Monday, October 26, 2009

Make me lose about 25 lbs

I hear that a lot. People often confuse hypnosis with, well, magic I guess. People misconstrue hypnosis with a panacea. HYPNOSIS WILL NOT MAKE YOU LOSE WEIGHT, YOU MAKE YOU LOSE WEIGHT! That's right, hypnosis cannot make the pounds just melt away, and nothing can. What hypnosis can do is pretty amazing; just not miraculous. So how do people lose weight using hypnosis? Good question. They don't. There is only one way to lose weight: burn more calories than you take in. It is a math problem. That simple equation becomes the biggest problem for most people losing weight. People using hypnosis to lose weight do so because they want to learn to use their brain and change the way they think about food and exercise. They learn quicker, and form new habits to replace the ones that were (no pun intended) feeding into their weight problem. If you replace the bad habit with a good one that satisfies the same need, there is no desire for the bad one anymore. Get it? Here is an example my husband uses: "I could move in with you and walk around with you all day and all night, and every time you tried to eat something unhealthy, I would knock it out of your hands. I could hold a gun to your head and make you exercise and that you are not snacking at night. After several months, you will have all new habits, and wouldn't need me there anymore. Or, I can hypnotize you to learn the habits you need and how to use them, and you will do it on your own in about 30 days. Remember, I have four kids that come with me. Which way would you prefer?" Hypnosis is, by definition, a change in state. Happy to sad, relaxed to tense, angry to calm. When you change your state, you become more suggestible. Here is where people get confused: more suggestible DOES NOT mean that someone can make you do something you would not ordinarily do. Is it possible? Yes, but with several visits and lots of work: in other words, you would know what is going on. Hypnosis just allows you to accept beneficial suggestions without you getting in the way. You're simply more open to new ideas and possibilities. People often ask me, "Can bad things happen under hypnosis?" My answer, "Not with us." Think of hypnosis like a gun. If a police officer has it, you aren't worried about the outcome or how they will use it. If a felon has the same gun, it takes on a whole different view. Suddenly, you fear the worst and are terrified of what can happen. There are immoral and unethical people in every profession, so just be careful. Make sure you talk to your hypnotist before you allow them to hypnotize you. If you don't feel comfortable, leave. Don't be afraid to ask for referrals from people who have used the hypnotist before you. Hypnosis for clinical use is growing in popularity. Weight loss is by far the largest clinical use of hypnosis. Its popularity is largely based on the fact that there are no pills to take, no invasive procedures, no patches to stick on, and you get to relax while you do it. It is an attractive alternative for people of every age, color, religion, and sex. Hypnosis is a means to learn what you need to do, and change the habits you have in a condensed time. In comparison to other habits, weight loss is one of the most difficult habits to change... and it is a habit. To lose weight, you have to change your habit of the types of foods you eat, the habit of how much you eat, the habit of when you eat, and your exercise habits. Now, that's a lot of habits! Let's look at smoking as a counter-example. When you stop putting cigarettes in your mouth, you're a non-smoker. The habit in smoking is putting the cigarette in your mouth. Try to stop putting food in your mouth to become a non-eater. You can't do that too long. You have to develop new habits to continue doing what you do but in a new and responsible way. If your mind has a mind of it's own, find a hypnotherapist in your area.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Best Supplements for Heart Health

The best supplements for heart health should address as many of the major controllable risk factors for developing heart disease as possible. There are numerous health heart supplements, but only a few may actually be beneficial. The major risk factors for heart disease that are controllable include obesity, stress, unhealthy cholesterol levels, high blood pressure and physical inactivity. Although physical inactivity is not something that the health heart supplements can address, it can be advantageous to take supplements that are designed to increase energy. Many people find that after a day of work and commuting, they are just too tired to be physically active. Often this is related to poor quality diet during the busy workday. It takes some self-motivation, but the right health supplements can help. Some herbs, minerals and vitamins that increase energy levels and stabilize them throughout the day include Green Tea, folic acid, magnesium, vitamin C and the B vitamins. These nutrients serve many unique functions in the body, but all are necessary for energy levels adequate to improve physical activity levels. The best supplements for heart health should contain adequate quantities of each of these. There are many other vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other nutrients that are important for overall health. If your daily diet does not include everything your body needs to function efficiently, then you will have low energy levels. While focusing on a healthy diet is of utmost importance for health, heart supplements can provide some extra insurance. In addition, a complete daily vitamin and mineral supplement designed for your sex and your age group should insure that you get all of the essential nutrients that you need on a daily basis. Stress is one issue that the best supplements for heart health will address. Stress in our lives is unavoidable. Chronic or long term stress caused by frustrating jobs, money problems and/or troubled personal relationships may be unavoidable. Often it is impossible to change these situations, but it is possible to change the way you respond to them. Chronic stress can also lead to depression, which often accompanies heart disease. Gingko Biloba and Sam-E have been shown to relieve the symptoms of depression and have been used as complementary therapies for patients with heart disease. Gingko Biloba, when combined with ginger, has been shown to reduce anxiety, caused by chronic stress. The best supplements for heart health contain Gingko Biloba and Sam-E. In addition to physical activity, meditation and other stress reduction techniques, people under consistent stress need extra vitamin C. Vitamin C is needed by every cell of the human body. It cannot be produced by the human body, so it must be obtained from food or supplements and quantities in the blood stream are quickly depleted. This is one reason that many of the better health heart supplements contain vitamin C and the reason that dosage recommendations are typically for three times a day, rather than just once per day. If a person takes a mega-dose of vitamin C once a day, the body will use what it needs at the time and excrete the rest. The better choice is to split the dosage into three reasonable quantities. In this way, the body will have adequate vitamin C levels throughout the day, keeping energy levels consistent. Controlling Cholesterol and Blood Pressure Naturally You may have seen news articles and information from alternative health care providers maintaining that unhealthy cholesterol levels can be controlled naturally. Prescription medications (statin drugs) designed to inhibit the production of cholesterol within the body can also inhibit the production of Coenzyme Q-10. This enzyme can be created by the human body when overall nutritional levels are good, but when production is inhibited, muscle death (including the heart muscle) can occur. When statin drugs were originally patented, the designers recommended adding CO Q-10 to the mixture, but the manufacturers never followed through with this recommendation. They simply added the warning that muscle pain, particularly in the legs, should be reported to your doctor. It is the opinion of many health care professionals, including this writer, that once deep muscle pain is felt, there could already be a problem. It is not necessary to include CO Q-10 in health heart supplements, as long as statin drugs are not being taken and nutrition is good. The best heart health supplements contain ingredients that will lower levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol naturally. These include rutin, policosanol, inositol and, once again, vitamin C. Blood pressure can also be controlled naturally, with proper diet, exercise and stress reduction techniques. Grape seed extract has been used to maintain normal blood pressure levels and the best health heart supplements contain this ingredient as well. Not all supplements are the same.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Build Your Self-Esteem With NLP & Hypnotherapy CD's

