bathe and shampoo as soon as possible to minimise skin contact time. Use a glycerine-based soap. - Stuck with gulal stains on your face and ink blobs on your nose? No problem! For colour, or gulal on the skin, massage warm oil into your skin, (heavy oils like mustard are the best), and let the oil seep in for 15 minutes. Using a gentle soap and warm water, wash off the oil. - For permanent colour stains, use a cotton ball soaked in acetone (your nail polish remover) or kerosene and gently remove it. - Do not rub the skin vigorously with soaps, etc., but instead, opt for a cleanser. Follow this up with loads of moisturiser, especially one that is meant for sensitive skin. Liberal use of cold cream or moisturiser is good for the skin. Apply moisturiser on damp skin immediately after the bath. - Apply the pack of curd or mashed papaya for 20 minutes. Liberal use of cold cream or moisturiser is good for the skin. - After removing the colour, replenish and rejuvenate the skin by using a paste of soya bean flour or besan with milk. A mixture of sea salt, glycerin and a few drops of aroma oil has an anti-bacterial and antifungal effect and can take care of the bad effects of chemical colours. Use warm water and moisturising soap to scrub off the colours. Then, using a cream cleanser or baby oil, gently massage off the leftover colour. - Colour on the hair should be rinsed off with a mild shampoo immediately. Conditioning is a must. Apply a hair pack of olive oil and honey after shampooing. If you have any rash or allergy, you can take a non-sedative, anti-allergic tablet like Ceterizine or consult a doctor immediately. If you continue to have problems... - If your skin feels irritated and is itching or burning, wash it properly again. Then mix one part of cortisone (Fluticasone) lotion with two parts of moisturiser or calamine lotion and apply. - For a more severe reaction with eruptions, a tablet of Cetrizine (available at chemist shop) may be taken but its better to see a doctor immediately. - For dull, dry hair, try this hair pack. Mix half a cup of olive oil, an egg white and 4 teaspoonfuls of honey. Coat your hair with this mixture for half an hour then wash off. - A soothing face pack can be made with a mixture of pureed banana, 2 teaspoonfuls of honey and 2 teaspoonfuls of milk cream. This hydrates, softens and soothes the skin. After Holi hulla, you are bound to get tanned, so try this natural recipe. Puree a tomato and apply it on your face for about 20 minutes. Fresh, crushed tomato pulp is supposed to remove immediate tanning. Wish you a happy Holi with a healthy skin and great hair! Visit for more beauty and makeup tips, skin care advice, hair care with lots of effective home remedies.">Holi is after all Holi. There is no festival more vibrant, colourful and exhilarating than Holi. Everyone wants to enjoy it - to dance in clouds of gulal and to get soaked in shower of coloured water. Yet many of us suffer from skin problems, allergies, breakouts and irritations later on. The consequence of Holi in not just spoilt clothes and floors, but skin and hair damage too due to the presence of chemicals in the colours used. Synthetic colours Most Holi colours sold these days contain many harmful chemicals. In fact, most are dyes meant for industrial uses like dyeng textiles and are not meant to be applied on humans. These colours have in them heavy metals, acids and powdered glass. The black paste youngsters use has lead oxide, green contains copper sulphate, red is mercury sulphite and so on. All these are toxic and can result in anything from skin allergies to cancer, from eye irritation to blindness. And worse. Even the bases in which these chemicals are mixed are highly toxic. Many dry powders use a base of asbestos talc, chalk powder or silica. Asbestos is a known as human carcinogen, which builds up in the body daily tissue, and even micro quantities can result in cancer. Silica may dry as well as chap the skin. The shine in the colours is due to the addition of powdered glass or mica. Many water colours have an alkaline base capable of causing severe problems. If it enters the eyes, it can pose a great danger to one's vision. Colours in the form of paste have toxic compounds mixed in a base of engine oil or other inferior quality oil, capable of causing skin allergy, temporary blindness and much more. Synthetic colours used during Holi often contain lead oxide, engine oil, diesel, chromium, iodine and copper sulphate, which cause skin irritation and even blindness in case of extreme exposure. Colours in the hair: Hair can turn brittle and extremely dry if colour remains in it for a long time. This is due to the chemicals in the colours and the dust in the air. Though no damage is done to the roots or scalp, the hair begins to break. Oiling of the hair thoroughly before jumping into the playing arena can go a long way in taking care of this common problem. If the colour enters the eyes... While throwing colours at each other, people do not realise that these colours might enter the eye, damage the ocular surface and cause temporary problems. There could also be complications that pose a great danger to the sight and could impair it. There are well documented cases of eye injury due to Holi colours. So one should keep in mind that, while playing Holi, sensitive areas like the eyes should be avoided. However, if colour enters, one should immediately wash them with large amounts of water and, incase irritation persists, medical aid should be sought immediately. If your skin is too sensitive: Individuals with a history of eczema oratopic dermatitis are at a high risk of developing allergic contact dermatitis due to Holi colours and dyes. This will manifest in itching, a red rash and irritation in the area of contact. Such individuals should use a barrier cream (white soft, yellow soft, paraffin) prior to playing Holi While the application of very little colours would be an ideal solution to avoid any kind of allergy, the application of a body oil, like coconut oil, can also protect the skin. However, if the colours irritate the skin, they should be immediately washed away with running water. To make Holi truly colourful: Use quality colours: - Use water-soluble colours and stay away from "permanent" colours because they contain cheap dyes that cause reactions. - Avoid metallic colours, like gold and silver. - Most dry colours are safe, but avoid glittery ones. They contain silica particles that can abrade your skin. - Feel the texture of the colour before buying it. It should feel powdery, like talc and not grainy or gritty. Make your own natural colours: To make your own colours, all you need are a few plants. For green, take plants like henna and dry and powder them. Use separately or mix the powder with suitable flour to make a green colour. Ultimately, you could use the paste of green leafy vegetables to turn others green. Turmeric mixed with gram flour gives a good colour too. Marigold flowers can also be dried and ground and paste used instead of artificial colours. Red sandalwood powder can be used to colour the cheeks crimson. Rose petals or gulal is also a good option and so is vermilion. Red hibiscus flowers soaked in water overnight, also give a red colour. Use palaash or tesu: These flowers, available with any general merchant, can be boiled and soaked overnight to get a rich yellow colour. In the Vedas, it is written, "If clothes soaked in this colour are worn, then that colour will have its effect on our bodies by entering through the pores of the skin, and will save us from contagious diseases." It has miraculous medicinal effects on the body. The increased heat in the body may result in gloominess and an increase in anger. Palash prevents all such symptoms as it regulates the body temperature. This colour destroys kapha, pitta, leprosy, heat and urinary disorders, vayu and blood impurities and increase blood circulation. It also increases willpower and mental and physical strength. And now... Get set and go: - Wear clothes that cover most of your body. - Liberally coat your entire body with oil, rubbing it into fingernails and body folds. Oiive oil is the best. Even coconut oil will do. This prevents permanent staining and forms a barrier to protect your skin from potential allergen. - Oil your hair similarly. Colour will wash away more easily and not leave your hair feeling like a bundle of rope later on. - Use nail paint and transfer resistant lipsticks (any Colourstay range), which stays put on your fingers and lips, besides protecting your fingernails, nailfolds and delicate skin of your lips. - Colours and sunlight combined may cause a "photo toxic" reaction, so sunscreens are a must. Use waterproof sunscreens because liquid colours can wash off ordinary sunscreens. Try Banana Boat SPF-30 or Spectabran SPF-28. When the hulla of Holi is over... - Cleaning the skin of all the colours after the fun and games are over is the most important aspect. Wash immediately as these chemicals can harm your skin on prolonged contact. So bathe and shampoo as soon as possible to minimise skin contact time. Use a glycerine-based soap. - Stuck with gulal stains on your face and ink blobs on your nose? No problem! For colour, or gulal on the skin, massage warm oil into your skin, (heavy oils like mustard are the best), and let the oil seep in for 15 minutes. Using a gentle soap and warm water, wash off the oil. - For permanent colour stains, use a cotton ball soaked in acetone (your nail polish remover) or kerosene and gently remove it. - Do not rub the skin vigorously with soaps, etc., but instead, opt for a cleanser. Follow this up with loads of moisturiser, especially one that is meant for sensitive skin. Liberal use of cold cream or moisturiser is good for the skin. Apply moisturiser on damp skin immediately after the bath. - Apply the pack of curd or mashed papaya for 20 minutes. Liberal use of cold cream or moisturiser is good for the skin. - After removing the colour, replenish and rejuvenate the skin by using a paste of soya bean flour or besan with milk. A mixture of sea salt, glycerin and a few drops of aroma oil has an anti-bacterial and antifungal effect and can take care of the bad effects of chemical colours. Use warm water and moisturising soap to scrub off the colours. Then, using a cream cleanser or baby oil, gently massage off the leftover colour. - Colour on the hair should be rinsed off with a mild shampoo immediately. Conditioning is a must. Apply a hair pack of olive oil and honey after shampooing. If you have any rash or allergy, you can take a non-sedative, anti-allergic tablet like Ceterizine or consult a doctor immediately. If you continue to have problems... - If your skin feels irritated and is itching or burning, wash it properly again. Then mix one part of cortisone (Fluticasone) lotion with two parts of moisturiser or calamine lotion and apply. - For a more severe reaction with eruptions, a tablet of Cetrizine (available at chemist shop) may be taken but its better to see a doctor immediately. - For dull, dry hair, try this hair pack. Mix half a cup of olive oil, an egg white and 4 teaspoonfuls of honey. Coat your hair with this mixture for half an hour then wash off. - A soothing face pack can be made with a mixture of pureed banana, 2 teaspoonfuls of honey and 2 teaspoonfuls of milk cream. This hydrates, softens and soothes the skin. After Holi hulla, you are bound to get tanned, so try this natural recipe. Puree a tomato and apply it on your face for about 20 minutes. Fresh, crushed tomato pulp is supposed to remove immediate tanning. Wish you a happy Holi with a healthy skin and great hair!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Stay Tuned to Day Long Freshness

