The recommended daily intakes of essential fatty acids vary from organization to organization. Even in a low fat diet sufficient essential fatty acids can be consumed by eating fish or taking fish oil supplements. While the USDA has not established recommended daily intakes of essential fatty acids, they have established what they refer to as "Adequate Intake" for adults and children. Here we look at different recommendations for different age groups and various conditions. Essential fatty acids are defined as those that cannot be created within the body and must be obtained from food or through supplementation. They include alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicospentaenoic acid (EPA). The body can use ALA, found in vegetable and nut oils, to create DHA and EPA, but the process is inefficient. In the human diet EPA and DHA are found primarily in fish oils. The United States has not established recommended daily intakes of essential fatty acids. The amounts established as "Adequate Intakes" (AI) are believed to be enough to meet the needs of most individuals in order to reduce the risk of chronic diseases, but a lack of data prevents high confidence in these figures. In other words, different individuals may have different needs. For adult males, the AI of omega-3 fatty acids is believed to be around 1.6 grams per day. For adult women, the AI is 1.1 grams per day, but during pregnancy is increased to 1.4 grams per day and 1.3 g/day when breastfeeding. Children and infants need omega-3 fatty acids, as well. The Food and Drug Administration recently approved the addition of DHA to infant formula. DHA is found in the brain in large quantities and is important for neurological development and growth. For those adults who use a low fat diet sufficient essential fatty acids can be easily obtained by eating fish 3-5 times per week or with daily fish oil supplements. Most major health organizations and nutritionists recommend that no more than 30% of a person's total caloric intake should come from fat, of any kind. So, don't fry your fish. Baking or grilling generally does not add extra unneeded fat. Regretfully most people consume trans fatty acids, which have no real function in the human body and only serve to clog the arteries and increase abdominal fat. Trans fatty acids are found in butter, shortening, lard and most processed foods. Label requirements have made it easier to plan a diet that eliminates trans fats, but includes omega-3s and other essential fatty acids. Recommended Daily Intakes of Essential Fatty Acids for Arthritis Sufferers Numerous clinical trials have shown that EPA and DHA fatty acids derived from fish oil reduce inflammation and other symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis, as well as osteoarthritis. Recommended consumption for arthritis sufferers is much greater than for the general population and many health care practitioners feel that increased consumption of omega-3 fatty acids could reduce the risk of developing joint problems as we age. The recommended daily intake for those with arthritis is 3-5 grams per day. It is nearly impossible to get this much without taking a daily fish oil supplement, but not all supplements are the same. Cod liver oil, for example, contains too much vitamin A and D. These vitamins are toxic at high levels. And, liver oils are higher in mercury content and other contaminants than oils derived from fleshy fish. Recommended daily intakes of essential fatty acids, specifically omega-3 EPA and DHA, is higher for those who have heart disease, or those who are at a higher risk for developing heart disease. Research has shown that fish oil supplements containing these fatty acids lowers cholesterol levels, reduces high blood pressure and helps regulate heart rhythm. 3-5 grams per day is the recommendation, once again. High cholesterol levels lead to arthrosclerosis or hardening of the arteries and can eventually cause blockages leading to heart attacks or strokes. High blood pressure weakens the walls of arteries, and when left untreated can eventually lead to heart failure. Increased consumption of essential fatty acids has been recommended for several other conditions, including ADHD in children and adults.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Detox Mind and Body
Detoxification is a term thrown around a lot by various kinds of Natural Therapy practitioners and it often confuses people as to what exactly is going on. I will attempt to explain the most common types of "Detox's" done and what they are designed to achieve for you in the following article. The thing to remember here is that we are only assisting or stimulating the body in it's own natural processes here, not performing miracles! Do not think that this is a quick fix for taking things you shouldn't have! Common Detoxifications The most prevalent "detox" by far is the Liver Detox. The liver is a major player in the body's metabolisation of fats etc as well as a filtration organ helping to filter out wastes and toxins as well as playing a role in insulin levels and body heating. Poor lifestyle choices will generally lead to a sluggish liver function and it is a good idea to clean it out a bit so to speak. The herbs Milk Thistle, Dandelion Leaf and Root are most commonly used in "liver detox" preparations along with other supporting herbs. A diet of raw foods, fresh squeezed juices and low red meat intake will help to rid the liver of any toxins as well as they all create a mild diuretic effect. During liver detox you can expect to experience some head aches, possibly more frequent urination and bowel movements too. Probably most overlooked is the energetic effects of liver detox. During a liver detox, one should keep the intake of fresh water well up to help in the flushing out of toxins. A liver detox dispels excess heating from the body and can have the patient feeling a bit cranky as well. This is good as this needs to be expelled also. This is a good time to meditate and notice what these irritations are and to watch them pass by or get an insight into how to remedy them. These detoxs are prescribed for differing amounts of time according to your situation and general health and can often be done a few times per year to achieve a final outcome. Afterward the patient will generally feel more energetic and have a general feeling of wellbeing. Fasting is sometimes used for this or in conjunction with. This should only be done by experienced practitioners and is very effective when done correctly. Ongoing liver support herbs like Milk Thistle are usually taken to insure proper and healthy liver function thereafter. The next most common kind of detox is the "Digestive Detox" and it is often done in conjunction with a liver detox as they compliment each other well. This involves sometimes a period of fasting to "empty out" the digestive tract followed by a period of taking herbs such as Slippery Elm and taking fibre rich supplements as well as increased Magnesium. These all stimulate the body's natural mechanisms of waste removal. During either of these detox programs water consumption needs to be kept up to insure proper hydration is maintained and therefore the entire process is kept "flushed out". Water is the bodies great cleanser so it is need at this time and failing to acknowledge this can hinder progress and have toxins re-entering the body causing nausea and headaches. Energetically the patient can feel like letting go of some "crap" as well and this is fine, just do not aim it at anyone! Again this is a good time to get away and be alone and meditate as to what the causes are and so on. Normally a person will find themselves going to perform bowel movements more often during one of these detox's and that is ok but you need to make sure it is not excessive, that is