Its a proven fact that the instant you stop smoking your body begins to repair its self. Within the first 20 minutes after you quit your pulse rate will return to normal, blood pressure stabilizes, your heart rate drops, and the blood circulation to your hands and feet returns to normal. After you have gone 8 hours without a cigarette the carbon monoxide, and oxygen levels in your blood stream return to their normal level's, and after the first 24 hours the chances of having a heart attack start to decrease. Sinus congestion, shortness of breath, fatigue, and coughing all will disappear within 1 to 9 months. After 1 year your risk of contracting coronary heart disease decreases is cut in half, and after 5 years your risk of contracting lung cancer is cut in half. After 15 years you will no longer be at risk of contracting heart disease, or lung cancer! Most smokers truly want to stop smoking until they quit. Once they quit they start looking for reasons to reasons to start up again, They give excuses like my coughing has gotten even worse, I am suffering from terrible headaches, I am nervous, depressed and stressed out, now is not the right time for me to quit, or my work is suffering because I am unable to sleep at night. If people would take the time to learn what addiction is and how it works it would be a lot easier for them to quit smoking. most smokers don't quit because they don't take the time to find out how their addiction is keeping them addicted, and because they don't understand their addiction they are more likely to return to their old friend the cigarette once they quit. There are numerous health benefits associated with smoking cessation. First there are the physical health benefits such as decreased risk of having a heart attack, lung cancer, stroke, and chronic lung disease. You will live longer and be much more healthier than a person who continues to smoke. Then there are the benefits to your mental health. You'll notice that your self-esteem will improve, and you are going to feel a lot better about yourself knowing that your taking care of your body, instead of hurting it. The ball and chain that cigarettes had on you will be broke and you will start to feel like you are in control your life rather than life is controlling you. If you started smoking to cope with the anxiety and stress in your life, then learning new ways to deal with these issues will strengthen and enhance your emotional and metal health well being. Once you quit smoking you will no longer be exposing your family and friends to deadly second-hand smoke. Your appearance will improve and your going to smell better too.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Boost Your Health
You can boost your health with supplements if you use them wisely. The controversy about the use of supplements has been settled in their favor. We can not get the daily requirement of essential vitamins and minerals from our modern food. Even nutritious food may not provide daily required amounts. Deficiency of nutrients and vitamins in our body can cause variety of health problems. Some may become chronic with passage of time. Lethargy, indigestion, low energy levels and recurring minor problems are mostly caused by the lack of vitamins and nutrients. Good news is that we can avoid all these health problems with proper supplements. Good supplements with essential nutrients and vitamins under proper guidance can be very helpful. Your immune system gets boost. Your physical and mental energy levels are increaed. Your overall fitness level increases. You become healthy and radiant. You can get rid of small ailments. Get relief from many recurring minor health problems. Feel fit and strong. But, you should always remember that supplements are supplements and not replacement of regular and healthy food. Without food, they will not work. I am running an internet business and I keep myself healthy and fit as i use healthy food with good supplements. I believe, we need to be health conscious and proactive.
Monday, March 22, 2010
One Small Step - Sometimes Slow Changes Is Best
We've tried hundreds of times to lose weight, to eat better, to start exercising. We start off gung-ho, we quit things cold turkey, we make huge New Year's resolutions. We'll last for a few weeks, maybe even a few months. But then we have a bad day, which turns into a bad week, and pretty soon we're eating a pint of ice cream all by ourselves in the middle of the night. These drastic changes can cause a great deal of stress and can actually shut down the cortex in our brains, causing us to loose our ability to think, judge, and reason. So, our past failures are not really our fault. We were just changing too quickly and short-circuiting our minds in the process. So, instead of making life altering changes overnight, try changing gradually, giving your mind, body, friends, and family time to adjust to this new you. To lose weight, for example, you know you should start eating healthier. But don't do it overnight, do it gradually. Start by eating an apple a day. Then in two weeks, add a salad to your meals. In four months, replace your steaks with chicken, and drink water instead of soda pop. In a year, you'll be able to see your toes and you'll feel 10 years younger. And how did you do it? By taking one small step at a time and doing it consistently over a period of months and years. This same method can be applied to getting a better job, being more creative, even saving more money. By starting small, taking one class at a time, writing one sentence in your journal each night, and putting $20 a month in your IRA, you can start yourself towards the goals you've always been too scared to work towards. The days are going to pass anyway, why not do a little something each day to make your future brighter. In a year, you'll thank yourself for being so diligent, and you'll think, "Hey, that wasn't so bad after all."