Sweating is a normal response to environmental or bodily heat. It can be accelerated due to pain, panic stress, ill health, or an emotional disturbance. When air is dry, evaporation of sweat takes place rapidly so that we don't notice it on our skin, but when the weather becomes hot and humid, the moisture lingers on and we get soaked in perspiration. As an elimination organ our skin allows sweat to pass out from the pores and rid the body of impurities, just as kidneys send out waste products through urine and the liver breaks down pesticides and other chemicals and shunts them off. Sweat is 99 per cent water while the rest is made up of salt, fat, lactic acid, uric acid and potassium. Since the body stores tiny amounts of environmental toxins in fatty tissues, it's possible that even these may turn up as well in the sweat. There are two types of sweat glands located in the dermis of the skin. The eccrine, found all over the body chiefly on the soles of the feet and palms of the hands, prepares plenty of clear sweat that is low in organic matter and is odourless though it can take on the smell of certain liquids or foods that have been consumed. The other is the highly sensitive apocrine which becomes active after puberty and produces a milky secretion that breaks down into fatty acids on mingling with local bacteria resulting in offensive odour. Since the apocrine glands remain stagnant in babies and the young, they smell sweet. Though we all have the same number of sweat glands per skin area, the amount of sweat varies from person to person. On average, women perspire less than men but those engaged in strenuous activities sweat much more. In men the sweat glands exude a hormone called testosterone which by itself is odourless. However, a host of bacteria known as 'coryneform' located in the armpits convert testosterone into substances that emit a seductive musk-like odour so typical of those sexy sweaty shirts! During middle-age, people with a weak digestive system are not able to metabolise foods like fish, eggs, nuts, legumes and liver and they discharge strong odours. Coffee, colas and chocolates also tend to stimulate the apocrine glands - concentrated in moist areas of armpits, breasts, naval and the groin - so more sweat oozes out from the pores. Excessive chronic-sweating called 'hyperhidrosis' can be due to genetic disorder, tension, low blood sugar, obesity or menopause. Sweating can be controlled by maintaining proper personal hygienes sometimes, pouring water on the body does suffice since our skin is an amazing self-cleansing organ but when dirt, dust, dead cells and stale make-up clog pores and hamper the skin's natural functions, a proper cleansing is required to remove accumulated pollutants without disturbing the skin's normal balance. Soap and water are commonly used for bathing and most soaps have fine floral notes that leave the body refreshed and relaxed. But enough water must be used to clear impurities as well as any soap residue. Applying body lotion or talcum powder after the bath adds to the effect of freshening up. Talc absorbs moisture and diminishes body odour though it lasts for a short while. Lotions and perfumes too repress body odour temporarily and that also aesthetically. However they don't fight bacteria and when sweat overpowers the scent, a stale whiff survives. Deodorants do a neater job to control body odour and keep delightful day-long fragrant freshness. They contain antiseptic ingredients and choice essences that destroy bacteria and keep the skin sweet-smelling. Deodorants are available as sprays, roll-ons and deosticks. Sprays: Formulated with active bactericidals and exquisite perfume, they must be used after stepping out of the bath. They should be sprayed carefully by holding the container away from the face and allowed to set before dressing up, as they can leave stains on clothes. Roll-ons: A thick liquid rolls out through a ball at the mouth of the bottle when pressed on the skin. It feels sticky at first but soon a thin layer adheres to the skin's surface and partly seals the pores. Less is better as excess deodorant may cause discomfort. Deo-sticks: Most convenient to use by rubbing the stick on dry skin. As it has little effect on wet skin, make sure to wipe the body properly. It's handy to carry in the purse and re-apply whenever one needs to freshen up. Some deo-sticks have a pronounced perfume to mask body odour. Select a deodorant that works well for your skin and gives total satisfaction. If a product induces an itch or blisters the skin, avoid it and try some other brand. Use of any deodorant should be restricted to thrice a week as frequent application reduces its potency. Often, sweat dilutes the deodorant and, in the course of time, builds natural immunity to that particular product. An anti-perspirant with its two-in-one formula has a long-lasting effect and doesn't wash off or vanish easily. When it is applied a powdery coat forms on the skin and chemicals like aluminium, salts arrest the flow of sweat considerably while eliminating body odour. The right time to use an anti-perspirant is before retiring to bed at night as then it works for a longer time and makes the skin slow down on sweating. ANTI-PERSPIRANTS Some preservatives in antiperspirants can be harmful for those with tender, sensitive skins resulting in a rash. They should use phitikari (alum) containing sulphate of aluminium and potash on armpits, or rub the juice of onion, lettuce or mint leaves to curtail excess sweat and prevent body odour. Hair follicles are ground for apocrine glands to set up body odour. When sweat doesn't dry up, bacteria - the real culprits - take over and cause decomposition and let off a repugnant stink. Make sure the pubic area and armpits are clear of hair. If you experience sweating of the scalp, where the skin's natural lubricants are concentrated, rub eaude-cologne in hair roots before combing. This will help and the hair will also become more fragrant and bouncier. Sweating of feet can be embarrassing when, on removal of footwear, a stench which is annoying to olfactory senses shoots up. Fungi thrive in warm moist places and increase rapidly between the toes. Best is to keep feet dry and clean and spray some talc or deodorant before stepping into well-aired shoes. In warm weather, drink plenty of liquids which will prevent dehydration and aid in diluting apocrine gland secretions. Try to stay calm and relaxed and wear loose, freshly-laundered cotton clothes. Avoid synthetics as these prevent air-circulation and don't permit perspiration to escape. Most ultra-violet rays are harsh and bounce off concrete surfaces. Zinc, an effective ingredient in sunscreens is the white paste that we find cricketers apply below their eyes and lips to safeguard from the sun's glare. Some cream products claim their sunscreen is sweat-proof and longlasting, yet no sunscreen is absolutely sweat-proof. The fragrant cleansers that we use to combat odour often merge with our skin chemistry and become identified as our particular body aroma. Some regard this distinct smell to be alluring as it often conveys signals of sexual intent. And see what someone has to say on this subject: "A horse sweats, a truckman perspires - but a woman glows!" So don't let your apocrine glands get you down even if you lead a hectic life and are always on the go!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Pool Heaters: The Secret to Long Swimming Seasons