not good. For this reason these, like any other kind of detox are best done under supervision. Once it is over, you find yourself feeling very well indeed and having more energy than before. The last kind of detox I will talk about here is the "Heavy Metal Toxicity" detox. As it's name would suggest it is about ridding the body of a build up of toxic metals and minerals in the body. This must ONLY be done under direct supervision of a Naturopath or other suitable professional as there are some very profound effects of this type of detox. They are very good and are very strenuous. Not one for your average person but if recommended by a professional. The spiritual aspect of a detoxification is one of cleansing the body and the mind of wastes and old garbage hung onto way past it's use by date! Often people will want to be alone to under go a detox. That is good as long as you are aware of what you are doing. These are prime times to introspect and observe the inner calamity and discard any old junk that is holding you back from blossoming into a full lotus. Also, there is a follow on and vice versa effect on body and mind, meaning, clean body, clean mind, clean mind, clean body! A clean, clear mind and body will greatly further your journey to enlightenment and only enhance your personal growth.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Cognitive therapy and NLP approaches to combat depressive and anxious thinking
Changing the way you think in order to improve the way you feel, forms the basis of cognitive approaches to mental-wellbeing. Cognitive therapies recognise that our thoughts can "colour" our experience of the outside world. Depressed people (i.e. people with depressed or depressing thoughts!) experience the world differently to others. They see colours less vividly, food can seem tasteless and unpleasant, and harmless everyday situations can appear threatening. They predict bad consequences from actions and events where others see only benefit. A depressed persons world is very different to a happy person's, but to an observer they will seem one and the same. Cognitive therapy and related approaches such as NLP (neuro-linguistic-programming) are very effective at helping people recognise the thinking habits behind problems such as depression, anxiety, panic disorders and phobias. There are many cognitive techniques for challenging negative thinking patterns and developing new more adaptive ways of thinking. If you are considering cognitive therapy, expect to commit to homework tasks and regular practise of these techniques. Negative thoughts are usually fairly easily identifiable with the help of a therapist. In order to bring about a more global change, it's often necessary to go beyond the thoughts we have to the deeper levels of our cognition - our beliefs. Have you ever taken the time to stop and think about your beliefs, how and where they originate from, how they guide your life, whether they serve you? Most of the clients I work with would answer 'no' to this question. That's because our beliefs have often been with us for a very long time. Very often we develop them in childhood. For example, a child may learn that 'dogs are dangerous' or 'dogs are friendly', depending on his experiences related to dogs. As that child grows up, it is likely that he will become more flexible in his belief about dogs, able to judge individual dog for friendliness or dangerousness. This happens in most areas of our lives, as the more rigid beliefs from childhood, evolve and become more flexible as we develop. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes negative beliefs develop due to trauma or consistent negative interactions or early life experiences. These beliefs often remain fixed in adulthood even thougt they hold the person back or negatively impact on their lives. Often they are taken as the absolute truth. Since beliefs form the essence of your identity, holding beliefs about yourself, the world and other people that are negative and not necessarily true, can be bad news for your self-esteem. Beliefs have an influence on your emotional state and behaviour by distorting how you view the world. Every belief you hold is basically a generalisation that you have made about the world. Generalisations are distortions. Often when a client presents with a problem, there is a distorted belief behind it. For example 'I am worthless' is a belief, which promotes depression. Beliefs about the world and yourself can actually determine what happens. They are not just thoughts but effect what you focus on. We know in NLP that what you focus on your more likely to get. This is because your unconscious mind cannot understand negatives. So for example, if you focus on being un-likeable, your unconscious mind will be on the lookout for examples of people not liking you and will find various ways to bring this to your attention. Whilst this is going on, you are of course ignoring evidence that shows you are in fact liked by all sorts of people. As a therapist, practising CBT and NLP in Hertfordshire, people often come to see me at my practice because they are having problems with limiting beliefs, e.g. "No one could find me attractive", "I'm useless in social situations", "I'm bad at presentations". Of course, they are often not aware that their beliefs are the source of their unhappiness when they initially come to see me. Limiting beliefs hold people back and prevent them from doing things they want too. When we believe we cant do something our behaviour will usually confirm this. As discussed above, you will act in a way and look out for evidence to confirm your beliefs. NLP and CBT therapy, has effective techniques for changing illogical beliefs that can allow you to experience the world through a new pair of glasses. Karen Hastings, has a degree in Psychology and is also a Mental Health Occupational Therapist, Master NLP practitioner, and Hypnotherapist. Karen has NHS and private practice experience of using cognitive approaches to support people in overcoming a range of problems. Karen is based in Hertfordshire.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Hypnotherapy for Insomnia
Having trouble sleeping can be really distressing and frustrating. You go to bed, wishing for a good nights sleep and then lay awake for hours, tossing and turning, becoming more and more anxious about getting to sleep. Or perhaps you drop off to sleep quite easily, and then awake at some unsociable hour and can't get back to sleep. Either way, the result is that you may feel tired, emotional, irrational and not able to function in a way that you would like to in daily life. Most people have had problems getting to sleep at some time or another and often this is due to specific worries or concerns, such as having a speech to give, an interview to face or being in new or unfamiliar surroundings. If you suffer from a sleep problem that affects your everyday life, it is advisable to first seek advice from your G.P to rule out any underlying physical cause. As a Hypnotherapist, in Hertfordshire, I am constantly developing the tools and knowledge that I have to help people manage and overcome insomnia. On a more personal level, I myself have experienced sleep problems in the past, so this is an area, which is close to my heart. In this article I share ways in which hypnotherapy, Herts, can help people that cant sleep due to overthinking. What I often notice about client's, who present with sleep problems, is that they are thinkers. If I could identify, one cause in their inability to sleep well, it would be over-thinking. This may be thinking about problems from daily life that need solving or even thinking about sleeping! Hypnotherapy, Herts can be useful in overcoming sleep problems in several ways. One way, it that hypnotherapy, can be used is