Monday, July 21, 2008

How To Analyze a Dream

There are many theories as to what 'dreams' are. Doorways to the subconscious, glimpses into the spirit realm, or visions of the future - at one point or another we all probably subscribe to one or more of these theories. Personally, I believe that dreams are the ways in which our subconscious minds attempt to show the conscious that the cold hard view of the world we see while awake is not the only dimension of existence. The most marvellous kind of dreams are 'lucid' dreams. These occur when you realize you are dreaming, but stay in the dream. At that point you can usually start to control the dream. This has led some researchers to think that dreams are simply random 'processes' in the mighty supercomputer that is the human brain, firing off as the system slips into 'power saver' mode!
Whatever your beliefs, you will no doubt at some time or other wonder what one of your dreams 'means'. The first thing to remember is that the subconscious mind deals in images, not words. So try to focus on the imagery of the dream, not the language. Nevertheless, you need to record your dreams on paper or dictaphone so you can study them later. The main problem here is that when you wake up it may take you several minutes to remember that you should be writing down your dreams, by which time, of course, they will have evaporated into thin air, so keep your pen and paper near the bed. You may wake up in the middle of the night, and if you don't immediately write down the dream, it will most likely vanish forever. This is what poeple who say 'I don't dream' really mean - they simply can't remember their dreams!
Once you have some raw material to work with, how do you interpret it? Interpretations of dreams are highly personal, although there are a few culture-specific symbols we all seem to share (such as 'snake' meaning sex, for example). Other symbolism may be obscure to your, but you need to remember that your subconscious is trying to show you something, and even if it is couched as a riddle, it makes sense on some level.
The trick is to look for repeated imagery - these are symbols your subconscious believes are truly important to you at this point in time. What symbol is the most significant or confusing to your waking mind? Make a note of it. You will by now have realized that it is not only the actual symbols that are important when interpreting dreams but the feelings and implications your conscious attaches to those symbols. Without both sides of that puzzle, you can't interpret dreams accurately.
Most people have several types of dream, the most common probably being the 'anxiety' dream. On one level, this is your subconscious trying to let you know that it understands there is a problem and sympathises. On another level, if you can unpick the puzzling symbolism, you may find that your subconscious has actually supplied a solution to the problem, and this is particularly true of recurring dreams. Something really important is being communicated - can you accept the message and act on it? Because until you do so, the dream will recur.
So can you learn how to interpret other people's dreams, given that a sound interpretation relies on much personal knowledge? Head over to and find out!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

It’s All About The Abs - Abdominal Exercise Equipment

There have been many studies and reports about how our society as a whole has grown heavier and chubbier. The stomach, in particular, has become a trouble spot for many people. This is due in part to the fact that many of us have desk jobs where we rarely use our stomach and abdomen muscles. For others, this is where the excess fat, brought on by the fast food and extra beers, settles in our bodies. Whatever the reason for our big bellies, there has been a host of abdominal exercise equipment and gadgets to help do away with stomach flab. Some of these techniques and equipment work better than others. This article will help you sort through the hype.
Before beginning a discussion of abdominal exercises and equipment, it is important to point out that even the best ab machine will not help you loose fat in your stomach area. Abdominal exercise equipment can tone and shape your muscles, but the only way to loose the fat is to consume more calories than you take in. Exercise will help you do this, but it is a total body process, not targeted to certain areas.
It is also important to note, that for many people, a flat stomach is not in their genetics, even if they are in good physical shape. Some stomachs have a small curve, and all the crunches in the world won’t change that. However, the exercises and equipment discussed below will help tone, strengthen and define your abdominal muscles.
Abdominal Exercises & Equipment
There are many different types of ab exercisers and equipment. One of the most effective of these, the Roman Chair, is not strictly an ab machine. It is a common piece of equipment found at the gym but it can be used to perform a very effective ab exercise. The Roman Chair is a somewhat taller machine with two stationary, parallel arms and a straight, padded back. There is nothing to sit on.
When working on abs, the best way to use this piece of equipment is to place your forearms flat on each armrest, with your back firmly against the padding. You should have the Roman Chair set high enough that your legs dangle straight down when you are in position. Then slowly bring your knees toward your chest as far as you can go and hold for a few seconds before extending them to the beginning position. This exercise was number two in a San Diego State University survey that ranked the top abdominal exercises and equipment.
According to the survey, the best ab exercise is the Bicycle maneuver. Many of you are probably familiar with this fun exercise. We’ve been doing it since we were kids in gym class, and it turns out, the bicycle is one of the most effective exercises for working those abdominal muscles. To do the exercise correctly, lie on a mat and press your lower back flat. Put your hands beside your head. Tighten your abdominal muscles and bend your knees toward your chest until they are at about a 45-degree angle. Bring your right elbow in contact with your left knee. Then alternate with the opposite knee and elbow and repeat. You should feel it in your sides and abs.
Leg Crunches are similar to the Bicycle, but with crunches, your torso does most of the movement. Lie on the mat again with your lower back pressed flat. Place your hands at your sides or by your head, whichever is more comfortable. Be sure not to put any pressure on your arms or you will take away from the effectiveness of the exercise.
Lift your legs straight up above your head and bend your knees slightly. Squeeze your abdominal muscles and then lift your torso up off the mat toward your knees. Return to the original position with your back flat on the mat. Relax your abdominal muscles and then repeat. Remember to breathe during the exercise.
Crunches can also be done on an exercise ball and many feel it is more effective than standard crunches. You sit on the ball and place your feet on the floor about a foot apart. Roll back carefully on the ball until you are lying with your back fully extended on the ball. Tighten your abdominal muscles and raise your trunk off the ball to about a 30-degree angle. Return to the extended position and repeat.
Exercise balls are one of the most versatile and effective pieces of fitness equipment relative to their cost. Another low cost equipment alternative is a stretch band. These are just what they sound like, a stretchy band made of lycra, nylon or sometimes rubber. Sometimes called resistance bands, they allow you to work one muscle group while the resistance of the band stabilizes the opposing muscles. It is good for stretching and strengthening muscles and is often used with beginners and those who have experienced an injury.
If you are looking for something a bit more high-tech, there are several pieces of equipment made especially to work the abs. There are the Ab Crunch Machine and the Back and Ab Machine. Both of these pieces of abdominal exercise equipment have been designed to support the lower back and the neck. They also come with adjustable resistance settings.
The Ab Slider, Ab Wheel, and Ab Trainer are other examples of equipment designed to target abdominal muscles. As with most types of fitness equipment, their effectiveness often is dependant upon correct usage and, in some cases, combining them with other abdominal exercises. It is important to fully research the equipment and read instructions before using.
The quest for six-pack abs and flat stomachs has intensified over the past few years. In response, the fitness industry has resurrected some old, faithful exercises, developed new and improved versions, and even created equipment specifically to target abdominal muscles. Combine these top abdominal exercises with an overall exercise routine and a healthy diet, and chances are you will loose the flab and have a stronger, more shapely mid section in a matter of months.