If you live in an area that is known for it's hot summer weather, a swimming pool can be a fun and healthy way to stay cool. Swimming pools have become very popular, and could be one of the best investments you make in your home's value and your family's health. Many swimming pool owners are opting for swimming pool heaters to extend their swimming season, especially if their home is in an area with relatively short summers. The sun is able to keep your pool water at a comfortable swimming temperature during the long summer days. But in the transitional spring and fall months, the days are shorter and the angle of the sun isn't high enough to heat your pool water very much. That's where pool heaters come in. If you live in northern climates, swimming pool heaters can practically double your swimming season. There are several different types of pool heaters available, but gas pool heaters are the most common. Specifically, propane pool heaters are some of the best and most cost efficient ways to heat your swimming pool. Gas pool heaters tend to be the least expensive to purchase. Propane swimming pool heaters can heat a greater amount of water more quickly than electricity. Oil-fired pool heaters are also available in some areas, but are much less common. Electric pool heaters are most often based on a heat pump design. Similar to electric heat pumps used to heat some homes, electric pool heaters take advantage of the heat that already exists in the outside air. The air heats freon gas, which is then compressed to raise it's temperature even higher. The hot gas is then piped to a heat exchanger, where the heat is transferred to the pool water. The heated water is then pumped back into the swimming pool. It's also possible to find or even build your own solar pool heater. Solar pool heaters use the sun's energy to heat the water. It would appear that you're getting the heating energy at no cost from the sun, and in fact you are. But don't forget you have to pump the water from your pool into the solar pool heater, where it is heated and returned to the pool. Most people end up using an electric pump to move the water, which means you don't realize the full energy savings that you might expect. Of course, most pool heater designs require pumping the water from the pool to the heater and back again. Raypak is a leading manufacturer of swimming pool heaters, both for home pools and commercial pools. Raypak pool water heaters can be easily converted to run on either natural gas or propane. Raypak pool water heaters are known for their high-efficiency. Efficiency refers to the amount of energy actually used for heating the water (compared to how much is used running the heater or how much is lost).

Monday, July 26, 2010

Why Do Drinking And Smoking Fit Together So Well?

I quit drinking and smoking after engaging in both for more than 15 years and have always been perplexed about how the two practices seem to go hand in hand. I always smoked more when I drank, which I always found to be an interesting phenomenon as well. I used to jokingly wonder if the two practices were somehow in cahoots. The cigarette companies owning the alcohol companies and vice versa. It just seems to me that the whole thing could be some sort of conspiracy. A conspiracy to keep us down. Now that I'm free of both activities, I'm so much more productive and healthy that it's not even funny. I was in the grips of alcohol, and thinking it actually made me feel good, that drinking became normal to me. Then couple that with the fact that as soon as alcohol touched my lips, I wanted to light up a cigarette, and you have what used to be my life. As I said before, this conspiracy to keep me down, lasted for a little over fifteen years before I finally broke free. In a strange way, I think it is a conspiracy to keep us down and feeling sorry for ourselves, so that we spend more money, all in search of something we really don't want anyway. Because when I think about it, I never wanted to smoke or drink in the first place. I tried it because everyone else seemed to be doing it. The problem with these things is that once you try them, they quickly become the thing to do, and then become normal. Having a beer or three after work became "normal" to me. And smoking? Well, hell I was addicted right, quitting just wasn't that simple and besides a cigarette is just so good while drinking, right? Then one day my daughter incarnated into this world and I just couldn't see myself being a bad example to her, and I stopped both of them. And through stopping, I realized that I had spent the previous fifteen years in an alcohol and cigarette induced haze, just the way the manufactures intended. I was surely a loyal customer for both parties, and part of it was because the two just seemed to fit together so darned well.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Healthy Anger and Your Health: Make Your Anger Work for You Instead of Against You