to break the pattern of over-thinking at bed-time. This is important because falling off to sleep naturally and easily, is not a conscious act. Our unconscious mind is responsible for knowing how to sleep. In fact, it will have stored memories for how to sleep well and also how to sleep badly. We can't think ourselves to sleep, in the same way that we can think our way through other problems. During hypnosis, Hypnotherapists, Herts, can help you recall times of good quality, restful sleep and make suggestions for you to experience high quality sleep again. Strategies are also taught which can help you to reduce over-thinking. In addition, hypnotherapy can also help you to relax and let go off distracting thoughts. Learning how to let go in this way, can enable most people having sleep troubles, to sleep well again. Through hypnosis, clients are supported in planning for a good nights sleep, and cues for sleep are given and associated with activities that you usually do in order to prepare for bed. Suggestions are given in an open and permissive manner, in a way that avoids any resistance from the unconscious mind. For some people, being given suggestions to try to stay awake is the key to overcoming resistance and can break the pattern of consciously trying to sleep. If you are having sleep problems, hypnotherapy can help you sleep naturally again. Until you have booked your session, why not try the technique below. I have personally found this technique very useful for getting off to sleep when I am kept awake by a busy mind. Try the following: anytime a sentence begins to form in your mind, stop it in its tracks and separate and deal with each word individually. I like to imagine an invisible conveyor belt, delivering my thoughts that I can stop when I want. Take each word, and examine them one by one. You may want to ask yourself whether the word is anxiety provoking, if you are feeling anxious (once you break down the sentence into words, you can usually find that any emotional associations go) and then let the word float away, or be filed away, whatever works for you. You can then move onto the next word. This technique works by slowing down racing and repetitive thoughts and reducing the emotions they can cause. This help to induce a relaxed state, allowing sleep to happen. You may want to couple this technique with a relaxed breathing process. I find it useful to concentrate on the sound made from breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. By focusing on the sounds only, it is possible to quiet your mind. Karen Hastings is a Hypnotherapist, Herts and Master NLP practitioner. Karen provides Hypnotherapy, in Hertfordshire. She is also an NHS experienced Occupational Therapist and uses cognitive approaches and hypnotherapy to treat a wide range of emotional, behavioural and psychological problems.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
NLP and Hypnotherapy: The Link
NLP and Hypnotherapy are very closely related and could be considered to come from the same family of therapeutic approaches. In fact, if you are considering having hypnotherapy and are currently searching for a therapist, you will probably find that many hypnotherapists now-days, practice NLP to some level and conversely that most NLP practitioners who have completed certified training courses, will also be familiar with using hypnotic techniques during therapy sessions. How are these therapies similar? Hypnotherapy utilises hypnotic techniques in order to bring about therapeutic change. Hypnotherapy enables a person to solve personal problems by bringing about a deeply relaxing state of mind. When the person is deeply relaxed this allows the unconscious part of the mind to use its resources to find solutions. It also allows the person to focus their attention completely on the therapists voice in order to follow the positive suggestions and guidance the therapist is making. In hypnotherapy this relaxed state is called trance. All people experience trance states on a daily basis. Trance simply refers to the experience of being really relaxed. It also involves focusing your attention so that it is highly selective. Reading a really good book and being completely absorbed in it, is an example. Have you had the experience of being totally immersed in the characters of the book, being able to vividly imagine what they are like, whilst at the same time being able to ignore other noises and distractions going on around you? If so, you have experienced trance. Using your imagination and day-dreaming are other examples. Any time that you 'go inside' your own head you are in a light trance. If you've ever had the experience of having a problem that is constantly with you, so that it feels like all you have or all you are, is this problem, then you will know what it is like to experience a bad trance. Richard Bandler (a computer scientist) and John Grinder (an associate professor in linguistics) developed NLP in the 1970's. NLP was created after they spent time studying and modelling therapists who were considered to be extremely effective at getting good results. One of these therapists, was the Psychiatrist Milton Erickson. He was also an extremely talented hypnotherapist. Erikson's style of indirect hypnotic suggestion and skilled use of ambigous and vague language patterns, has become known as Ericksonian hypnosis. Since NLP was developed after modelling Erickson, many NLP techniques involve Ericksonian hypnotic approaches. Like more traditional hypnotherapy, NLP works with the unconscious part of the mind in order to find solutions to problems. NLP therapists are also trained in using Milton Model language patterns in order to induce light trance states in clients. This is very useful at getting a problem moving when a person is stuck in a bad trance. Other hypnotic techniques that are common to NLP include metaphorical story telling and utilising the client's imagination in order to bring about a highly focused state of attention during change techniques â a trance state. How do NLP and Hypnotherapy Differ You will find that they are more similar then they are different. During hypnotherapy you are much more likely to be seated in a comfy chair, perhaps reclining with your eyes closed! During NLP you often get more involved with the techniques on a practical level, so you may be standing, or be required to do or say certain things related to overcoming your problem. You may still get to close you eyes and you will certainly get to use your imagination. NLP techniques utilise hypnotic elements but usually in a more subtle way, the NLP therapist will empower you to draw on resources you already have in order to bring about new options in thinking. When you see an NLP therapist you will find they often use more traditional hypnotherapy techniques as well. At the end of your NLP session, after all the hard work, you will often get to recline back in your chair and experience relaxation so that you leave the therapists office feeling positive and ready to go on with your day. Karen has a degree in Psychology and is also a professionally qualified mental-health occupational therapist, with NHS experience. Karen is registered with the HPC and is also a member of the BAOT. Karen practices privately in Herts. Karen offers NLP, Herts and is trained to master practitioner level. Karen is trained to use Milton Model hypnotic techniques during NLP, Herts.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Misunderstandings About Hypnosis