A social phobia is a fear of interacting with others on a social level. Examples would be talking in front of other people, waiting in line at the checkout imagining others are looking at you, or even fear of talking on the phone. Self-confidence is a feeling, which allows individuals to have decisive, yet realistic views of themselves and their status. Self-confident people trust their own aptness, have a general sense of control over their lives, and believe that, within reason, they will be able to do what they want to do. Self-esteem is a point of view that is learned through experiences. When a person experiences success, that person will tend to expect to be successful at his/her endeavors. And that very expectation itself will cause a feeling of confidence. For example: A man wants to be an extreme fighter, so he gets a trainer and a manager. His manager will not arrange a bout for his boxer until he has developed enough skill and stamina. And even then, the manager will only put him up against a challenger that he knows his fighter can batter. When his fighter beats the opponent, he is successful, and starts to gain confidence in his abilities. With each combat, the manager puts his warrior up against a rival who is only a slightly better rival then the last, but not good enough to beat his man. By the end of the third fight, the young contender begins to expect to win his fourth, and so his confidence continues to flourish. This series of events continues to repeat itself. And as long as the fighter contestant is victorious, his expectations of success, and his feelings of self-confidence will continue to increase. As another example: A young lady who is in fear of being in high places wants to learn to dive into a swimming pool from a high diving board. So she finds a diving coach and he asks her to take a jump into the pool from the first step of the ladder that is going up to the diving board. The first step of the ladder isn't awful high, so the young lady feels no fear, and she jumps from that step, and lands in the water unharmed. Next, the athletic coach has her jump from the second rung of the ladder, and so forth. I assume that you get the picture here. With each incremental step up the ladder, since the girl was able to jump without harm, and the next higher step is only slightly higher then the last, the fear of harm factor is negligible, and the girl expects to be successful. When she jumps in and is unharmed, the girl's self-confidence increases, and her expectation of success on the next rung up the ladder increases. If a person who has a long history of success and feelings of self-esteem does fail, they still tend to expect success the next time out. Conversely, when a person who is weak in the self-confidence department fails, they tend to lose confidence, and expect failure, which often becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Having self-confidence doesn't mean that individuals will be successful at everything. People, who have true self-confidence, usually have expectations that are sensible. Even when some of their expectations are not met, they continue to be confident and to accept themselves. People, who are not self-confident, tend to rely disproportionately on the approval of others in order to feel self-assured. They refrain from taking risks for fear of failure. They belittle themselves and tend to discount or ignore compliments that are offered to them. Conversely, self-assured people are willing to risk the disapproval of others because they generally have faith in their own know-how. They acknowledge themselves; and they don't feel they have to conform in order to be accepted. Just because one feels confidence in one or more areas of their life, doesn't mean that they will feel optimistic in every part of their life. For example, a person might feel self-assured about their musical ability, but not feel confident as far as members of the opposite sex are involved, such as in a dating situation, or social relationships. How Is Self-Esteem Developed initially? Many effective realities influence the maturation of confidence. Parents' attitudes are decisive to the way children view themselves, especially in their early years. When parents provide acknowledgment, children receive a good foundation for seeing themselves in a positive light. If one or both parents are disproportionately demanding, or if they are overprotective and discourage moves toward independence, children may start to believe they are incapable, inadequate, or inferior. However, if parents encourage a child's moves toward self-reliance, and they are not overly critical when the child makes mistakes, the child will learn to accept herself, and will be on the way to developing self-confidence. Just because a person does not have confidence, it does not mean that he/she doesn't have abilities. A lack of confidence is often the result of focusing much too strongly on the unrealistic expectations of other people principally friends and parents. The affect of friends can be more effective and powerful than that of parents in shaping the feelings about one's self. Beliefs That Continue to Influence Confidence In response to external influences, people develop beliefs. Some of these are constructive and some are harmful. Several assumptions that can interfere with confidence and positive ways of thinking are: ASSUMPTION: It's important that I'm successful at every challenge I undertake. This is a totally unrealistic assumption. In the real world each person has his strengths and his weaknesses. While it is important to always do your best, it's more important to learn to accept yourself as being human, and fallible. Feel good about what you are good at, and accept the fact that you don't know everything and you don't need to be an expert at everything. ASSUMPTION: I must be perfect, and loved by everyone, and satisfy everyone. Again, this assumption is a totally unrealistic assumption. All human beings are deficient. It is better to develop personal standards and values that are not dependent on the approval of others. ASSUMPTION: Everything that happened to me in the past remains in control of my feelings and behaviors in the present. ALTERNATIVE: While it is true that your confidence was especially vulnerable to external influences when you were a child as you grow into adulthood consciousness and a new point of view on what those influences have been. In doing so, you can choose which influences you will continue to allow to have an effect on your life. You don't have to be helpless based on what happened to you in the past HERE ARE SOME STRATEGIES FOR DEVELOPING CONFIDENCE Emphasize Your Strengths. Give yourself credit for everything you can do. And grant yourself acknowledgment for every new thing you are willing to undertake. Take risks. Adopt the point of view of: I never fail, because there are NO failures. However, sometimes I learn what does not work and once I've learned what doesn't work in a given situation, I can test some other action. Use Self-Talk: Use self-talk as a method to counter harmful assumptions. Then, tell yourself to stop. Substitute more reasonable assumptions. For example, when you catch yourself expecting perfection, remind yourself that it's impossible to do everything perfectly, and that it's only possible to do things to the best of your ability. This allows you to accept yourself as you are improving yourself. Make mental movies: Visualize yourself in the various scenarios that you currently have low levels of self-confidence in. But see yourself behaving in the way that a person who has tremendous self-confidence would. There are many effective NLP and hypnosis processes that can build a titanic amount of confidence from within your subconscious mind. There are even NLP techniques that will let you take confidence that you do have in areas of your life, and then transplant that confidence to areas of your life that need more confidence! Self-Evaluate: Learn to factor yourself independently. Bypass the frequent sense of chaos that comes from relying on what other people think.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Best Eczema Healing Remedies