Each of us developed a warrior spirit soon after our birth. Your first anger development occurred after the first few months of your life, coming to a head around the age of two, which is how the idea of the "terrible two's" developed. THE BIRTH OF THE SWORD AND SHIELD The warrior spirit in general develops because the child self within needs protection. The child and the warrior both represent examples of Jungian archetypes, which are well illuminated in the work of Carol S. Pearson's Awakening the Heroes Within. The child is innocent, open and vulnerable; and needs the protective energy of the warrior for its safety in the world. A useful way of understanding the development of your warrior spirit is by working with the imagery and energy of the sword and shield. The sword projects, penetrates, pierces and protects against anything that threatens or opposes you. The shield deflects, conceals, separates and distances you from the perceived threat or opposition. Both are natural and highly useful. You can see that the sword and shield are metaphors for the defense mechanisms of anger and withdrawal. The metaphor and mythology of the warrior's sword and shield will ground your understanding and take you further into the healthy power of these natural processes. This world does not respond well to the warrior's sword. The piercing, penetrating energy of your anger was most likely punished, overpowered or ignored, causing you to withhold your sword and put it somewhere that it could not be seen or heard. So you either became withdrawn and quiet never showing anger, or you became aggressive and outspoken for your own survival. Your sword is either hidden inside you, or it's out for the world to see, hear and feel. No matter what, it didn't go away completely. ILLNESS, VIOLENCE AND THE WARRIOR GONE AWRY · The sword in our bodies. The American Heart Association has sponsored research that indicates, "people who are highly anger-prone are nearly three times more likely to have heart attacks than those who aren't." Metaphorically, we might conclude that when your sword is out of control, it might just pierce your own heart. Other ways that the misguided sword can injure us are reflected in this quote from a health care professional with the Vanderbilt Health and Wellness program. "Anger impacts us physiologically, making itself known to us through muscle tension, headaches, rapid breathing, increased heart rate, stomach distress, elevated blood pressure and even flushing of the skin." · The shield in our bodies. The effects of shielding, or complex unconscious psychophysiological defense mechanisms are diffuse and multi-faceted. It is clear that chronic tension in large and small muscle groups throughout the body can lead to a variety of acute and long-term physical ailments. Gastro-intestinal disorders, upper respiratory illness, and cardio-vascular problems are all related to and effected by hypertension. We are looking at interactions between emotional and physical processes here, not implying specific cause and effect relationships. When we look at the problems in the world, the warrior's sword and shield are not hard to find. · The sword in the world. The piercing, penetrating energies of angry words, sarcastic cuts, racial slurs, bullets, missiles and bombs are all too prevalent in today's world. With war, terrorism, hate crimes, workplace violence, school shootings, domestic disputes, rape and child abuse occurring on an ongoing basis in various locales across the planet, we don't have to wonder about the seriousness of this problem. · The shield in the world. Stoic faces, no eye contact, awkward silences, cold flat voices, uncaring responses and miles of distance between people inches from each other are but a few of the manifestations of the warrior's shield in the world. THE DESTRUCTIVE PROTECTOR The warrior spirit who is disconnected from love and wisdom becomes the destructive protector. All of the compulsive-addictive disorders can be seen as the destructive protector at work. These behavior patterns create a "high" or "rush" or reward that gives temporary relief (protection) from pain, and yet create far more pain than they ever relieve. In the effort to protect, they become destructive. Other forms the destructive protector may take include: · The inner critic. That voice in your head telling you what is wrong with you, reminding you of your limitations and flaws, is actually trying to protect you from harm. · The inner tyrant. Also known as the taskmaster, this aspect of the destructive protector will never let up on you until all of the work is done. And all of the work is never done. · The cynic. That voice in your head that tells you what is wrong with the world and everyone in it was originally developed in an effort to keep you safe. Yet if allowed to run its course and have its way, it will cause you to become isolated, withdrawn and non-functioning. · The fear mind. This aspect of the destructive protector will convince you that it is just not safe out there. In a misguided effort to protect, the fear mind can create absolute paralysis. · The angry victim. Constantly convincing you that your problems are those other people's fault, the destructive protector in this form can actually lead you into abusive and violent behavior. THE LOVING PROTECTOR When your anger becomes healthy, your warrior spirit is intimately connected with the power of love. The protection of your precious inner child is therefore always a matter of love more than fear-based anger. The development of your sense of faith and optimism are a natural and essential part of this process. A belief in positive outcomes and an overall attitude that "things are going to be okay" will bring stress relief and comfort to your inner child. In extensive research conducted over many years, Herbert Benson, M.D. found that individuals with a strong sense of faith and optimism recovered more quickly when they became ill, and were less likely to get sick in the first place. THE SPIRITUAL WARRIOR So how does this look to the world outside us? As the loving protector develops within, the spiritual warrior begins to develop in our relationship with the outer world. To get a sense of what a spiritual warrior is, think of the people you admire the most. You can use historical figures, celebrities, fictional characters or someone from your own life experience. What do these people have in common, and what sets them apart from others? Here are some of the qualities that come to mind: · They are comfortable with who they are and where they stand. · They go their own way, led by an inner knowing of their purpose and mission. · They enjoy life and all of its little daily pleasures. · They are at home in nature. · They are creative, in their own unique way. · Children are naturally drawn to them. · They laugh heartily, often. · They have a vision of their own place in life. · They manage their finances well and successfully. · They are aware of the beauty in other human beings, and treat each one with respect. · Their physical health is robust. · They are aging beautifully and gracefully. · They realize their own greatness and insignificance. The spiritual warrior has the courage to be creative and to express abundant positive emotion. Set your vision of the spiritual warrior you choose to become. See yourself already there, as you go about your daily activities. HEALTHY ANGER Healthy anger fuels effective action. Healthy anger may not look, sound or feel like anger as we have come to know it. It is purely and simply the raw energy of emotion channeled into action to accomplish the desired outcome. It shows up as determination, enthusiasm, clarity, focus, energy, drive, consistency, fortitude, guts, courage, commitment, persistence, and resilience. Healthy anger grabs the store clerk's attention so that you get better service. All it takes is an enthusiastic, "Excuse me, could I get some help here?" with a smile, a clear voice tone and a lot of good energy. Healthy anger incorporates a tremendous set of skills. Use your healthy anger to say "No!" to the messages you have received about aging. See yourself right now aging like you would like to. See yourself strong, fit, vibrant and well ten, twenty, thirty or more years into your future. Make up your mind you're going to fulfill that vision. Write out a plan to make it happen. Use the healthy power of your anger to stick to your program and don't let anything stand in your way. You can live the life you have always dreamed of, and the pure, powerful energy of your healthy anger can help you get there.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Boost Your Brain Power with Powerful "Smart" Foods