Hypnosis refers to being in a trance like state, the kind of states that people experience naturally all the time in daily life. If you have ever been driving somewhere and have suddenly realised you have reached your destination, whilst being absorbed in thoughts about other things, if you have ever been so engrossed in a good book or movie, that you have been unaware of time or distractions, if you have ever daydreamed, then you have experienced trance. Hypnotherapistâs use hypnotic techniques in order to induce a trance like state in the individual. Whilst the individual is in trance, the therapist makes suggestions towards the clientâs goal. Hypnotherapy is based on the belief that when a person is in a trance state, conscious criticism and analysis is switched off, allowing therapy to be directed at the unconscious mind. It is also understood that the unconscious mind has access to areas of yourself that your conscious mind doesnât. For example, people have used self-hypnosis to control pain, control physiological functions such as heart rate and solve problems, which they are unable to do consciously. As an Occupational Therapist, therapist who often uses hypnotic techniques, at my NLP and Hypnotherapy practice, Herts for therapeutic benefits, I am aware that many people have inaccurate beliefs about hypnosis. For example, a friend asked me if I could work with her husband to make him give up smoking and pick up his socks! Two activities which he had no intention of stopping! In fact hypnotherapists cannot make people do anything they do not want to do and this will be explained along with other common misconceptions. 1. Hypnotherapists can make you do things against your will â This is not the case. During hypnosis you will be in a relaxed state and choose to follow the therapists voice and listen to the suggestions. The session relies on 100% commitment from the client, as all the work is carried out by the client in their imagination. The therapist can guide but cannot control what goes on inside your head. Therefore, if the therapist ever made any suggestions, which did not fit with your values or which you did not agree with, then you would immediately come out of your relaxed trance state. Since the success of hypnotherapy relies so much on the motivation and commitment of the client, a hypnotherapist cannot get rid of a âproblemâ that your not that bothered about solving. 2. Hypnosis is like being in a deep sleep â Unlike sleep, during hypnosis you will actually be highly aware of your surroundings and your senses will be switched on as you concentrate and focus on the therapists voice. 3. Some people can't be hypnotised Most people can go into relaxed trance states, as it's a normal experience that we have in life. A person who is particularly nervous about hypnotherapy, perhaps due to misconceptions about it, could resist going into trance if they really didn't want too. A good hypnotherapist is able to guide a nervous client into relaxation, this can be done at the clients own pace over a few sessions. 4. Hypnosis is therapy There is a big difference between a stage hypnotist and an experienced hypnotherapist. Hypnosis is a technique. Hypnotherapy is the therapy that is carried out during trance. A hypnotherapist must have a good understanding of clinical conditions and disorders in order to assess and treat appropriately. For this reason it's important to ascertain what experience your hypnotherapist has. 5. I've had hypnotherapy and I didn't go under! The first time I had hypnotherapy,I had the experience of being unsure of whether I had been successfully hypnotised. The reason is that some people expect hypnosis to feel unique in some way, when it is a familiar feeling of being relaxed and highly focused, like during day-dreaming. It's not like being anesthetised! Karen is a registered mental health occupational therapist. She has worked in the NHS with people with acute and chronic mental health problems.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Anxiety Treatment
If you are an anxiety sufferer, I am sure that you will have read plenty of literature, on and off the internet about what anxiety is, what causes anxiety, what anxiety symptoms are and also information about the current anxiety treatments available. Therefore, this article will not spend time talking about these issues. Understanding about anxiety is the first step in you overcoming it. However, the next and perhaps not as easy step, is to begin to become good at techniques that will allow you to master your anxiety or panic. I say ânot as easy stepâ, because this is the feedback that I often get from clients during my first consultation with them. They often report to me that they have read so much about their problem that they know all there is to know. The difficulty, they find, is putting into practice the techniques. This is where the support of a therapist can be invaluable. One of the more challenging, yet most effective techniques that a person with anxiety should know, is how to be mindful. What this means is being aware of the types of thoughts you have and the internal dialogue you hold with yourself. Being mindful means thinking about your thinking!! This article will discuss one way in which you can manage your anxiety by managing your thinking. We know that the way we think can affect the way we feel physically and emotionally. People suffering from anxiety for several years or more can develop unhelpful thinking habits. Negative thinking habits have been found to activate the flight or fight response. The trouble with negative thoughts is that they are very persuasive. Some of the characteristics of negative thoughts, is that they just âappearâ in your mind, they are unhelpful and stop you mastering anxiety, they are seductive, so that its easy to fall into the trap of believing them and they can seem overwhelming and difficult to dismiss from your mind. Sometimes we are aware of these thoughts and sometimes we are not. They can take the form of fleeting images or pictures in our minds, occurring automatically and disappearing quickly. One of the ways to deal with negative thoughts is to challenge them. First you have to identify them. This can be challenging itself! Particularly if they are automatic thoughts. Spend time noting your thoughts, the situation they occurred in and how you felt. Once you have begun to recognise when you are having negative or upsetting thoughts try the following one technique. It involves challenging your thoughts by asking yourself a series of questions. You will need to practice the process until it becomes a habit to not just accept your thoughts as truth. Ask yourself the following questions: 1. What is the evidence What evidence is there to support my thoughts? What evidence is there against them? Donât just assume your thought is true, record the evidence for both sides of the argument. 2. Objective perspective How would someone else view this situation? How would I have viewed this situation at times when I have been strong and calm? 3. Where does this thinking get me? What is the effect of thinking the way I do? Does it help me or hold me back? How does it do this? 4. What types of thinking error am I making? People with anxiety tend to display several common thinking bias, some of which are listed below. Try to identify the thinking distortions you may be making. All or nothing thinking: ignoring the middle ground Focusing on the negative: ignoring strengths or any positives Jumping to conclusions/mind reading: predicting the future Catastrophising: overestimating the chances of crises Personalising: blaming self for something, which is not your fault Living by rigid beliefs: fretting about how things ought/should/must be. 5. What can be done change my situation? What solutions are being overlooked? Make a list of what you can do to change your situation. 6.What is the worst possible outcome? What is the worst thing that would happen and how bad would that really be? Fantasy is usually much worse then reality!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Trying to Quit Smoking? Finding it difficult?