If you are looking for a way to treat your eczema, then this article is a must read for you. I used to have year-round Eczema on my face, feet, hands, and neck. Trust me, there is nothing worst than having a dry, itchy, red face. It was highly embarrassing for me since my job required direct interaction with children. Unfortunately, kids aren't the nicest of people. There innocence can facilitate insensitive candid comments that make you feel very uncomfortable. I often had to deal with continual questions about the weeping Eczema on my feet. But, one day I decided to find a solution to my eczema outbreaks besides the ointment that my doctor was prescribing me. Guest what, I found one! There are some simple steps that you can do to reduce your eczema spots and flare ups. However, before we continue let's define eczema. What is Eczema? Eczema may look different from person to person, but it is most often characterized as dry, red, and extremely itchy patches on the skin. Some people have more severe Eczema than others. Some people even have weeping or oozing Eczema. But, having Eczema is not a horrible plague. Many people have to deal with Eczema on a daily or seasonal basis. Eczema can occur on just about any part of the body and many substances have been identified as itch "triggers" for those with Eczema. Eczema is something that affects individuals of all ages; from young babies to adults. What things should you avoid if you have Eczema? Anything from changing weather conditioners to dish detergents and clothing fabrics can aggravate your Eczema. If you are susceptible to Eczema, avoid wearing wool or rough fabrics. These fabrics will only irritate your dry, itchy skin even more so, causing the clothing to rub and scrap your skin. Also, consider getting an allergy test. Although having one done is sometimes cumbersome, and even a pain, you can discover what foods, animals, carpets, or even trees cause your Eczema flare-ups. I use to love going for a morning walk in a neighborhood filled with Cherry Blossoms. But, every time I went walking, I would ferociously itch to death. Well, it turns out, the Cherry Blossoms were the source of my pain. I also discovered I had an allergy to whole wheat and tomatoes. If you can't afford to have an allergy test done, consider keeping a journal. Keep a log of everything you eat, wear, and do on a particular day. For example, write down that you ate oatmeal, wore a polyester blouse, and washed dishes with Palmolive. Then, notate how you felt that day and indicate the times and days you began to itch. Eventually, you will discover certain patterns. That is where self-diagnosis can begin. What can I do to treat Eczema? There really isn't a cure for Eczema. However, there are tons of over-the-counter lotions, creams, and baths available. If you really want a high-powered solution, you may even opt to get some prescribed medications. But, there are pros and cons for both options. Here's some natural and extremely effective remedies that I discovered work best. All-Natural Creams The best product that I found was an all-natural Eczema Hand & Foot Oil and Face Cream by Beauty 4 Ashes Christian Health & Beauty. It took me awhile to find this stuff; but, boy am I glad that I did. So, let me save you time and money and give you there website address. It is There are virtually no all-natural Eczema products out there. All my life I had been taking prescribed medications, which are actually steroids. Unfortunately, steroids have the affect of harming your health and thinning your skin. As a result, I aged very quickly in my face and had tons of stretch marks. My recommendation, avoid prescribed medications. As for the over-the counter stuff, you get what you pay for. Most over-the-counter products do more harm than good. If your Eczema is anything like mine, Cortisone 10, Cortaid, or Calamine Lotion, just are not enough. Moreover, most store products have chemical emulsifiers and preservatives that actually make the skin drier, such as Aveeno and Eucerin. They are temporary, ineffective solutions. Your best bet is to buy an all-natural cream or oil that contains Eczema healing essentials and herbs. This is why I recommend Beauty 4 Ashes' Eczema products. Their products contain essential oils and herbs that are stronger and safer than any chemical alternative. Plus, their products contain skin healing Aloe Vera and skin penetrating natural oils--- and oils actually moisturize your skin better than lotion because they penetrate the dermis. If you use Beauty 4 Ashes, your Eczema should get healed within a few weeks. Also, load up on Zinc, B Complex, Fish Oils, and Grape Juice. These supplements will help your dry, itchy skin from the inside out.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