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Dealing With Clients With A Medical Billing Service
You must at all times run your business in a professional manner. You have a responsibility to your clients which must be maintained. Although they understand you may get sick or have family sickness, this cannot become a habit whereby it constantly keeps you from performing your services for your clients. You could lose them and your business. Remember just because you are working from home and can set your own hours your clients are depending on timely billing in order for their clientsto pay own time. If you start to do billing when it is convenient for you patients are not billed on time and therefore your clients are not paid in a timely manner. More than likely your clients are not going to pay you until they are paid. So the sooner you process the billing the sooner you get paid. If you have a project that is going to be delayed because of sickness or some other unexpected situation, let your clients know immediately. Give them an estimated completion date on their projects. If you are sick just keep in touch on a daily basis. I highly recommend having a backup person. This could be a family member or a close friend. This way your deadlines are always met even while sick or on vacation. Make sure you understand all instructions given from new clients. Having good communication is very important for your business. If you prefer working in the evenings, look over your projects during the day to see if there are any questions you need to ask. This way you can contact your client during the day to avoid any delay in completing their projects on time. Communicate your questions via email or telephone which ever way allows them to response in a timely manner.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Fees For A Medical Billing Service
You should have a basic fee list for your clients. However, as you discuss with them their needs, you may want to increase or decrease your fees. For example clients who need billing only, with processing through a lock box system, need less personal attention then those who do not. Before you begin working for your clients find out all their needs before quoting a price. All clients should be given a contract to sign. This will serve as a written agreement between you and your client to show they are aware of your fees and agree with them. In the event your client does not pay for your services you can take them to court and present your signed contract. You may also want to consider lowering your fees for those clients who give you large volumes of work. Clients who give you large volumes make it easier for you to process their work. Where as for clients that give you small volumes will cause you to constantly be changing the settings on your computer. Think of it in this manner, in the auto industry, a new model requires retooling, and retooling means shut down time in order to prepare. This is basically how you will operate receiving small volumes of work.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Symptoms of Sleep Deprivation
If you suspect that you may have sleep deprivation, seek help immediately. Sleep deprivation should not be left untreated. If untreated you could be putting yourself and your family at risk. Sleep deprivation is something that can be improved. However in order to seek help for improvement you must be able to recognize the symptoms. Some of the most common symptoms are: . Tiredness . Irritability and nervousness . Inability to tolerate stress . Problems with concentration and memory . Behavioral learning or social problems . Frequent infections . Blurred vision . Rage of discomfort . Change in appetite . Lack of tolerance When you suffer from exhaustion or fatigue your emotional state of mind is affected. This means you could be experiencing feelings of sadness, anger, stress and mood swings all for no apparent reason. The brain's frontal cortex relies on sleep to function correctly. Without enough sleep the frontal cortex's ability to control speech, access memory and solve problems is affected. When it's needed to solve a problem for you it is unable to do so. Sleep deprivation should be taken seriously as it can become a life threatening situation.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
What Happens To Your Body During Sleep Deprivation?
Millions of adults are affected by sleep deprivation each day and the numbers are ever increasing. Your body's function is severely limited with sleep deprivation. You cannot concentrate, your body feels bad, you have memory shortage and your muscles hurt. When your body does not get enough sleep you cannot function effectively. Your body goes through several changes. Some changes include: . The brain not getting enough rest which affects the frontal cortex and causes it not to function properly. . The body does not provide enough energy to perform tasks. . Movement is weakened and limited. . The body cannot metabolize glucose correctly therefore early signs of diabetes occur. All of these symptoms and effects can go away if the body begins to get enough rest. However if the body continues to go without rest it weakens and it is put at risk and in physical danger. People with sleep deprivation should not feel like one or two days of rest will solve the problem. It will not. The body has to have continuous ongoing rest for it to function properly on a daily basis.
Monday, March 8, 2010
The Cause of Sleep Deprivation
Sleep deprivation can be caused by many things. If you suffer from sleep deprivation you are physically putting yourself in danger along with risking your health. To solve your physical problem you need to understand what is happening. For many people this requires a real look at their lifestyle and their health. What is causing your sleep deprivation? Here are a few situations that may be the cause: Emotional stress and excitement - If you are under stress or overly excited this can be a cause. Medications - If you are taking a new medication for your medical condition and it is keeping you awake consult your physician. Caffeine - If you eat foods high in caffeine, a natural stimulant, this can be another cause. While these are the most common causes there are some sleep disorders which can also be the cause. Insomnia, nightmares and excessive snoring can be additional causes for sleep deprivation. You may not be able to breathe properly while sleeping. This is called sleep apnea, a very serious condition that causes you to wake up to clear your throat so you can breathe. You may not remember wakening up but you will feel tired. Taking too many sleeping pills can interact with this condition. Sleep deprivation is a condition that can improve and be overcome with treatment. It is also a condition that can cause health risks later on.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Are You Getting Enough Sleep At Night?
Most people need at least eight to nine hours of sleep at night to feel rested and ready for the day. However, each person has a different physical and mental need for sleep. There are very few people who can get by on just three or four hours of sleep at night. Let's look at this sleep scale: Children under age two - Need at least thirteen to seventeen hours of sleep a night. Toddlers over age two - Need at least nine to thirteen hours of sleep at night. Age Ten - Need ten to eleven hours of sleep. Teens need this amount of sleep through puberty and their final growth spurts. Age 16 and up - Need between six and nine hours of sleep at night. Over age 65 - Need between six and eight hours of sleep. Where do you fall on this scale? Are you sleep deprived?
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
How To Cope With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Some people who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) may find their condition frustrating and difficult to deal with. This condition varies with each person. While some may be able to maintain an active life others may suffer from debilitating symptoms. We will try to offer some useful advice for coping with CFS in this article. The best thing to do to cope with CFS is to have an open mind. You may try several treatments and therapies before any improvement begins. By keeping an open mind while using these treatments and therapies you will allow yourself a chance for improvement. Have a good communication and rapport with your physician and other care givers. Be completely honest about your symptoms and discuss any feelings of frustration with your physician. This is another essential part of managing this condition. Many who suffer from CFS have feelings of guilt, anger and frustration. If these feelings are not dealt with properly they can make the physical symptoms worse. Your doctor can help with the physical side of your condition but you should seek professional counseling for the mental side. It can actually help improve the physical symptoms. By treating your CFS condition both physically and mentally you are giving yourself the best change for an improved quality of life.