Here are some tips which should help you to quit easily and effectively. I, personally, quit smoking using hypnotherapy years ago and it worked wonders for me. I've been smoke free now for the last 15 years and, believe me, it was very little effort at all. Since that time, I have qualified as a hypnotherapist myself and have helped to dozens of people to quit the habit. Here are a few things that you may find useful:- Find a reason to quit. It may be that you want to be able to be a better athlete, run a marathon or just be able to play energetically with your kids. Focus on the reason you want to quit and not on the fact that you are not having a cigarette. Find a substitute. Whether it is drinking a glass of water or chewing gum, replacing the habit of reaching for a cigarette with something else will help you to get over the conditioned response. Take Vitamin B12 daily. Your first couple of weeks are usually the most difficult and can create mood swings and bad tempers. Vitamin B12 helps to calm the nerves and can help you through this difficult patch. Take a concentrated Vitamin C pill. When you first quit smoking, it can play havoc with your immune system leaving you open to colds and viruses. Taking a daily Vitamin C pill for the first couple of weeks can help to build up your immune system and help to defend against these illneses. Drink grapefruit juice. If you really do get a heavy craving for a cigarette, try drinking a glass of grapefruit juice before lighting up. The taste of the grapefruit juice will make any immediate cigarette you smoke taste foul. Having heavy cravings? Try this TFT technique to help you to reduce them. It may seem a bit silly, but the techniques are used to employ the left and right side of your brain in order to reset the settings of your anxiety. 1. Rate your craving on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 being the weakest and 10 being the strongest. 2. Whilst concentrating on the craving start to tap gently under your eye with two fingers ten times. 3. Still concentrating on your craving, tap on your collarbone ten times 4. Now tap under your eye ten times. 5. Now tap on the side of your hand (the karate chop point) ten times 6. Now start to tap on the back of your hand between the pinkie and third finger. 7. Still tapping this point, hum or whistle "Happy Birthday" 8. Still tapping this point count from 1 to 5. 9. Still tapping this point, hum or whistle "Happy Birthday" again. 10. Still tapping this point look down and to the right. Then look down and to the left. 11. Still tapping this point, roll your eyes around in a big circle as if looking around a giant clockface. 12. Still tapping this point, close your eyes, and then open your eyes. Ok, now rate your craving from 1 to 10 again. You should find that your craving has been reduced. If you want to reduce it some more, try repeating the technique again. All the above techniques should help to make quitting easier.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Pole Dancing To Keep Fit
Pole dancing is a new form of enjoyable exercise to hit the UK. Could this fun form of exercise be of interest to you. Do you not have time to go to the gym or bored with the same gym machines and the treadmill. Read more about this new approach to home fitness. This could be the new exercise workout just for you! Pole dancing burns calories, tones body muscles, increases flexibility and improves fitness. No matter what shape, age, size or fitness level, pole dancing is for everyone. Why not work out on a dance pole in the comfort of your own home? You can tone up and feel fantastic all in one go! You can now purchase fitness dance poles to install in your home on a permanent or temporary basis. Pole dancing can help tone your whole body, whilst also improving confidence and overall fitness. You can help to strengthen every part of your body whilst enjoying fun dance moves, without wondering what you look like! Pole Dancing can increase your fitness and confidence at your own pace as well as giving you an all over feeling of well being. There are many instructional pole dance DVDs available which can assist you in the most basic of pole exercises to the most expert moves and dance routines. There is a full range not just the UK but Australia, Canada and US. These feature champion pole dancers in their own right and include Fawnia Mondey, Pantera and Bobbi from Bobbiâs Pole Studio. Maybe your local fitness centre now offers this new and exciting form of exercise. There are some excellent pole dance classes available with structured workouts to fit your own fitness level. These classes are now becoming more popular. Gyms and leisure centres are starting to offer the classes in addition to other keep fit classes. You can choose to enrol on a course or attend pay as you go classes. The classes are predominately female only, but this does not stop males from attending some classes. If you are male it is best to check first before you attend a pole dance class. Some clubs and community centres may also offer classes. A search on the internet or local advertisements can bring up the names of pole dance teachers in your area. There is evidence to suggest pole dancing and fitness can have an effect on psychological processes as well physical ones. It is known that physical exertion has a positive effect on the sensory areas of the brain, causing it to release endorphins and Serotonin. These are hormones which give you feelings of happiness and some feelings of euphoria. They are also known as the bodyâs own natural painkillers. Learning to pole dance at first can appear to be difficult. There are many moves that you can learn, from beginners to intermediate through to advanced. There are many exciting names for the moves that can be done on a dance pole including back hook, chair, fireman, fairy, crucifix, chair slide, and sun wheel. There are several online communities, forums and networks that you can join for free where you can meet like minded people. You can ask members for advice on fitness, pole dancing in general or just exactly how to perfect that move you have been trying to master for ages. You may well end up with bruises, aches and pains, as you would expect when trying out a new form of exercise. These should be able to be cured by a little arnica cream, a natural herbal remedy for bruising, time and some tender loving care. But if you persevere you will increase your strength and skills which will enable you to become competent at using a pole. Some take to the art of pole dancing which such skill they eventually enter pole dancing competitions. Maybe you could be the next âMiss Pole Danceâ champion. Whatever your reason for choosing to learn to pole dance, many women have commented on their increased confidence since taking up this form of fitness. So go on, why not give it a try and feel like a new woman! There are many health benefits to pole dancing. Apart from being a fun activity, research suggests that young adults who participate in a healthy fitness regime are less likely to develop diseases such as; heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure and diabetes in later life. A study conducted in North-Western University (USA) showed that out of a group of 4400 men and women (aged 18-30) studied over a 15 year period, those with moderate or low fitness levels were twice more likely to develop high blood pressure and diabetes than those with high fitness levels. According to studies, this proves that conditions such as, heart disease and diabetes are not all necessarily the result of ageing. You can then of course partly control your own destiny by undertaking a suitable fitness regime. One of which is as much fun as the prospect of improving your long term health. Physical activity such as; pole dancing can fit all the suitable characteristics required to give you a fun yet, healthy lifestyle. This activity can have many health benefits. Regular exercise can improve lifestyle as well as improving health, some of which include; increased levels of HDL âgoodâ cholesterol, lowering raised blood pressure, boosting your immune system and improving your mood by reducing anxiety which can be caused by stress and lead to depression. It is hoped that this factual information has motivated you to make slight adjustments to your lifestyle which could improve your long term health benefits. Pole dancing and exercise offers you a fun, yet fulfilling form of exercise which can be enjoyed at any age or fitness level. So why not give it a try and see for yourself!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Gym Germs