How to Stop Hair Loss for Men and Women: The Most Effective Solutions

No matter how many products or treatments you have tried, hair growth can be achieved despite years of stunted hair growth, shedding, and hair trauma. Trust me, I am speaking from personal experience. About three years ago, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Unfortunately, one of the side effects of my medications and chemotherapy was hair loss and balding. Devastated by having patches of hair on my head, during recovery, I did what most people do---I bought wigs. At first, the wigs seemed like a perfect solution. But, they were really a cover up. Moreover, my niece would scream when she saw me because she couldn't recognize me with my "new wig." So, I begin using hair loss products in hopes to regrow my hair. Unfortunately, this was another unsuccessful venture. Rogaine. DHT Blockers. Minoxidil. All of these products failed to perform what they promised. Further, I spend hundreds of dollars on Minoxidil every month, only to have no hair growth and a sore scalp. Frustrated, I decided that there had to be a method or some natural product available that would grow my hair, stop my shedding, and stop my balding. Believe it or not, I found one. However, there are some things you need to know about hair loss before I tell you what worked for me. What Causes Hair Loss? Hair loss, shedding, and balding occurs for several reasons. They may occur because of heredity, diet, lifestyle choices, or prescribed medications. Even your hair care products and styling techniques may be facilitating your hair loss or stunting your hair growth. If you are like me, a combination of these factors may be retarding your hair growth. If your diet is laden with fats, alcohol, sugars, and junk foods, you are actually inhibiting your hair's ability to grow. If you buy most, if not all, of your hair care products from traditional stores, you are most likely buying a hair-damaging useless product. Most hair care products, including most of those that claim to be "all-natural," contain synthetic emulsifiers and harsh detergents, such as Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate, Phosphates, and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. Unfortunately, these products are loaded with toxins and chemicals that actually dry and strip your hair of vital nutrients it needs to grow. How to Grow Your Hair, Stop Balding, and Stop Hair Loss? You have to attack hair loss on the inside and the outside. A great hair growth regimen has three necessary components: a healthy eating plan, substantial water intake, and a high quality hair growth and hair care product. Step One: A Healthy Hair Eating Plan Your hair is all protein. Thus, you need a protein rich diet, chocked fill of B Vitamins and other hair-strengthening nutrients. Increase your intake of fish. It is full of healthy proteins and essential fatty acids and natural oils your hair needs. In addition, drink a protein supplement or shake everyday. If you follow this plan, not only will your hair grow, but you will also lose weight. That is, of course, if you lay off the junk food. Remember, I warned you too much junk food above. Step Two: Drink Water Eight to ten glasses of water is an absolute requirement. Drinking water flushes your body of toxins, chemicals, and impurities that stifle your hair growth and disrupt your hormone and enzyme imbalances. Water also transports the important nutrients your body needs throughout your body. Hate drinking water? Add lemon and Splenda to have a healthy, tasty alternative. Step Three: Buy a High Quality Hair Growth Product I suggest you go all-natural. Unnatural hair care products are a no-no for someone who wants long-lasting, healthy hair growth. Find a hair growth product that contains powerful essential oils, natural herbs, and vitamin rich nutrients your hair needs to survive. Look for products with ingredients such as: Aloe Vera, Citrus Fruits, Jojoba, Rosemary, and Sage. Make sure you stray away from all natural products that use natural extracts. Extracts are not as powerful as essentials oils. They are a cheap substitute for the real thing. Although there are several natural hair care products on the market, not all hair growth products are created equal. Make sure you read the fine print. Most "natural" products still contain phosphates, sodium lauryl sulfate, petroleum, mineral oil, and other lab created humectants that ultimately damage your hair. My advice---if you can't read the ingredients, don't buy the product. When I was searching for a natural hair growth product, I found one really great buy, Beauty 4 Ashes Super Hair Growth System. Finding this company took me awhile; but Beauty 4 Ashes pretty much gives you everything you need to make your hair grow. Foremost, I checked the ingredient listings and the products contained no artificial ingredients. The system also included hair growth vitamins, a great hair healthy eating plan, and even scalp stimulating hair growth exercise routine. At first, the system may seem a bit pricey, but, boy was I impressed with the results. In 9 months, I went from patches of hair to hair just above my shoulders. Now, I am no product junkie; but I have to tell you that this product is worth the money. It does not cost an arm and leg and it is worth every penny you pay.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Top 3 Ways to Remove Acne Fast

You can naturally eliminate your acne, and reduce the amount of pimples and outbreaks that you have, no matter how old you are. From the time that I was 13, until the time that I was 36, I suffered from severe acne. I had acne all over my face; and I also had blackheads all over my back. I went to the dermatologist; but he provided little help. All of the topical solutions, including Retina-A, only irritated my skin more. Everyone kept telling me that my acne would disappear once I got older. This was partially true; but although I had less bumps as I aged, the number of blemishes and spots on my face increased. Frustrated by years of acne, I decided to seek an all-natural solution to my bumps and blemishes. I had been a customer of Proactiv and Nature's Cure for years, and of course they both worked for 1 month or so and then did nothing for the next three months. It seemed as though my acne learned to adapt. But, don't be dismayed. Your story does not have to be the same as mine. Acne can be eliminated for good. Before I give some solutions, let's discuss what acne is and where it comes from. What is Acne, Pimples, Blackheads, & Whiteheads and Where do they come from? Believe it or not, acne appears when your skin pores become blocked with sebum or excessive oil. This oil, which normally drains to the surface of the skin, becomes trapped. As a result, bacteria begins to grow, causing whiteheads, blackheads, cysts, or papules. When the trapped sebum and bacteria stay below your skin, you will get a whitehead. Whiteheads are those ugly, white bubbles that you are dying to bust. A blackhead, however, develops when the trapped sebum and bacteria partially open to your skin's surface. The spot turns black because your skin's pigment, melanin, reacts with the oxygen in the air to create a black, crusty bump. But what you most likely deal with is a "pimples." Contrary to popular belief, facial blemishes are not caused by dirt. Pores do not get blocked from the top down due to "impurities". Rather, the walls of a pore stick together deep within the skin, starting acne formation. The key to eliminating acne is cleaning your pores and using a solution that purifies and penetrates your skin. A pimple develops where there is a break in you skin's follicular wall. Yep, it is an ugly mess. But, you can get rid of them. How can I eliminate my acne, blemishes, pimples, and blackheads? You need to clean your pores. By exfoliating the outside layer of your skin with a gentle exfoliating cleanser, you can remove excess dirt, oils, skin and bacteria that could be clogged below the skin's surface or sitting on the epidermis. If this stuff is not removed, your pores will get clogged; and if your pores get clogged, acne appears. Avoid alcohol, acids, and chemical solutions. Your skin needs to train itself to balance "sebum" and oil and naturally fight bacteria. Alcohols, salicylic acid, Retina-A, and benzoyl peroxide, actually dry your skin. They take moisture from your skin. And, although moisture is the last thing you think you need when you have an oily face, you need it. Moisture actually protects your face from oncoming free radicals flying in the air at your pores. Also, chemical solutions and acids impair your skin from naturally fighting bacteria. Your skin begins to rely on something unnatural to fight something that naturally occurs. But, nature overpowers nurture in this case. Just like bug-eating plants learned to become immune to synthetic bug-killing fertilizers, acne-causing bacteria become immune to chemically created solutions. Why? Because chemical solutions are created to treat the type of bacteria they sought to treat that was in existence when the solutions were made. Unfortunately, bacteria are living organisms and they learn to mutate quickly. When mutation occurs, salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide fail. What is the Best Way to Treat Acne? Step One. Go all-natural. Essential oils, natural herbs, and natural nutrients are the best way to kill acne. Fight nature by using nature. Essential oils are higher powered and more effective than any acid or peroxide created in a lab that was "derived" from some natural source. They are extremely potent and not harmful to your skin. Furthermore, they actually help to balance sebum without making your skin oily. The best product on the market that has essential oils and kills acne is Beauty 4 Ashes Acne Eliminating Facial Kit. The makers claim that there stuff works overnight; and I have to say, it really does. It exfoliates and cleans your skin brilliantly. This product is also packed with lots of skin healing ingredients, including Aloe Vera. In the two months that used it, my acne and scars literally disappeared. Best yet, in one year, my acne and blemishes have not returned and my pores have shrank. Beauty 4 Ashes has several skin care products created to treat acne, but I recommend ordering their kit first to get a bit of everything. You can find it online at Step Two. Consider taking flax oil on a regular basis. You need to keep your system clean. But, you don't need to spend tons of money on vitamins labeled nature's cure. All you need to do is to flush your system of unnatural chemicals and preservatives that might be triggering your breakouts. You can buy flax oil anywhere. Check out Vitamin Shoppe or WalMart. Step Three. Drink 8-10 glasses of water per day. This will flush your system from all impurities and toxins.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Before You Buy Heart Health Supplements Research Ingredients