Memory decline is a common complaint as we move through the aging process. The typical 60-year-old is not as sharp mentally as they were in their 40s. That said, some people do age slower than others. There are 80 year olds with the mind and body of people decades their minor. There are 70 year olds who can easily match wits with 40 year olds. Would you like to put the brakes on brain rot? You can, simply by adding a handful of "Super Brain Foods" to your daily diet. The "You are what you eat" adage most definately applies to mental function. To slow the aging process and provide continued brain strength, an anti-oxidant, nutrient rich diet will keep your body and brain functioning at more youthful levels. "Oxidative damage" is the most common blame for brain decline. The brain is highly sensitive to oxidative, free radical damage. Foods high in antioxidants counter that damage and protect the brain. "Brain starvation" is another common cause of mental decline. The brain is the greediest organ in your body and its dietary requirements are high. Feed the brain with the protective nutrients it needs and it will peform better. If you want to slow down the hands of time and boost your brain's ability to retain and recall information, grab a handful of blueberries and read on. The following list of foods are shown to boost brain power; Blueberries: Studies show that diets rich in berries, and most specifically blueberries, greatly improves motor skills and learning capacity. Research also shows that blueberries help reduce the effects of age-related conditions such as Alzheimer's disease and dementia and protect the brain from oxidative stress. The most interesting news is that blueberries not only slow brain decline, they can actually reverse it and improve memory. Wild Blueberries, with regular blueberries behind that, are shown to have the highest antioxidant capacity per serving. Cranberries, blackberries, raspberries and strawberries are also extremely high in brain-boosting benefit. **Recommendation: Add at least 1 cup of fresh or frozen blueberries or other berries a day to your diet. Wild Salmon: Salmon and other deep,cold-water fish are rich in omega-3 essential fatty acids. Omega-3s are essential for brain function and also contain anti-inflammatory substances. Other oily fish that provide the benefits of omega-3s are sardines and herring. **Recommendation: Add a 4-ounce serving of salmon or other Omega-3 rich fish to your diet two to three times a week. Citrus Fruits and Colorful Vegetables: Because of their antioxidant properties, citrus fruits and colorful vegetables are high on the list of "brainy" foods . The more colorful the better. Brightly colored yellow, orange, red, purple and green fruits and vegetables are antioxidant rich. Go for orange with carrots, apricots, cantaloupe, mango, papaya and oranges. Blueberries, blackberries, prunes, red grapes and eggplant add a blue/purple hue to your plate. Add red to your diet with cherries, tomoatoes and red pepper. The best antioxidant source of green vegetables are found in the dark green vegetables - spinach, kale, romaine lettuce, brusell sproats, broccoli. **Recommendation: As many colorful vegetables as you can, with an absolute minimum of five servings daily. Since colorful fruits are higher in calories, add two to four servings daily to your diet. Avocados: In promoting brain health, avocados are almost as powerful as blueberries . It is true that the avocado is a fatty fruit, but it's a monounsaturated fat, which contributes to healthy blood flow. Healthy blood flow equates to a healthier brain. **Recommendation: This is another high calorie "Less is More" food. Just 1/4 to 1/2 of an avocado daily will do the trick. Nuts and Seeds: Nuts and seeds are an excellent source of the power antioxidant Vitamin E. Studies show that higher levels of vitamin E correspond with less cognitive decline. Sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, flax seed, walnuts, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, filberts, almonds, cashews, peanuts and unhydrogenated nut butters all provde benefits. **Recommendation: Add an ounce of nuts or seeds to your daily diet. Be careful that you do not overdo this brain-booster. Too much of this higgher calorie food will add to your waistline. Beans: Beans stabilize glucose (blood sugar) levels. The brain cannot store glucose and The brain is dependent on glucose for fuel yet cannot store glucose. Beans rpovide steady stream of energy, as well as a high amount of fiber. With so many varieties - black beans, lima beans, pinto, kidney, garbanzo,Great Northern, Navy and others - it's easy to add variety in this under-recognized super food section. Peas and lentils, other foods in the legume family, also provide benefit. **Recommendation: Add at least a 1/2 cup of beans or other legumes to your diet every day. Whole Grains: Oatmeal, brown rice, whole-grain breads, popcorn and barley prmotoe cardiovascular health and good blood flow throughout the organ system, which includes the brain. Wheat germ, though not technically a whole grain, also goes on the "superfoods" list because wheat germ adds fiber, Vitamin E and some omega-3s. **Recommendation: Add three slices of whole grain bread, a 1/2 cup of oatmeal or other whole-grain cereal, or two tablespoons of wheat germ to your daily diet. Freshly Brewed Tea: Whether it's hot or iced, freshly brewed tea contains a modest amount of caffeine which, when used in moderation, can boost brain power by enhancing memory, focus, and mood. Tea also has potent antioxidants, especially the class known as catechines, which promotes healthy blood flow. Green tea contains chemicals that enhance mental relaxation and alertness and is especially good for brain function. **Recommendation: Two to three cups a day of freshly brewed tea. Note that bottled or powdered teas don't count. Dark Chocolate: Dark chocolate contains several natural stimulants, including caffeine, which enhance focus and concentration, have powerful antioxidant properties and stimulate the production of endorphins to helps improve mood. Like nuts, seeds and avocado, this is another brain-boosting super food to be used in moderation.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Is Your Memory Loss "Normal" or Is There a Problem?

Experts say some memory lapses are actually normal. So before you go diagnosing yourself with Alzheimer's disease, take heart. It is said that memory loss is the second thing that occurs as you age. So what's the first? Umm, I forgot! Actually, by the time you reach the end of this story, you may remember only a fraction of it. Don't worry, you're not alone. Mild memory loss is perfectly normal, especially as we age. It has happened to all of us at one time or another; You draw a complete blank when introducing a new acquaintance. You leave the house with food bubbling on the stove. You forget to pick up your child from after-school practice. You forget a doctor's appointment, a birthday, an anniversary. Oh - and let's not forget the all-too-often search for car keys. If you sometimes forget simple things, you're not necessarily developing Alzheimer's disease. There are many people like yourself walking around who occasionally misplace their keys, who can't recall the name of one new person they met at their last office party, and have that "deer-in-the-headlights" look when searching for their car in the parking lot. There's a reason Disney has character-themed floors coupled with the happy-go-lucky music in their parking garages. Memory, the ability to normally recall the facts and events of our lives, takes place in three stages: Stage 1 - Encoding: When a person takes information in. Stage 2 - Consolidation: When the brain takes the encoded information and processes it, storing it in certain areas of the brain. Stage 3 - Retrieval:. When someone recalls stored information in the brain. For a layman, differentiating between normal memory loss and Alzheimer's disease can be puzzling because the kind of memory that is affected in everyday situations is also the kind affected in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease. Time is memory's worst enemy. Memory loss and brain aging are a natural part of getting older. In their 50s, people will often start to report that they think their memories are going. Because they have to use more reminders or more kinds of strategies for remembering things, older adults seem to be consciously aware of their memory loss. But even before we hit our 50s, memory loss can start to occur. Shortly after receiving information, our memory begins to deteriorate. Some information fades right away, while other things fade less quickly. There are many different forgetting curves with different rates of forgetting that depend on the nature of the material, on how important the information is to you, and how high your stress levels are. Studies show that after some time, people probably don't remember events as they actually happened. You may think you have a vivid memory of an experience, but memory distortion does occur. The longer the period of time that passes between an event and trying to recall it, the greater the chance people are going to have some memory distortions and forgetfulness. Occasionally, time distortion causes us to forget the event completely. Short of Alzheimer's disease, other causes of memory loss can include: stress and anxiety, ADHD, depression, thyroid gland diseases, diabetes, lung, liver, or kidney failure, alcoholism, Vitamin B-12 deficiency, infections, and both prescription and over-the-counter drugs. Depression and stress are the most common reasons for temporary memory problems. The causes of memory loss from many of these conditions are normally reversible. No matter how "normal" memory lapses may be, that doesn't make them any less frustrating. Experts agree that the best way to keep your brain fit is to keep using it. Four things that slow down brain aging include: mental activity, physical fitness, stress reduction, and a healthy diet. Those with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and other conditions increase their risk for small strokes in the brain. Also antioxidants help protect brain cells and exercise helps with overall health. The most important things to help extend and maintain your cognitive abilities for a longer period of time include staying intellectually and socially engaged. Also by challenging yourself by learning new things, reading, and taking up hobbies keep the brain active and strong for the long haul. Some other things you can do to improve memory include: Focusing your attention on the task at hand. Multitasking and not paying attention are two of the biggest causes of forgetfulness. Reduce stress, get plenty of sleep, organize yourself by writing things down or using date books. When should you see a doctor? Research shows that up to half of people over age 50 have mild forgetfulness linked to age-associated memory impairment. But there are signs when more serious memory conditions, such as Alzheimer's disease, are happening. While there is no definitive way to pinpoint Alzheimer's, there are some diagnostic ways doctors distinguish normal memory loss from that which should raise concern. Normal forgetfulness can include: forgetting where you parked your car, forgetting a person's name, but can recall it later, or forgetting events from your past. More serious symptoms and possible problems of forgetfulness include: recalling recent events, how to drive a car, forgetting to have ever known a particular person, confusion, and loss of function. Many doctors feel that if you are worried about your memory, the problem probably isn't that serious. However you should consult a doctor when your relatives or friends express concerns about your memory loss.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Upgrade Your Life With Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy and Self Hypnosis