Over recent years Health centres, gymnasiums and dance centres have become a regular and popular routine for many fitness gurus. Yet, these seemingly healthy environments can be a mecca for multiplying germs and can become a breeding ground for illnesses and infections. The gym environment is the ideal breeding area for many germs. The warm moist air from hot, sweating bodies is the perfect environment for incubating and multiplying bugs. The gym and fitness room equipment provide an ideal environment in which these bugs can thrive. For example, barbells, fitness dance poles, safety mats and even gym towels can house these infectious germs. The human body is the main transport system for these germs. Your hands can easily be contaminated without you even knowing and pass them to anything you touch. Most cold and flu viruses are passed by droplets from a personâs mouth or nose. If these are present on gym equipment they can easily infect the next person to use the equipment. There are four major micro-organisms (germs) which are common in fitness centres and gymnasiums: Bacteria â These single-celled organisms which include, staphylococcus aureus and streptococci. These can cause skin infections. The germ is easily transmitted to another person and can cause serious illnesses such as; pneumonia Fungi â A single-celled organism which is slightly more complex than a bacteria cell. This microorganism thrives in areas of moisture and warmth. Any of these unwanted germs can cause fungal infections such as; athletes foot. Each person is affected by a fungal infection differently than another, yet all infections are uncomfortable and can be easily prevented with good personal hygiene. Protozoa â A single-celled organism e.g. Giardia, commonly found in hot tubs, whirlpools and swimming pools which are poorly sanitized. These are the rarest form of infectious agent found in gym areas. Viruses â These are the most complex of micro-organisms and require a host in order to survive. These are passed via human contact and cause illnesses such as; the influenza virus and the common cold. Health and Safety â Employers or owners of gymnasiums, dance clubs and the like have a duty to ensure that any customer or employee are safe during their time of leisure or employment. Customers may come into contact with harmful or infectious micro-organisms on a daily basis at any gymnasium or fitness centre, therefore, the risk of contamination from equipment or close contact with other customers also increases on a daily basis. Thus it is the responsibility of the owners of the club or fitness centre to ensure the health and safety of any customer or employee by following strict health and safety regulations. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 states: Section 3 of the act - âplaces general duties upon employers and the self-employed to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of anyone not in their employment who are likely to be affected by their undertakingâ. So if you are a teacher, instructor, or responsible for gym or fitness equipment then you will need to ensure you keep the equipment free from harmful gym germs. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 states: Section 3 of the act - âplaces general duties upon employers and the self-employed to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of anyone not in their employment who are likely to be affected by their undertakingâ. For cleaning many of these gym germs we would recommend to keep all equipment and gym areas fully maintained and cleaned regularly. We would recommend an anti bacterial and anti fungi solution. We have fitness dance poles that are regularly used by students and gym users for pole dancing classes. These dance poles are likely to harbour many gym germs. We use a PAL disinfectant probe wipe which is impregnated with a high specification broad spectrum bactericide. Used in both health care and food industry, they are active against bacteria as well as viruses and fungi. These are ideal for use to clean your fitness dance pole. Antibacterial wipes are safe and easy to use before and after pole dancing dance. Especially useful to help control the spread of bacteria and fungi on lap dance poles and other equipment used in gyms, clubs and leisure centers.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Beauty Sleep - It's For Real!!
How many of us wake up with fine lines, puffy bags or dark circles under our eyes? The phrase getting your beauty sleep really does have merit! During deep (REM) sleep, our body works to restore our skin from the negative effects of daily stress. It's a necessary time that our body uses to restore energy reserves and regenerate tissues and cells. While sleep experts recommend 8 hours of sleep each night, research indicates that the average woman gets just slightly more than 6.5 hours each night. Not only does this lack of recuperative sleep leave us feeling more irritable, it may also be damaging our skin. It can cause premature aging, not to mention a host of non-skin related problems. While there are a plethora of cosmetics designed to mask the effects of sleep deprivation, the best thing you can do for your skin is to get better sleep. So, with the many demands us women have in our lives, how are we supposed to sleep more restfully? Here are some tips that you can try: 1. Take the TV out of your bedroom! Television stimulates your brain activity making it harder to fall into a deep sleep. 2. Keep the temperature in your room cool. Use a quiet fan if you need to. 3. Don't eat after 7 p.m. Going to bed overfull isn't good for your sleep or your digestion. Have a snack early in the evening. If you must have something later, make it small. 4. Limit your caffeine and nicotine intake. Both are stimulants that can contribute to sleeping issues. 5. Taking a relaxing bath before bedtime can help promote sleep. The heat from the water naturally relaxes your muscles. 6. Have a warm glass of milk. Grandma knew what she was talking about. Warm milk contains tryptophan, a natural substance thought to aid in sleep. 7. Keep the bedroom dark. The part of the brain that controls your sleep cycle is located close to the optic nerves and is light sensitive. Use heavy blind or drapes to keep the room dark. 8. Use lavender scented potpourri in your room or a lavender scented linen spray on your bed linens. Lavender has long been used to promote relaxation and aid in better sleep.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Energy Drinks - The Truth