Before you buy heart health supplements, check the ingredients and do some research. In order to be beneficial, dietary supplements for heart health should be designed to address the major controllable risk factors for developing heart disease. The major risk factors for heart disease that are considered controllable include obesity, stress, unhealthy cholesterol levels, high blood pressure and physical inactivity. Although physical inactivity is not something that dietary supplements for heart health can address directly, nutrients or herbs that increase energy can be helpful. Many people find that after a day of work and commuting, they are just too tired to be physically active. Often this is related to poor quality diet during the busy workday. If you are planning to buy heart health supplements, look for one that contains herbs and nutrients that increase energy levels and help stabilize them throughout the day. These include Green Tea, folic acid, magnesium, vitamin C and the B vitamins. These nutrients serve many unique functions in the body, but all are necessary for energy levels adequate to increase physical activity. Stress is one problem that may be relieved with dietary supplements for heart health. Stress in our lives is unavoidable. Short-term stress is not harmful to the body. Chronic or long term stress caused by frustrating jobs, money problems and/or troubled personal relationships can be harmful, but is sometimes unavoidable. We may not be able to avoid stress, but we can change how we respond to it. Increasing physical activity relieves stress. Meditation and other stress reduction techniques are helpful. Chronic stress can also lead to depression, which often accompanies heart disease. When you go to buy heart health supplements, look for one that contains Gingko Biloba and Sam-E. Dietary supplements for heart health contain Gingko Biloba because it improves circulation and when combined with ginger can reduce anxiety caused by chronic stress. Sam-E and Gingko Biloba have been shown to relieve the symptoms of depression and have been used as complementary therapies for patients with heart disease. People under consistent stress also need extra vitamin C. Vitamin C is needed by every cell of the human body. It cannot be produced by the human body, so it must be obtained from food or supplements and quantities in the blood stream are quickly depleted. The better dietary supplements for heart health contain vitamin C and the dosage recommendations for three times a day helps to insure that levels in the blood stream are maintained throughout the day. If a person takes a mega-dose of vitamin C once a day, the body will use what it needs at the time and excrete the rest. Buy Heart Health Supplements That Control Cholesterol and Blood Pressure Naturally You may have seen news articles and information from alternative health care providers maintaining that unhealthy cholesterol levels can be controlled naturally with proper diet, adequate exercise and natural plant components. Prescription medications (statin drugs) designed to inhibit the production of cholesterol within the body can also inhibit the production of Coenzyme Q-10. This enzyme can be created by the human body when overall nutritional levels are good, but when production is inhibited, muscle death (including the heart muscle) can occur. When statin drugs were originally patented, the designers recommended adding CO Q-10 to the mixture, but the manufacturers never followed through with this recommendation. They simply added the warning that muscle pain, particularly in the legs, should be reported to your doctor. It is the opinion of many health care professionals, including this writer, that once deep muscle pain is felt, there could already be a problem. Many dietary supplements for heart health contain only CO Q-10, but supplementation of this expensive enzyme is unnecessary as long as statin drugs are not being taken and nutrition is good. You can buy heart health supplements at reasonable prices that contain ingredients that lower levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol naturally. These include rutin, policosanol, inositol and, once again, vitamin C. These are all natural plant components that have been shown in numerous studies to work as effectively as statin drugs. Blood pressure can also be controlled naturally, with proper diet, exercise and stress reduction techniques. Grape seed extract has been used to maintain normal blood pressure levels and the best dietary supplements for heart health contain this ingredient, as well.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Quit Smoking.You Know You've Been Thinking About It