Life seems mysterious and people act in what appears to be mystifying ways. When it all comes down to the bottom line, we act on our perceptions. If those perceptions are erroneous then we do things that we shouldn't, driving ourselves mindlessly into the abyss of pain and deprivation. There are a lot of labels for what we do. Overeat, smoke, get depressed, cry, go off in a rage for little or no reason etc, etc are only a few examples. The mystery is easy to solve when you consider that all behavior begins with a subconscious decision which becomes subconsciously driven behavior. Some behaviors are good and some are not so good and often self destructive. The good behaviors are no problem, and we are generally happy with them. It's those pesky bad habits such as smoking, nail biting and a golfer's yip that we want to change. Can these behaviors be changed? From a man that has spent the last 31 years of his life helping people to accomplish things that just don't happen normally, the answer is a resounding yes. There is a catch 22 to this however. The false perceptions, bad habits and painful emotions are not conscious behaviors and therefore cannot be addressed from a conscious or cognitive standpoint. Consider anger for a moment. While not everyone has fits of anger and rage, one would notice that when these fits do occur they happen as quickly as a flashbulb going off. Consciously counting to 10 just isn't going to cut it because the anger has already flared long before a person can consciously think to count and then the counting is usually a waste of time. Why? Because the anger or rage is coming from an old pattern within the subconscious. Change must happen in the subconscious mind for permanent resolution. The bottom line is this, whatever behavior you have, good, not so good or even bad, has been learned by your inner mind because at some time in the past, you could see a benefit to this behavior. The issue with such problems as over eating or snacking, for example, is that you learned this was a good thing, it became automatic behavior and you really just don't think about it. You just do it (subconscious behavior) then get upset with yourself afterwards. It's too late then and your subconscious mind knows it! Somehow you must stop the wrong learned patterns and start to replace them with new and more appropriate behaviors. There are three ways that work exceedingly well. Self hypnosis, hypnosis and hypnotherapy can produce dramatic results for most people, when coached by a professional with years of experience. When you talk with him or her, if they seem to know your problem better than you do, you have chosen well. Look for a master hypnotherapist with compassion, great listening skills and experience in helping people accomplish change.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Alcohol Abuse and Addiction

People can become addicted to alcohol. Alcohol changes the way your mind and your body work. Even one beer can slow your reactions and confuse your thinking. This means anything that requires concentration and coordination--like driving--is dangerous when you've had a drink. Ask yourself these questions If you answer yes to 1 or more of the following questions, you may have a problem with alcohol. Have you ever felt: • The need to cut down on your drinking? • Annoyed by criticism of your drinking? • Guilty about your drinking? • Do you feel a need to drink in the morning? What problems can alcohol cause? Alcohol can ruin your health. The more you drink, the more damage is done. You can get alcohol poisoning if you drink too much. As the level of alcohol in your blood rises, the chemicals in your body can cause vomiting or seizures, or you may pass out. Alcohol is best known as a cause of cirrhosis, a disease of the liver. Cirrhosis of the liver is one of the most well-known effects of alcohol abuse. Cirrhosis stops the liver from being able to clean the toxins (poisons) out of your body. . However, it has many other effects on your health. It's a major cause of deaths and injuries due to accidents. It can have severe effects on a baby during pregnancy. Alcohol can also cause stomach ulcers that lead to internal bleeding How much alcohol is really in a drink? Beer usually contains 3% to 5% alcohol. Wine has 9% to 16%. Hard liquor usually contains the highest levels (up to 50%). All states consider an adult to be intoxicated, or drunk, at 0.08% blood level of alcohol. For a man who weighs 170 pounds, this might mean only 4 beers (12-ounce cans) on an empty stomach in an hour. For a woman who weighs 137 pounds, this might mean less than 3 beers in an hour. For people under 21, all states now have a zero-tolerance law, which means you are breaking the law if you drive with any alcohol in your system. How do I stop? The first step is realizing that you control your own behavior. It's the only real control you have in your life. So use it. Here are the next steps: 1. Commit to quitting. Once you decide to quit, you can make plans to be sure you succeed. 2. Get help from your doctor. He or she can be your biggest ally. Alcoholism is a kind of disease, and it can be treated. Talking with your doctor or a counselor about your problems can be helpful too. 3. Get support. Contact Alcoholics Anonymous or the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. They will give you the tools and support you need to quit. Ask your family and friends for support too. What does it feel like to quit drinking? As you drink, your body tries to make up for the depressant effects of alcohol. This built-up tolerance to alcohol can lead to severe withdrawal symptoms when people who drink a lot quit. Serious withdrawal symptoms include seeing things, seizures and delirium tremens (confusion, seeing vivid images, severe shakes, being very suspicious), and can even include death. This is why you may need your doctor's care if you've been drinking heavily and are trying to quit.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