Every one of us from time to time is going through serious physical and mental efforts. In such condition it's practically impossible to bring back alertness and freshness with a cup of coffee or a glass of juice. Because of that, Energy drinks like Red Bull become more and more trendy and popular. The taste of all Energy drinks is almost indistinguishable from the ordinary soda, but the composition of ingredients varies from one brand to another. The Energy drinks contain all kinds of vitamins, caffeine, and many other components that imitate the feeling of freshness and "refill" a person with vital energy to help in overcoming fatigue. Such components are Taurine or Carnitin. Those chemicals improve the metabolism and the concentration and cause significant withdrawal of tiredness symptoms. The use of Energy drinks becomes very popular among young people especially with alcohol drinks: As they say "With them it's much easier to drink and dance during the whole night in discotheques". The First Energy drinks appeared in China. They arrived to Europe during the 80's. The million dollar question is: How safe is this magic poison in cans? One of the main components of it is Caffeine. It causes to temporal alertness but does not enrich the body with energy. By that we push our body to its limits and even beyond. The content of the synthetic caffeine in non-alcoholic Energy drinks is up to 320 mg / l vs. the recommended upper tolerable levels of consumption of 150 mg per day. But that's not all. As was found, "Red Bull" - the most popular and fashionable Energy drink can be deadly to humans. The production and sale of the drink is already banned in Australia and New Zealand. In France, Denmark and Norway energy drinks are prohibited for sale in food stores and are allowed to be sold only in pharmacies because they are considered as no other than medicine. Another interesting fact: Red Bull actually became popular as a cocktail with vodka. Now It is Especially not recommended to use Energy drinks in combination with alcohol or caffeine. There are known cases of death of youngsters that drank very large amounts of "Energy" drinks after a workout at the gym, in combination with or even without an alcohol. One of them is a tragic case of a young 18- year-old basketball player that died right after the match. He drank 3 cans of non alcoholic Energy drinks before the match. The federal health services warned about the usage of Energy drinks because of the negative impact they might have and because of the fact that currently there is not enough information about the safety of Energy formula. The use of Energy drinks in combination with alcohol may cause major changes in the human psyche and in the physiologic state of the body. So when and in what quantities of Energy drinks can we have? Drinking 2-3 cans a day can cause not only increasing of the nervous anxiety or insomnia, but also fatal arrhythmia, a sharp increase in blood sugar and raising blood pressure. Even the manufacturers recommend drinking of no more than 2 cans a day, but to person suffering from high blood pressure, it can easily cause to fatal hypertonic crisis. It is not recommended to allow drinking of Energy drinks to children, pregnant women and persons suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Many countries demand a comprehensive exam of Energy drinks and their components. To ensure safe usage, the amount recommended is no more than 2 cans per day, use of no more than one Energy component in one single Energy drink and prohibit sale of soft drinks containing Energy compounds in school cafeterias. In general, it would be much safer to avoid drinking of Energy drinks as coffee or juice, before and after serious physical effort or sports as body reaction can be unpredictable.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
REM sleep behavior disorder and Chronic Tiredness
Not many people know the connection between Tiredness and REM sleep behavior disorder - RBD. Lately scientific researches show clearly that: * Better sleep, better health * Good sleep even helps to preserve health Good Night's Sleep absence affects our health and causes chronic Tiredness, irreversible damage to the human's immune system and even develops neurological disorders. Sleep is a much more complicated process than most people realize. It gives the human brain some resting time to complete a number of complex tasks. It is accomplished through 5 different sleep stages, most commonly known are REM and NREM - Rapid and Non-rapid Eye Movement. NREM is divided into 4 different stages. During NREM the brain and the body organs are more relaxed and the tonus is significantly lowered. REM occurs during 20-25% of sleep period and is associated with Dreaming. During REM the brain and the organs become completely active in an almost similar way to wakefulness: the eye movement and the blood pressure rises, breathing becomes irregular and there is even a lose of muscle tone (paralysis). When Paralysis during REM is absent or incomplete the person suffers from REM sleep Behavior Disorder - RBD. The Person suffering RBD usually awakes with a feeling of tiredness (fatigue), loss of energy, no mood, and difficulty to concentrate and finish common daily tasks. All of the above affect the relationships with the family members, and with friends. Some of the people suffering from RBD developed serious neurodegenerative diseases during several years. One of them is Parkinson's disease. However, not all the persons with RBD developed that disease and it is a complex task to find relationship between RBD and Parkinson's disease. The main symptom for REM sleep behavior disorder is dream enacting behaviors, sometime violent, causing self injury or injury of bad partner. Because of that, people with RBD need careful follow-up. The symptoms of RBD can be successfully controlled with medications. The treatment should be continued indefinitely because with discontinuation of it, violent behavior and nightmares promptly recur. According to all of the above, it is very important to diagnose and treat all sleep disorders right on time, before they become chronic and are the reason to appearance of complications. There is a lot of valuable information on the net related to the issue above. One can find answers to all possible questions and even the latest updates. Some studies are giving very helpful info and Natural Methods of treatment for REM Sleep Disorder and Chronic Tiredness too. One of them is Tina Hagen's book "End Tiredness Program". The program is taking care of the human body condition instead of the symptoms. The efficiency of the program is proven by practice on volunteers and on enthusiastic readers that successfully tried methods described in the book. Since published more and more people choose "End Tiredness Program". Tina Hagen is a counselor and tiredness expert which focuses on working with police officers and fire fighters. There are different reasons why people feel tired but Tina believes that whatever the cause is - tiredness must be treated. The treatment is always the same - You have first to determine why you feel tired and then do something about it. More detailed info and answers on questions regarding to Tina Hagen's "End Tiredness Program" read on Stop-Being-Tired.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Chew Your Food
I am going to share with you possibly the most important piece of advice you will ever receive about nutrition. This piece of advice is not about supplementation. It is not about what you should be eating. However this piece of advice affects every other dietary choice that you make. Are you ready? Chew your food! Chewing is the first step of the digestive process. The fancy word for it is mastication. What it means is that what you put in your mouth is ground up into smaller pieces and mixed with some digestive enzymes to begin the digestive process. What is the digestive process? To understand the process, it s best to first understand the purpose. The purpose of digestion is to extract beneficial materials from what you eat and expel the rest. This process involves breaking down your food into smaller and smaller pieces. When some of those pieces are small enough they are absorbed into your bloodstream. Other components, like insoluble fiber, continue on through your intestines and help to expel other waste products and to clean the surfaces of your intestines. So what does this have to do with chewing? If you do not properly to your food, what you have eaten will go through your digestive system as large pieces of food. You do not have teeth anywhere else in your body. After you swallow your food, there are no other opportunities to break up large pieces of food. The acid from your stomach and the enzymes from your small intestine will only be able to act on the exposed surfaces. Chewing properly is the only way to grind up your food so that it is small enough to allow the rest of your digestive system to extract as many of the available nutrients as possible. So the next time you eat, put a little thought into the first step of digestion.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Relationship Advice: Follow Your Gut!