Quitting smoking doesn't have to be a horrible thing. Most people condition themselves to believe that quitting smoking is going to be more difficult than trying to swim upstream in a set of class four rapids with their hands tied. Quitting smoking only seems like it will be that difficult because that's what they've conditioned themselves to believe. Basically, they've bought into the hype. Kevin Eubanks said, "The belief that we are what the media says we are, what people perceive we are, is soon to be what we think we are. We are treated based on this warped perception. It is hard to get away from it.". That quote is exactly what happens in the battle to stop smoking. You see, most everyone that you hear from about the subject of quitting smoking are either smokers themselves or companies trying to sell you something to help you quit. You must realize this truth. The people that smoke themselves don't really want you to quit, so ant information that they provide is bogus and the companies simply want your money. They don't really want you to quit either. It's better for them if they're help kind of helps you and you keep purchasing their product time and time again. At this point you may be asking yourself how in the hell I know all of this? Well, because I smoked for more than 15 years and walked away from smoking forever without the aid of drugs, patches, gum, or anything. Once I realized the things I'm sharing in this article, it was simply walked away. I realized that smoking was all in my head! It is completely, 100%, mental! Change the way you think about smoking, and the act of smoking will change. It's exactly what I did. There was no magic. No pills to take. No gum to chew. Everything that I needed for quitting smoking was right inside of me the entire time. In some ways, I think that's why I started smoking. To come to that realization, and maybe that's the reason that you started smoking as well. To come to exactly that realization for yourself?

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Drinking As A Pastime

There was a time in my life that I drank beer as my favorite pastime. Really, it's true. I of course only realized this after finally walking away from drinking, but the point is that drinking was literally what I did for fun. I always figured drinking was just kind of "along for the ride" , if you will, but finally realized that the act of drinking was my pastime. The interesting thing about this little Christopher Columbus like discovery I made was the fact that almost everyone I knew was just like me! I've heard it said before that you become just like the people that you spend time with, but never gave it any credence. That was until I came to these realizations for myself. It's so perplexing to me, but most everything that I did at that time in my life, revolved around drinking beer. Well, maybe revolved isn't the correct term, but involved drinking beer. Going over to a friend's house to have a BBQ? Who's bringing the beer? Going to the lake fishing? Did you remember the beer? Playing cards in your buddies' basement? How much beer do you have? These are all the types of questions that were always asked. None of these so called "things to do" were about whatever it was that was being done, they were about the drinking! Once my daughter incarnated into this world (which is another story) and I decided to walk away from drinking, I also walked away from all of these so called "things to do". Not as a conscience effort, but just naturally. I didn't see the "friends" or "buddies" anymore either. Once I stopped drinking they all faded away as well, again not consciously, but it just seemed to "happen". This is when I came to the realization that drinking was my pastime, none of the so called things to do or friends mattered. Once I really started to analyze it, I also realized that this had been going on for 15 years! Drinking had been my favorite pastime for 15 years, and do you know what else was ironic? I was in about the same position, personally, as I was when it all started. It's almost as if those 15 years was a dream! A dream we would all rather not have by the way. The point is that by the grace of God my daughter came into my life and all of that came to an end. I've heard it said that everything happens for a reason, well now I know that statement to be true.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Alcohol Problems? Want To Try Disulfiram?

For almost fifty years, disulfiram or TETD, has been a staple for alcohol addicts trying to quit. It is estimated that about 200,000 people use the medication regularly to help them stay sober. In this article, and two more coming the next weeks, we will take a closer look at disulfiram and alcoholism treatment. The History Of Disulfiram Disulfiram or TETD was originally a chemical used in the manufacture of rubber in the early 1900's. In 1937, it was discovered that workers who were too closely exposed to TETD developed a reaction if they drank alcohol. If one of these workers consumed alcohol, his face would turn red and he would suffer from unpleasant symptoms like hypotension and tachycardia. This was noticed by a physician, and he suggested that disulfiram might be effective for getting people to stop drinking. As it often is with great inventions, nobody listened to him. Experiments with disulfiram continued. In the 1940's, two scientists who were experimenting with using it to see what effect it had on the respiratory system of lower life forms made some important discoveries. In the spirit of science , the men took a dose of TETD themselves to see what would happen. What did happen was that they couldn't even go near a drop of alcohol without getting sick. Through this, it was discovered that disulfiram or TETD has an effect on how we metabolize alcohol, and in a short time, doctors were prescribing it to alcoholic patients. In the early 1960's, this drug fell out of favor. This was because, since its discovery, doctors had been prescribing doses that were too high, which caused their patients having severe reactions. Sensibly enough, they figured they needed a high dose in order for it to interact with alcohol. In the 1950's, a common daily dose might be as much as 3,000 mg. While it worked in keeping them off the bottle, it also caused some nasty side effects. More experiments were carried out and, since the 1960's, the normal does has been something like 500 mg a day. The dosage depends on several factors, including how severe an alcohol addict the patient is. Doctors have refined their techniques for prescribing TETD since the advent of its use. The Clinical Use Of Disulfiram The first step to treat an alcoholic is for him to stop the alcohol drinking. Next, he must be detoxified, followed by a period of being sober. This period is mandatory in order to restore his brain chemistry to normal. Disulfiram is most effective early on, helping the patient to simply avoid drinking. Furthermore, it may be good to keep taking TETD for the next year as a safeguard against relapsing. Friends or family members can help to make sure the patient is taking the medication regularly. Like alkaseltzer, disulfiram is dissolved in water. After drinking it down, another glass of clean water should drunk next. It is best for the patient to take the first one in the doctor's office, under the doctor's supervision, more than 12 hours since the last alcohol drink. This is very important. It helps to do it in the office so that the patient isn't tempted to have one last one on his or her way home. For the patient to stop drinking, just taking the pills isn't enough. He or she should attend Alcoholics Anonymous or another addiction support group. He should go to the meetings regularly, as well as keeping up his medication as prescribed.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

This is the Secret to Everything - Joy, Health, Money, Relationships, Love, Happiness ... Everything