5 Things Air Home Purifier Companies Don't Want You to Know

We've all seen those air purifier infomercials. But can a little $449 home air purifier really help allergies? Last year over 4 million air purifiers were sold in the US. And while allergies rank #1 as the reason people bought an air purifier the rise of childhood asthma (up 60% over the last 10 years) is a close second. With 106 air purifier manufacturers and 12 technologies to research I was overwhelmed. I wondered what type works best for allergies? Or asthma? And the strong competition between manufacturers is creating confusion for consumers. According to one industry analyst: "Manufacturers are battling over whether ozone purifiers, ion purifiers, and the no-replacement-filter-type purifiers are best in the minds of consumers" According to Rich Mayer, a Research Scientist who specializes in Air Purification Technology 3 things stand out: 1) Most air technology on the market has been around over 40 years. 2) Most people didn't know what technology matched their needs (to know see below) 3) Most people are paying too much, and for the wrong technology. 5 things you should know before you buy an Air Purifier #1: Replacement Filters are Over-Priced In Japan air purifiers include 2-3 extra replacement filters. WHY? Because the Japanese think ahead. U.S. manufacturers realize American's don't think ahead so they overcharge. Once you purchase an air purifier you'll be stuck paying what they ask. (Reminds me of my $89 inkjet printer -the replacement cartridges are $28!) Remedy: Ask for filter prices first. Every 6-12 months you'll need to change filters. And anything over $25 is too much. Buying Hint: Ask for a discount on extra replacement filters before buying. #2: Avoid Purifiers That Say: "No Replacement Filters" The idea sounds great but once you've seen a dirty HEPA filter (HEPA's are a cloth-like filter which holds dust and pollution) you realize the ones without filters aren't catching very much dust or pollen - YOUR LUNGS ARE! "No Replacement Filter Models" include: Ionic Breeze Oreck Models (they contradict themselves on their website. You have to replace filters, but they aren't HEPA) Remedy - Get an air purifier that has affordable replacements. HEPA is important if you have allergies. #3: "Fanless" Air Purifiers Won't Move Enough Air The ionic purifiers sell you on how quiet they are and how little electricity they use. The problem is they don't move any air. (Note; Because of this problem Sharper Image went to fans in their new models) Remedy: Avoid purifiers without fans. #4 Avoid Loud Fan Motors A few people have emailed me that after buying an air purifier they couldn't sleep. Remedy: For a super quiet fan ask for one with brushless motors. Read the box for decibel levels. 20-35 decibels is quiet enough for sleep. #5: It Won't Do The Square Footage On The Box I called Oreck when their new $700 tower was listed as covering 1100 square feet. "How Many Times Does It Change The Air In The Room?" (which means how many times it will change all the air in that room). They didn't know. Finally a tech said: "One per hour". That's poor. Remedy: Make sure to ask for 4-9 "Changes Per Hour" per Square footage.(You may have to call the manufacturer) Square Footage as listed on the box is also based on an empty room. How to Choose The Right Technology Here are some guidelines to match the basic technologies to your needs: #1 HEPA, Pre-filter, Neg/Ion, Plasma Grid = Helpful for allergies and asthma, some odors #2 Carbon, Charcoal, Ozone = Helpful for odors, smoke, animal smells, chemical sensitivity, VCO's, and immune system #3 UV, TiO2, Plasma Grid, Ceramic = Helpful for immune system (colds, flu, viruses, pathogens), and eliminating musty odors New Sensor Technology There is a cool new technology from Japan that detects pollen. It promises to bring greater allergy relief. It continuously adjusts the purifier to the room saving electricity and guesswork. In the end the home Air Purifier I found became one of the 3 parts of the plan that eliminated my allergies.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Greatest Stop Smoking Aide

I smoked for more than fifteen years and finally quit about a year ago. How did I do it? How did I finally break free of the hold that nicotine had on me? I'm going to tell you what helped me stop smoking once and for all, that's right I'm going to give you the greatest stop smoking aide that you've ever heard of. And I'm going to give it to you for FREE, that's right this stop smoking aide isn't going to cost you a penny. I told myself for many years that I liked smoking. That I liked the way it tasted. That having a cigarette relaxed me. I told myself all of these things and then I woke up one morning and realized that I'd been a smoker for more than 10 years! I couldn't believe it. I had been a smoker for more than a freakin' decade, how did this happen? I used to be an athlete for God's sake, now I couldn't run a half a mile without feeling as if I were going to die. So I began to think about this dilemma. I bought the nicotine gum and began to chew it in a mild attempt to quit smoking. It worked for awhile, but then I fell right back into the old habit. Then I tried "cutting down". I even went so far as to smoke ½ cigarettes at a time. Then I realized thyis didn't accomplish much. I always heard from everyone around me how difficult quitting smoking was and I tended to agree, seeing as how I sure couldn't seem to quit myself. Then something dawned on me. Why was I listening to what everyone else said about quitting smoking? Then I started to pay attention and almost immediately noticed something. Every advertisement that I saw or heard about quitting smoking told me how difficult quitting was going to be. And of course, whatever product was being advertised was supposedly going to make quitting easier for me. I began putting two and two together and BAM, figured it out! It was a conspiracy of sorts. Everyone and I mean everyone, had been conditioned to believe that quitting smoking was going to be difficult. What I did, and became the greatest stop smoking aide, was to change the way I thought about smoking. I realize that this sounds too simple, but it's exactly what I did. I simply stopped telling myself quitting smoking was going to be difficult. In fact, when I was smoking by myself, I would look at the cigarette I was smoking and say, "This is going to be easy to stop." I reminded myself of how easy it was going to be as much as I could. Then something amazing happened. I began to notice how much I stank after smoking. I also began to notice other people, and how they smelled after smoking. The way I felt about smoking was starting to change. Then one day I opened my pack for a cigarette and there was only 1 left. I took that cigarette out, said to myself, "This is it", and smoked that cigarette. That was it. I've never smoked again. I had successfully changed the way I thought about smoking and soon thereafter, the act of smoking changed for me. It's just like the old saying (which you should carry with you by the way) "Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change."