When people seek relationship advice from a trusted friend or family member, it is most likely a waste of time, says relationship author Justin Luyt. "We ask for relationship advice often when we feel we do not have the answers to our relationship challenges," Luyt says. "We grasp for external wisdom, with the false belief that we do not know the answers, but if we are being authentic to ourselves, we have those answers."Luyt recently published The Spirit of Romance, a book that offers readers practical relationship advice and uses interactive planning tools to not just change thoughts, but feelings and behavior, too. Using the term "Spirit", Luyt defines the inner source people must acknowledge before looking honestly inside themselves instead of seeking relationship advice from others."We know why we are where we are in the relationship," Luyt says, "but often avoid our own internal introspection. Spirit challenges us to grow and learn."He insists that by strengthening relationship with Spirit, people can truly grow and move past the challenges at hand."When we ask for help from a friend, it is for an ear... not guidance," he summarizes.Throughout his book, Luyt offers a look at self-reflective relationship advice, all based on Spirit, which allows people to see others in their true light, as people filled with desires, dreams and vulnerabilities.Luyt writes people seek mutual personal and spiritual growth as the basis for any relationship. His ideas of Spirit inspire people too look within their core being to experience something they can understand and feel completely. This acceptance of Spirit negates the need for outside relationship advice when people can answer the crucial questions with knowledge from within.When a relationship changes form or course, people have it within their Spirit to redirect their energies from sensitivity and vulnerability to spiritual strength. This strength gives people the ability to become their own relationship advisors because they have gained the insight necessary to overcome false doubts.Luyt writes, "People are here to grow; and spiritual growth occurs in a space of love, not fear."Through his public speaking and counseling work, the South African native has developed the Accelerated Romance Coaching Program, a one-of-a-kind mentoring and coaching system for singles and couples. Various Fortune 500 companies have used his trans-continental engagingly fresh, out-of-the-box and into- reality approach for group seminars, training and coaching.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
10 Filler Activities for the Summer Business Slowdown
Summer is a time for the outdoors, for that well-deserved vacation, and with everyone out and about, it s also a time that you may notice a slowdown in demand for your products and services. So what can you do during this summer slowdown? Well, it s a great time to do the work that otherwise never gets done during the busy business year.Here are 10 filler activities you can do while waiting for business to pick up:(1) Write a bunch of ads, 3-liners, 4-liners, all the different formats you'll need to submit to ezines. Have a bunch to choose from, and have them ready to go so anytime you need an ad to submit, you've got a selection to pick from.(2) If you've been publishing an ezine for some length of time now, consider giving it a breath of fresh air. Refresh old columns, inject some new content, give your formatting a new look, play around with fonts and colors, and see if you can't come up with a friendlier, more readable, more exciting ezine.(3) Take a long hard look at your website. If you ve had the same design for ages, maybe it s time to consider a facelift. While some may argue that it s unwise to change a look-and-feel that your customers have come to identify with your business, I tend to think that an all-too-familiar website can get old and boring. Not much of an incentive to returning visitors.I m not saying to change your design every six months, but I think a year or two would be a nice length of time to be thinking about rejuvenating your website and making it more exciting for your visitors to come back. Keep logos and navigation intact so visitors won t have to waste time learning where everything is again.(4) Take some time out to meet other netpreneurs and do some networking, both offline and online. You can either join a discussion forum or group, or set up your own (but only if you think you will have the time to manage it when summer s over and the real work begins). Networking s a great way to find out what s new, what others are doing, and what you can offer.(5) Clean up your hard disk. You ll be surprised at what sort of junk lives in your hard disk. If you re like me, you ve probably collected tons of just-in-case stuff that are just laying there waiting for the twelfth of never. Use this downtime to trash useless files, and get the useable ones organized into folders. Give these folders meaningful names so you can easily locate stuff when you need them.(6) In a dilemma as to what files to delete permanently, and what to keep just-in-case? Back up the just-in-case files to a CD, label it and stash it away. Then delete those files off your hard disk. Now you have an archive of just-in-case files in offline storage, not taking up valuable disk space. This takes some sorting out but it s well worth the effort.(7) Okay, let s be honest, when was the last time you defragmented your hard disk? Can t remember? And you re wondering why your PC is dragging its feet when you re in hurry? Well, guess what, it s time to do a defrag. The last defrag I did took hours, and that s because I hadn t done one in ages. If this sounds like you, I suggest you start one up just before you head out to that pool party, and by the time you get back, you should have a nice neat disk all ready to sprint into action.(8) One major word of caution: Before you start any kind of spring-cleaning on your PC, do a backup! The reason why I m emphasizing this is that I ve been caught without a backup before and it sure ain t where you wanna be at . At any rate, backups should be a regular thing you do, not just a summertime activity. But hey, if you ve got some time on your hands this summer, by all means, do a full backup of your hard disk.(9) Get your mailbox organized. With the amount of email we get these days, your mailbox can get pretty messy over a period of time. So while your business day s not as hectic as usual during summer, create new folders, label them meaningfully, and organize your mail where they belong. If you run several businesses, or are a member of co-ops or affiliate programs, this is a definite must-do! Once you ve got your folders in place, it s easy to drag and drop your email to the appropriate folder as they come in.(10) Okay, now that you re done with the online housekeeping, how about some offline tidying-up around your work area or home office? Get your paperwork organized into folders. Labeling them in big letters; or better yet, color-coding them makes them easier to find. Keep current folders within reach. Everything else gets stashed away into boxes out of sight until you need them.Whatever you re doing this summer, have fun.