What are you thinking about right now? The Law of Attraction states that "whatever we think about, we bring about". This law may initially seem like new age fluff but believe it or not, there are scientific merits to this proposition. The top quantum physicists of our time have discovered that our universe and our reality is very much directed by the "observer". When studying quantum particles (the smallest observable unit of matter), these scientists discovered that such particles behave in accordance with the person conducting the experiment. It the scientists "predict" that quantum particles behave in a certain way, they do. And yet, if the scientists "predict" that quantum particles behave in another way, they do. It is the "observer" that dictates the outcome of the experiment! What does all this mean for us normal people? Well actually, these scientific experiments has far reaching implications for us as our world is made up of these same quantum particles! In this case, we are the "observer" the director and hence the creator of our reality, our world and our experience. So, be careful of what you think about! for example, have you thoughts ever begun with the following phrases: I don't understand  I don't want... I'm frustrated that  I hate my  I can't figure out   I'm stressed about  I'm worried that  I should be able to  but I can't  Why am I having so much trouble? The Law of Attraction indifferent to the words preceding your thought. Whatever you think about you will attract into your life. When you think "I don't understand why bad things always happen to me?", you are "attracting" bad things into your life. When you think "I want to get out of debt", you are attracting more debt into your life. When you think "I'm worried I will get sick", you are attracting sickness into your life! The Law of Attraction brings about what you focus on even if it is not what you want. Get it? If you understand this principle, here are some examples of how to make the law of attraction work to support you rather than to act against you. Try observing your thoughts and changing your thinking in the following way: "I want to get out of debt" to "I want to earn amazing riches" "I hate my boss" to "I look forward to owning my own business" "I don't understand why he is so lazy" to "I love it when he helps out around the house" "I'm stressed about this project" to "I always create amazing results in my projects" "I'm worried about getting sick" to "I experience vibrant health daily" Now that we have a better understanding of the Law of Attraction, it is no surprise why so many people struggle with regards to money. It has been said that "the rich get richer while the poor get poorer". This is actually the Law of Attraction in action. Because the wealthy have money, they often think about how to best use their money and hence they attract more money. The poor on the other hand often think about their present lack of money and unfortunately, that also attracts lack into their lives. Currently, 96% of the world's wealth is being earned by just 1% of the population! To address this issue, the main teachers behind the movie is launching a program is called "The Science of Getting Rich" and it is based on employing the law of attraction to create wealth. This amazing program is based on the principles and philosophies outlined in a book of the same title written in 1910 by Wallace D Wattles. This is the same book that inspired the movie. What is the Science of Getting Rich about? Well in the words of Wallace D. Wattles, "The ownership of money and property comes as a result of doing things in a certain way. Those who do things in this certain way, whether on purpose or accidentally, get rich. Those who do not do things in this certain way, no matter how hard they work or how able they are, remain poor. It is a natural law that like causes always produce like effects. Therefore, any man or woman who learns to do things in this certain way will infallibly get rich." The Science of Getting Rich Seminar is all about teaching how to do things in this "certain" way to create wealth.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

5 Steps To Managing Your Finances When You Have ADHD

Many people with AD/HD have trouble managing their finances. They usually don't have an effective system for paying bills and acquire an overwhelming amount of debt, due to impulsive spending. Managing finances requires attention to detail, record keeping, timeliness, and organizational skills; all things that are challenging to people with AD/HD. Here is a simple, yet effective way to manage your money and pay your bills on time: 1. Collect: You need to know what's coming in and what's going out in order to effectively manage your money. Collect one month's worth of pay stubs and bills in one container. 2. Enter: Creating a visual representation of when your money comes in and goes out will give you a clearer picture of your financial situation and make it easier to develop a payment schedule. Print out a blank calendar or use an online calendar such as Yahoo Calendar or Google Calendar. Enter all payment amounts for each bill on its due date. Then enter the amount of your paycheck on the dates you get paid. This is your bill payment calendar for the month. 3. Analyze: Use your bill payment calendar to analyze when you have the money to pay your bills. If you get paid twice a month, then those days should be your bill payment days. Divide your bills into those that will be paid with the first check of the month and those that will be paid with the second check of the month. Schedule a reminder on your paydays to pay your bills and use your calendar to check off payments. 4. Setup: The easiest way to pay bills nowadays is online. Most banks offer free bill payment and even if your bank charges a fee; it may be worth it to avoid late fees. Sign up for online access to your bank if you don't already have it and setup your bill payment service. Even if your bill can't be paid electronically, your bank will mail out a paper check. Once you do the initial setup all you have to do is enter who, how much, and when you want your payment scheduled (just make sure to schedule your payments far enough in advance for the bill to be paid on time). 5. Budget: Now that you know how much money is coming in and what your fixed expenses are, you should start tracking your unfixed expenses. For the next month, try to collect all of the receipts where you paid cash. At the end of the month take your cash receipts and your bank statements and categorize your expenses. Where are you spending too much money? Where can you cut back? Now that you know how much you have, where it's going and what needs to be paid when; you have control over your finances and can determine how much money you can actually afford to spend without breaking the bank. *For those who find money management too overwhelming, there is help available. Daily Money Managers do everything from paying your bills for you to balancing your checkbook and organizing your records. For more information, check out The American Association of Daily Money Managers. Kim Collins is an AD/HD Coach specializing in Career Transition & Workplace Productivity. She is dedicated to providing Personal and Professional Life Management Solutions for individuals struggling with Attention and Organizational difficulties. If you or someone you know is searching for help with their ADHD, career issues, or productivty... Get A Coach!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Hypnosis - 9 Secret Words to Get Everything That You Ever Desired and Wanted in Your Life