Monday, July 5, 2010

Slimming without Diets and Gyms

Millions of men and women worldwide dream of dropping extra kilos. But few succeed. Often the problem lies in a wrong approach to losing weight. Most people who want to get thinner first exhaust themselves with hunger and diets, and then go to gyms where they torture themselves with excessive exercise. Overworking in gyms and heavy dieting lead to stress which makes your body produce cortisol, a hormone which is responsible for gaining fat, especially in the abdomen region. It means that in practice you strive to slim and get fatter as the result. So, how do you really lose weight? 1. Enjoy life and have fun. As research shows, some eat not just because they are really hungry. They load themselves with food because they're bored, lonely and desperate. Try to understand what exactly leads you to the fridge, where you end up making these huge sandwiches. If it is because of boredom, try to find a less harmful way to entertain yourself. If you are never bored, you can decrease the number of excessive calories dramatically. 2. Find yourself a good match. 'Prevention', a scientific magazine, published an article saying food replaces love for some of us. Again, studies show that those who don't have a partner are more likely to eat a lot - more than those who are happy about their intimate life. This is a way to compensate the lack of love. Perhaps, you better dedicate some time to getting a decent date instead of hunting for more foodstuffs at your local store? 3. Change your hobby. Many people love spending their evenings in front of TV sets, and even call it their hobby. But this hobby is directly linked to overeating. If you, for example, take on a hobby or riding a bicycle for a while before sleeping instead of all these shows, you will do yourself good and cut down on heavy foods. 4. Eat regularly, several times a day. Experts say staying hungry never did any good to anyone. And then, it's not worth it. You may lose a couple of kilos for a while, but gain a couple of illnesses. It brings you nowhere but to a hospital ward. Split your daytime eating into many smaller portions instead of having a heavy breakfast, lunch, and supper. Eat less and more often, say, every 3 hours. 5. Celebrate your success in a smart way. Most people celebrate their success in restaurants and bars. Try a different pattern. Celebrate your happy days in cinemas, bowling or pool clubs. It is both healthy and enjoyable, and it does less damage to your body. 6. Dance. Exhausting workouts in gyms are not something everybody would like. Dancing, however, is a lot more enjoyable. There are far more people who go to discos than to gyms. But in fact discos and gyms are comparable in terms of helping you fight obesity. Scientists have proved that a night at a disco burns about the same amount of calories you would burn after 2 hours of working out. Remember, still, that once you come to a disco, don't just sit there, sipping on alcoholic cocktails. Move! 7. Read the info on food packaging. Don't think everything the packaging says is real and true. Even if a product is claimed to be low in fat, it does not mean there's no fat there at all. The same can be said about sugar or carbohydrates. You can't be 100% sure you are eating the same amount of all these things which the sticker gives you. 8. Choose fresh foods instead of processed foods. Canned fruit and vegetables are totally different from their fresh counterparts. Processed foods typically contain more fat, salt and sugar. You will lose weight faster if you settle for fresh foods, eliminating convenience foods and preserved products.

Friday, July 2, 2010

You Can Be Happy If You Decide To Be

Well, the holidays are over and you're probably feeling generally burned out by all the excess- too much socializing, too much family, too much food and drink, too much money spentand the list goes on. The holidays, while mostly enjoyable, can also bring about a real 'letdown' feeling when they're over. We often feel blue, out-of-sorts, and lacking direction and focus. So what do we do to feel more 'together' and 'in control' after such a time? We make resolutions! You know the drill: I will lose 10 pounds in the next three months, I will be kinder to my partner, I'll stick to a strict budget, etc. Well, I've got another one to add to your New Year's Resolutions list and it's number one on mine and that is: I WILL BE MORE POSITIVE IN MY THINKING IN ORDER TO ATTRACT WHAT I REALLY WANT. Did I make this idea up? I wishNo, this concept is filtering into all of our brains on a daily basis and is 'all the rage' these days. It's trendy. It's fashionable. And yes, it can lead to the attainment of a fabulous wardrobe. And that's not all The entire concept solidified for me the other night while watching a film a colleague loaned me called, "The Secret" (you can find it online at: While very Hollywood and at times, downright cheesy, the basic message is very good. In short, it's all about "the law of attraction" which states that what we focus on in our minds is what we get. I utilise this concept extensively in my self-help book, "Dump That Chump" ( to help women let go of toxic relationship patterns and attract their ideal partner. In short, what we tell ourselves about what is possible for us to attain, is what we draw to us. For example, if we believe that all men are jerks and that they really do come from Mars; that's the kind of guys we'll attract. On the other hand, if we believe that there is a multitude of decent, kind, loving, and emotionally available men out there just waiting to meet someone fabulous like ourselves, those are the kind of guys that we'll attract. I like how Marianne Williamson, an expert on the Course In Miracles puts it: She says that we essentially send out psychic 'radar' to potential partners letting them know what and who we're looking for and that "when we get serious, the Universe takes us seriously." Other great thinkers call it, "being in the flow"; you know that feeling when you're doing what you love and everything is just so easy and seems to fall into place and you feel warm and fuzzy inside and feel connected to everything and everyone around youthat's what I'm talking about. That's exactly the feeling I have right now as I write this. I feel lit up inside, thrilled about sharing what I know with others, totally connected to my purpose, and knowing deep in my heart that I am using the gifts the Creator gave me. It's a fabulous feeling and a lot better for my health than a chocolate bar! I'm sure you've had similar moments and my guess is that you want to have more of them. We all do. How can it be done, you ask? BY CHANGING OUR THINKING. You see, we learn a lot of things in school, but something sadly lacking in the curriculum is how to think properly. I feel that as a society, the majority of us suffer from what they call in 12-step groups, "stinking thinking". We are constantly telling ourselves negative things about who we are and what we can achieve. A lot of this is unconscious and we don't even realise we're doing it. I mean, who in their right mind would consciously sabotage themselves hundreds of times a day and continue to feel unfulfilled and not get what they really want out of life? Examples of stinking thinking I hear every day from clients are things like: "I know my partner treats me badly, but all guys are like that". "I really want to work for myself and get out of this horrible job I'm in and do what I'm really passionate about, but that's not realistic- I have bills to pay." "I've always wanted to take dance lessons but I totally suck at dancing and I'm too old now to do that anyway." And what do we end up getting when we put such messages out to the Universe? Exactly what we put out there. In The Secret, they say that we create our own reality through our thoughts- this is not a new idea as many famous philosophers, scientists, and mystics have been saying this for thousands of years. And yet, so many of us ignore this basic truth and keep ourselves stuck by 'playing small' in life and not asking for too much. God forbid, we should be successful, happy, healthy, and full of love. I know this way of being all too well as I come from a family and a culture where suffering is almost next to Godliness. The fodder for most conversation focuses on how bad one's health is, or the horrible state of the world and how uncaring the human race is, etc. I soaked up these messages very early on and walked around with my head down, being ever so serious (I'm still working on that one), and feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders. But lately, I've had an epiphany and that is that my suffering and focusing on the negatives doesn't help myself or anyone else live a better life, clean up the environment, stop wars and killing, or end poverty. It just ends up depressing the hell out of me (and everyone around me) and leaves me feeling hopeless and apathetic. When you're feeling depressed and hopeless, chances are you're not going to have much 'get up and go' to change things for the positive on a global level. I find that an old adage comes in very handy for bringing about the positive changes we desire in ourselves and in the world around us and that is: FAKE IT TIL YOU MAKE IT. Act as if you have whatever it is you want RIGHT NOW even in the face of contrary evidence. Your brain doesn't know the difference- it believes what you tell it to be true. In this vein, I leave some homework to start off your New Year on a positive and affirming note: On an index card, write down five positive affirmations to attract things you want in your life and write them as if they have already manifested in your life. For example, "I am fit and healthy. Every day I become healthier and stronger in my body and my mind." Read your affirmations out loud once in the morning upon awakening and once before bed so they set your day and then summarize your day and soak deeply into your unconscious. Do this for three months and see what happens! You'll be amazed.