You may not be aware but this simple hypnotic article is taking you ahead for the peaceful and content life that you ever desire. In this article you will discover how to get all that you want in your life. Hypnosis always stands beside you as your perfect pal. The hypnotic secret can be summoned up in six simple words. THEY ARE 'GIVE OTHERS SAME THING THAT YOU WANT FROM THEM.' These 9 simple hypnotic words hold hidden value and importance. When you want something from others, you should be capable enough to give that same thing in turn. Example, if you want love from others, you have to love others. When you want someone's help you have to be ready to him. Nature always works on the giving and receiving aspect. When it gives you something, it expects something in turn from you. No one can your friend unless you are more friendly with them. But there are certain things that restrict you to share the same thing that you want from them. They are your ego, pride and your inability to cope up with different peoples. These things may not only restrict your to give others what you want from them but they also restrict others to give you what you want from them. There are two important principles in hypnosis that can surely help you to get whatever you desire. 1. Principle of reciprocity: This is the foremost important principle in hypnosis. It implies you not to receive anything unless you give it back to the same person. Remember always to give back what you receive. Give something to get something in turn. If you want respect from others, respect them. 2. Principle of going first: This is the second important principle in hypnosis when it comes to achieve what you want. There is nothing harm or loss in making the first move towards the person whose help you. No matter he comes to you or you goes to him, what's important is that you both are together to help each other. 3. Principle of risk reversal: This hypnotic principle is equally important as the other two principles in hypnosis. When some one is coming forward to help, you should bestow the complete risk and danger upon that person. Make him comfortable and safe in your company. If you put the entire risk upon that person, he will never again come forward to help you. Thus, if you befriend these three key principles of hypnosis and the 9 secret words, then would be nothing left as un achieved in your life. None of your dream would be left un achieved. So, enjoy your dream life with hypnosis.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Pilates Exercise - The Hundred

Pilates flattens and firms the tummy and gives you a tighter bottom. It helps improve posture and strengthens your spine. At the same time, your muscles gain strength but not bulk. The Hundred is a classic exercise that starts off a pilates workout. Here's how it is done. The first exercises you would do in a pilates workout is The Hundred. It strengthens your abs and increases your circulation and prepares you for the other mat exercises. It is an excellent exercise for reducing that belly. Done correctly, you should feel the strain in your abdominal muscles, not your back. If your back hurts, then you're not doing it right. Lie on your back, straighten your arms and bend your knees at right angles with your calves parallel to the floor and your arms by your sides. Straighten your legs and point the ceiling with your feet. Your heels should be together while your toes stay apart so that your feet form a v-shape Lift your head off the ground. Lift and lower your arms in a pumping motion, 5 times while you inhale, 5 times while you exhale for one set. Do ten sets continuously, so you will pump your arms a total of 100 times, hence the name The Hundred A few points to take note of. Pull in your stomach throughout the exercise. Imagine your are pulling your navel to your spine. When you exhale, try to squeeze out all the air from your lungs Relax your neck and throat when you do this exercise. Watch this video on pilates sample exercises to see exactly how The Hundred and a few other classic pliates exercises are done. The first time you try The Hundred, if your abdominal muscles aren't strong enough, you might not be able to do it. To make it easier, you can rest your feet against the wall until you get the hang of it.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Taking Heart Healthy Supplements, Vitamins, Minerals and Herbs for Overall Good Health

Dietary supplements recommended for heart disease typically include Gingko Biloba, Sam-E and Co-enzyme Q-10, but there are numerous vitamins and minerals, as well as other botanicals that may be helpful, as well. These are components found in food, but not present in the standard American diet, which is sometimes referred to simply as SAD. The best heart healthy supplements, vitamins and botanical compounds should contain ingredients that address the major controllable risk factors of developing heart disease, which include high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, stress and physical inactivity. It is doubtless that there are products on the market that may provide no benefit whatsoever, but other products have been designed by nutritionists and researchers to naturally lower cholesterol levels, blood pressure levels, reduce stress and increase energy levels throughout the day to encourage increased physical activity. Some heart healthy supplements, vitamins, minerals and botanicals that increase energy levels and help to stabilize them throughout the day include Green Tea, folic acid, magnesium, vitamin C and the B vitamins. These nutrients serve many unique functions in the body, but all are necessary for energy levels adequate to improve physical activity levels. Short-term stress is in our lives is unavoidable. Chronic or long term stress caused by frustrating jobs, money problems and/or troubled personal relationships may also be unavoidable. Often it is impossible to change these situations, but it is possible to change the way you respond to them. Chronic stress can also lead to depression, which often accompanies heart disease. This is one reason that dietary supplements recommended for heart disease patients include Sam-E, a natural anti-depressant. Gingko Biloba, when combined with ginger, has been shown to reduce anxiety, caused by chronic stress. Those people under chronic stress also need additional vitamin C. Stress quickly depletes the level of vitamin C in the blood stream, which serves many essential roles in the human body. A lack of vitamin C leads to low energy levels, visual problems, bleeding from the mucus membranes and eventually scurvy and death. Taking heart healthy supplements, vitamins and minerals can reduce the effects of long-term stress on the body, particularly when combined with increased physical activity, meditation and other stress reduction techniques. You may have seen news articles and information from alternative health care providers and other researchers maintaining that unhealthy cholesterol levels can be controlled naturally. Prescription medications (statin drugs) designed to inhibit the production of cholesterol within the body can also inhibit the production of Coenzyme Q-10. This enzyme can be created by the human body when overall nutritional levels are good, but when production is inhibited, muscle death (including death of the heart muscle) can occur. When statin drugs were originally patented, the designers recommended adding CO Q-10 to the mixture, but the manufacturers never followed through with this recommendation. They simply added the warning that muscle pain, particularly in the legs, should be reported to your doctor. It is the opinion of many health care professionals, including this writer, that once deep muscle pain is felt, there could already be a problem. Along with regular exercise and dietary changes, taking heart healthy supplements, vitamins and botanicals that contain rutin, policosanol, inositol and vitamin C can lower levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol naturally. Research has demonstrated the effectiveness of these again and again. If you are currently taking a statin drug, you should also be taking a CO Q-10 supplement. You can safely take supplements that naturally lower cholesterol, increase your physical activity, and watch your diet, as well. Eventually your doctor may be able to take you off of the statin drugs and you can avoid the health risks associated with them. High blood pressure can also be controlled naturally, with proper diet, exercise, stress reduction techniques and heart healthy supplements, vitamins and botanicals that contain grape seed extract.